Beautiful Lie [to Believe in] | 03/?? | AoixRuki, UruhaxRuki

Feb 25, 2010 14:18

Title: Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter: 3/??
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: AoixRuki, RukixAoi, UruhaxRuki, possibly more to come
Theme: 011: Dear My Friend - Miyavi @ 50stories
Rating: R, NC-17
Genre: AU (highschool), angst, smut
Warning: Yaoi, (slight) pedophilia, incestuous relationship, domestic abuse, possible violence. Not comfortable with those issues? Save yourselves and DON'T read this. I'm serious.
Disclaimer: Title is taken from 30 Seconds to Mars's song, Beautiful Lie. the GazettE belongs to themselves and, yes, the Almighty PSC. I, well I own this story. It's fiction, meaning IT'S NOT REAL and I'm making no profit from it (except my 15 minutes of fame). Yes, mind that.
Summary: He was an outcast, an unwanted child that was thrown away, even by his own family. He was taught by life not to trust anyone, especially those who came to him offering the thing called 'love'. 'Love' was just a small part of his dream, and dreams, as far as he knew, weren't real and could never be real.
In this case, Shiroyama Yuu was definitely not an exception.
Comment: Yo!! Update!!! And and and!! Now it's beta-ed!!! Did you notice I erased the 'grammatical errors and typos' from the warning section? Thanks to the very awesome izumi_luvsjrock and I think I need to announce that you're my official beta now (enjoy the torture~ XD).
In this chapter you're going to find out a bit about Uruha so click the cut and read ^^ Enjoy!

Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter 03

Damn it. I shouldn’t have forced myself to go to school today. I had already seen vivid evidence in the mirror, evidence that I hadn’t had enough sleep-but unquestionably, who could have slept after the situation I had to go through last night? Until the sun rose, I had stayed awake and if there had been a moment in which I fell asleep, it was extremely short. As a result I had to go to school with awful black bags under my eyes, and they looked so strikingly obvious, Uruha could see them from five meters away. What’s worse about this horror was the constant dizziness that made me feel as if I would faint on the spot. I had to keep looking for something to hang on to, to stop me from crashing onto the floor.

As if all this wasn’t enough to torment me, during Physical Education period I had to deal with our teacher who seemed to be suffering from a hideous kind of PMS (okay so he’s a guy, as far as I could tell, but from the very random and unexpected way his mood kept changing, I thought looks could very well be deceiving). I barely survived after having to run around the field four times, do thirty push-ups and then thirty sit-ups. Sound exhausting enough? Well, believe it or not, those were only warm-ups. Once he thought we were all ‘warmed up’ enough, he told us to practice pitching and catching under the unmercifully burning hot sun.

Good God, I hate baseball. I hate sports.

When PE hour was finally over, I honestly felt I would actually faint. One of my classmates offered to walk me to the infirmary; he was probably worried after he saw me wobbling all over the place, but I told him I would be fine. All I needed was a nice, hot shower and a whole gallon of orange juice. I didn’t give the slightest damn that lunch break was still two hours away. I was pretty sure that Murakami-sensei, our History teacher, wouldn’t miss me much and certainly would not be looking for me if I skipped his class. It was very likely that he wouldn’t even notice my empty seat because most of the times he was more preoccupied with the white board and talking to it instead of checking if his students were still inside the class or gone.

Sweating like a pig and slightly dizzy from the lack of oxygen, I and everybody else, scrambled into the changing room. With the remaining strength I had left, I pushed through my class mates shoving whoever got in my way, making sure I got first shift to use the bathroom. My whole body felt all wet and sticky, that my t-shirt and pants were glued to my skin. It was highly uncomfortable; I just wanted to take it all off.

"Hey, what happened to your thigh?"

I looked over my shoulder to find Akira standing there; his eyes pointed at my thigh. I didn’t understand what he was talking about until I followed the direction of his eyes and saw what he found so interesting. I held back a gasp and hurriedly covered that part of my thigh I had accidentally exposed when I was pulling up the rims of my pants. Crap, I should have been more careful. The extreme weather and the PE teacher were all to blame for this.

"Umm…" I quickly urged my brain to come up with a lie. "Yesterday I slipped on the bathroom floor and bumped myself against the bathtub."

"Oh…" Akira was still staring at my leg although I had covered them.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, nothing," he mumbled, before finally turning his sight elsewhere.

I knew he suspected something. He didn’t say anything but I could read it on his face. But of course, who wouldn’t be suspicious? You don’t get a bruise in the form of a hand print when you bump against the bathtub.

