Beautiful Lie [to Believe in] | 07-b/?? | AoixRuki, UruhaxRuki

Jul 01, 2010 01:05

Title: Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter: 7-b/??
Author: akichuu
Fandom: the GazettE
Pairing: AoixRuki, RukixAoi, UruhaxRuki, possibly more to come
Theme: 029: Midnight promise - Kisaki project @ 50stories
Rating: R, NC-17
Genre: AU (highschool), angst, SMUT
Warnings: Yaoi (in this chapter: ManxMan sex), (slight) pedophilia, incestuous relationship, domestic abuse, possible violence. Not comfortable with those issues? Save yourselves and DON'T read this. I'm serious.
Disclaimer: Title is taken from 30 Seconds to Mars's song, Beautiful Lie. the GazettE belongs to themselves and, yes, the Almighty PSC. I, well I own this story. It's fiction, meaning IT'S NOT REAL and I'm making no profit from it (except my 15 minutes of fame). Yes, mind that.
Beta: izumi_luvsjrock. Fufufu~ Thank you~
Summary: He was an outcast, an unwanted child that was thrown away, even by his own family. He was taught by life not to trust anyone, especially those who came to him offering the thing called 'love'. 'Love' was just a small part of his dream, and dreams, as far as he knew, weren't real and could never be real.
In this case, Shiroyama Yuu was definitely not an exception.
Comment: Ahem. Smex scene. Yay!

Beautiful Lie [to Believe in]
Chapter 07-b

I closed my eyes when Yuu’s lips touched my chest. My body moved almost automatically, stretching upon the sofa cushions, responding to Yuu’s weight that was pressing down against me. Both of my hands hung on to Yuu’s body, to his arms, shoulders, whatever it was that I could reach. I could feel my body temperature rising up drastically. I could have been imagining this or not, but I felt like I was being burnt from the inside. The heat was slowly making me melt. The heat coming from Yuu’s body also contributed to this feeling. It almost seemed as if we were both reacting slowly, like particles in the sun that kept bumping, creating frictions against each other that in the end would generate massive heat. Inevitably I was having this silly concern that the room would soon burn to ashes if this continued.

“Nnh…” I moaned as I felt Yuu’s lips touching my left nipple. He kissed it, put it between his lips and sucked. He made every single nerve I had inside of me tense. His tongue toyed with the tip of my nipple while all I managed to do was to hang on to his shoulders as tightly as I could. I thought I had lost my ability to speak comprehensibly.

How the situation turned to this, I really didn’t understand and honestly I didn’t give a damn. Life was so much easier to live when I let go of the problems I had. By busying my body and my mind with Yuu, I didn’t have to keep going back to the things I didn’t want to remember. This might not be the proper way out, and I knew by doing this none of my problems would be solved. But for now, did I care about what was proper and what was not? No, not at all.

Leaving the first nipple, Yuu then moved to the other one. Underneath him, I had more trouble keeping control of myself. There was no synchronization between my body and my brain, and I felt as if I was there witnessing someone else’s body moving instead of mine. My legs shifted and bent at the knees, seizing Yuu’s body in between. My heels contracted, my muscles were pushing my hips to ascend and meet Yuu’s. The sensation I achieved when my cock was pressed between our bodies pushed me all the way further toward the abyss of madness. If I fell into this abyss, there would be no way for me to get back to sanity.

The clothes that Yuu wore were roughly scratching my skin, but oddly I was aching for more. My hips undulated, rolling back and forth, trying to create as much friction as possible on every inch of my skin, especially on my growing erection. Yuu was no different in this case; I could easily feel his cock even through the pants he wore. It was growing stiffer and bigger, repeatedly brushing against my own cock.

Without a second thought I reached out my hand between our bodies, groping around for the bulge on Yuu’s crotch. When I touched it, Yuu moaned calling my name. His breath was hot and damp against my skin as he gasped. I kept on massaging him, stroking every inch of his erection with my fingers through the fabric of his pants.

Encouraged by Yuu’s moan, my hand sneaked into the band of his pants and soon enough I found the head of his already damp, pre-cum coated erection. I clutched it inside my grip, my thumb pressing on the head. The harder I pressed, the more pre-cum leaked out.