This wasn’t good. I couldn’t guess what Akira was thinking and I didn’t like that. I didn’t like a situation in which I wasn’t taking control of things and was required to wait, to guess what was going to happen. Asking Akira about what he was truly thinking about would be a very stupid thing to do; by doing that I would only draw his curiosity towards knowing what truly happened. For now all I could do was to act like there wasn’t anything to be worried about, and in the mean time pray that Akira believed whatever I had told him, and hope that he would soon forget what he had seen.

It was only when I was locking the bathroom door behind my back that I realized how fast my heart was beating inside my chest-so fast that it actually hurt.


Uruha didn’t ask much questions when I approached him in the cafeteria during lunch break. I was very grateful for his understanding. The truth was I knew what he was thinking. I knew the concern he must have felt, but as usual, he refrained from saying anything. Oh okay, so this morning he told me I looked ugly-like a panda with black shadows all around my eyes-but that was easier to live with compared with if he had asked questions instead, questions that required me to answer. If Uruha had been a nosy, overly curious person, I was certain I wouldn’t have been friends with him. And he, without a doubt, wouldn’t have stayed anywhere near me because I would have lied continuously to him.

But behind his silence I knew Uruha cared-in fact, he was probably the only person in the world who gave a damn about me, even though I didn’t think I deserved it. He, who should have been hanging out with popular people that suited himself, hung out with me instead… me, the single worthless existence of this universe. Yes, Uruha was indisputably popular in this school; it was easy to understand, he had the face and posture of a model or maybe a teenage drama movie star or whatever. He was my complete opposite. I didn’t understand what had made him feel comfortable being around me; but whatever it was I couldn’t complain. If Uruha hadn’t been around, my life in this school would have been so dreadfully boring.

"Baseball, huh?" Uruha asked, wearing a wide grin on his face.

I nodded sluggishly, gulping in my orange juice at the same time. "Kato-sensei’s mood was hellish today," I answered. "He seemed so eager to kill us all, slowly. I was lucky I didn’t faint on the field."

Uruha laughed. "My class had gone through that yesterday. I actually pitied Masami-sensei because her period was right after PE. Almost every kid fell asleep in class while she was trying to teach."

I laughed along. I was pretty sure the situation in Uruha’s class the other day didn’t differ much with how it must have been in my class during History period. I couldn’t speak much of it, though; I had been deeply asleep up on the roof for those two whole hours.

We spent lunch break hour talking about Uruha’s job that, he said, had gotten a bit more intense lately because there was an employee who had left his position. Then, since his boss seemed to think Uruha was the best there was when it came to dealing with customers, he increased Uruha’s shift to five days a week from the usual three days. Uruha complained because none of the other employees worked as much as he did, and no one else but him ever did overtime.

I felt sympathy for him, I really did, but I supposed I understood the way Uruha’s boss was thinking. That CD shop had hardly received visitors before Uruha came and worked there. In the matter of corporate name the store had a high-class reputation, so it was completely understandable how they were paying their workers so highly. Unfortunately, the location of the shop wasn’t all that strategic. Big, tall buildings stood by its sides, squishing that poor little shop and making it hard to be noticed. People walked right past it. But then Uruha applied for the part-time job they had opened and, boom! Now the place was almost constantly crowded by people-either people who really wanted to buy CDs or those who came just to see Uruha up close.

It was too hard to deny but Uruha was really a chick’s magnet-hold on, I had to correct that. The number of men falling on their knees in front of Uruha could not be ignored. I had heard Uruha talking, with a very sour look on his face, about the male students in this school and also other schools that confessed their affection to him. According to Uruha’s words, he ignored every single confession that had ever been thrown on his way, whether it was from a female or male. And now, as far as I knew, Uruha was still holding on to his single status. He said he didn’t like to be tied down and I could see why; knowing Uruha for as long as I did, memorizing the reckless and clumsy way he lived his life, it seemed better-wiser-if he stayed single for a little while longer.

"Hey, what’s with that kid?" Uruha suddenly asked while we were in the middle of talking about his part-time job.

"Who?" I scrunched my forehead and turned around, trying to find where Uruha’s eyes were drawn to. Which kid did he mean? And then I saw her: a girl lowered her head in a sudden movement, right there across the room. Mitsui…?

"She’s been watching you," Uruha told me when I turned my attention back to him.

"No way."

Uruha nodded. "She walked right behind you when you entered the cafeteria, and since then, she hasn’t taken her eyes off of you, not even for a second."

Uruha’s words didn’t sound sensible to my ears. If he had just told me that a girl had been staring at him instead of me, I wouldn’t have been half as confused as I was now. To make sure, I turned my head around again. And again, the girl hurried to avert his glance. It was undeniably suspicious, the way she tried to put rice into her mouth which only ended up falling off her chopsticks and onto the table, and also the way she had kept her head down, letting her hair cover her face. Maybe Uruha was actually telling me the truth. But then, why was Mitsui Aki staring at me?

"Obviously, it’s not because she has a crush on you," Uruha answered when I voiced out my confusion.

My brows rose on my forehead. "Oh yeah? How did you know that?"

"How did I know that?" Uruha laughed bitterly. "From the many experiences I have had of being someone else’s object of observation, that’s how. After all this time, whether I like it or not, I’ve gotten used to reading people’s faces and eyes. Now I can easily tell you the looks of a person when they have a crush on someone. And I am telling you now that that-" he shrugged his head toward Mitsui, "-is definitely not the looks of a girl who has a crush on you."


I walked unhurriedly heading toward the front gate, exhaling in the midst of the soft, gentle breeze that blew against me, caressing my skin. The temperature this afternoon differed quite a lot with how it had been earlier this noon. I could even feel the slightly damp air, one of the telltale signs informing me that it might rain later. Such a drastic weather shift, but what could I expect from this odd climate we were having lately?

Uruha walked beside me, striding with his long, lazy steps; his posture, as usual, was slightly hunched. It was a habit of his that I had repeatedly asked him to change, but, as we could all see for ourselves, he just kept going back to do it all over again. I had told him that the way he hunched would decrease his popularity amongst his fans, but rather than taking my advice into consideration, he actually laughed and said, "Then I’ll just hunch every time I walk, if it actually does have the possibility of getting rid of them."

Uruha’s eyes and fingers were preoccupied with his cellphone typing an e-mail. His lips were moving mumbling something that sounded like, "That asshole, he just won’t stop torturing me, would he? I’m only three minutes late and he has already sent me a dozen e-mails. What will happen if I skip the next Saturday night’s shift? He might possibly get a stroke or something…"

I shook my head, grinning. "You should be more cautious with your boss. I suspect that he’s actually gay and he’s targeting your sweet ass."

"Shut up, Shorty," Uruha grumbled, stashing his phone back into his pocket.

For now I let him get away with calling me Shorty. I even laughed it away. Normally I would try to find a harsher insult to get back at him, but now I thought the look on his face was enough to pay it all off.

About ten steps away from truly reaching the school’s front gate, I yelped, squirming in pain right after Uruha elbowed my rib a tad bit too hard. "Oi! That hurts, idiot! What the-"

I hadn’t finished my question when Uruha signaled me to look over to my left. My brows furrowed when I realized what-or rather, whom Uruha had meant. There, a little over fifteen meters away from me and Uruha, Mitsui Aki was walking alone, looking like she was in a rush. It was impossible not to notice how that weird girl kept peering over her shoulder at me and turning her face elsewhere when she found out I was looking her way. This happened repeatedly, and she looked more nervous by the minute, almost like a person who got caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing.

I had had doubts earlier this noon when Uruha told me that Mitsui Aki might’ve been stalking me, but now I probably had to take his words more seriously. It was just too weird that that girl suddenly paid so much attention to me, because we had never spoken a single word to one another. Forget talking; it was like we had never noticed each other. She could be in the same class as I was, but truthfully, Mitsui’s existence was like a ghost. Everybody was spreading rumors about her, but it didn’t seem like she truly existed. She didn’t blend in, and she didn’t have any friend. A person like that couldn’t just suddenly be stalking and staring at me, making me feel I was a bizarre creature with two heads. It was just too… strange.

I followed Mitsui’s figure with my glare until she disappeared amongst the crowd of students scurrying out of the school’s yard.

I deemed it crucial now for me to find out what that girl really wanted from me, and soon if I could manage it, before she witnessed something I would do that she might need to make a fuss of.


A/N: Yaaaaaayyyy~ I have a beta noooow~ *dances around* I really appreciate izumi_luvsjrock's help, and you did it so quickly! (^___^)d
Hopefully I can get chapter 4 done soon and when it is done, I'll send it right to her so she can work on it :D

Well I've figured out what Kai is going to be in this story, but I'm not sure when he's going to make his appearance. But when he does show up, I think it's going to be a little surprising *nods*
Well, it's time to type and post your comment! Now, people!! (,>3<)/

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