“Ah, fuck… Taka, stop…”

I furrowed my forehead when Yuu grabbed my arm and pulled my hand out of his pants. I thought he was enjoying that, was I wrong? Yuu was staring at me with unfocused eyes. It seemed as if he was holding in a massive amount of passion inside of him. My wrists which he was holding were pulled up over my head and held down on the cushion. I couldn’t move much with both my hands cuffed inside Yuu’s grip along with my lower body being pressed underneath Yuu’s weight.

“Don’t make me lose control, Taka,” Yuu said. His voice sounded shaky and rough.

I’d made a quite an accurate guess. Yuu certainly was holding in his lust. I didn’t get it; why would he do that? Wasn’t to let out the lust we had inside ourselves our ultimate goal right now? I looked at Yuu and was just about to voice out my confusion when Yuu silenced my mouth with his own. He sucked my lips, shoving his tongue into my mouth, making me forget what it was exactly that I wanted to ask him.

Yuu’s kiss became wilder, less restrained, making it harder for me to breathe with every second that passed. My heart was working so hard to pump blood into my whole body, distributing the oxygen I was able to breathe in. When he finally backed away, he left me gasping for breath. I could see that his face was red, sweaty, and his hair had become such a mess. I suddenly felt a big urge to slip my fingers in between his hair, but before I could reach out my hands, Yuu sat upright and started to strip off the clothes he was still wearing.

I stared unable to take my eyes off of him as inch by inch of his body was exposed. The neon light glowing above our heads made his skin seem to glow. Soon enough Yuu’s shirt was out of the way, and he began to pull his pants down his hips, slowly, until finally he was fully naked.

It was probably pure reflex when my hand moved by itself toward Yuu’s body, as if there was some kind of magnet that was pulling my hand closer. The tips of my fingers made contact with Yuu’s chest and I could easily feel it heaving up and down in synch with his breathing. My fingers went lower, slowly upon his tight, flat stomach to his male organ which was standing proudly in front of his crotch. Feeling as if I was hypnotized I stared at Yuu’s perfect body. Why had I never realized this before? For as long as we had been having sex I had never really given his physiques as much attention as it truly deserved. What mattered for me was how I could reach that ultimate satisfaction. Never did I give a damn about the process I needed to go through to reach that goal.

Now I felt like I had only opened my eyes wide and truly looked. To be honest, Yuu was really perfect. Every part of his body was proportional, ideal. His curves were beautiful. His skin color was white but not pale. Unconsciously my fingers continued on their journey of adoring, worshipping the body before me, until I reached Yuu’s also perfect full lips.

Yuu kissed the tip of my forefinger before opening his mouth and letting my finger slide into it. I hissed, my cock twitched when Yuu sucked on my finger, licking it thoroughly. My brain was instantly filled with the images of Yuu’s head in between my thighs, his mouth around my erection, doing what he was currently doing to my finger.

I didn’t know if Yuu could read my mind, but suddenly he let go of my finger and started lowering his head. His lips left soft kisses all over my front side, from my chest to my stomach. My mouth fell open as my lungs begged for more air. Once in a while Yuu’s name slipped out of my throat whenever Yuu touched the sensitive spots I had on my body.

I had a guess of what it was exactly Yuu intended to do, but I also had doubts. No matter how often we had sex, Yuu had never pleasured me in the way I was thinking about, not even once. It had become a habit of mine to quickly open my legs for him, and prepare myself to be penetrated. The point I was trying to make was that we had always gone straight to business without going through too much foreplay. I had never spent time thinking about how to please Yuu and likewise, he had never gone through the troubles of doing the things that might please me. Having objections was beyond me because I always thought that we weren’t lovers, not in the common sense. Our purpose was only to achieve physical satisfaction. That was it. It would be weird if all those changed in a matter of a short time.

But in the flash of a second, all my doubts vanished without a trace.

“Yuu!” I screamed, my body tensed when Yuu let my stiff erection slowly slip into his mouth. The sudden wet and warm sensation that enveloped me made me feel as if I was going to explode from the inside out. My brain was no longer working as it should, preventing me from thinking clearly. There seemed to be millions of fireworks inside my body that sparked all in the same time, creating an utter chaos that my nerve system could not handle. All I could do was moan and keep on moaning, hanging on to the cushions or anything I could reach from where I was lying down and writhing about.

Yuu’s hands were holding my hips down. I couldn’t control my body anymore. I knew my hips were moving wildly, instinctively trying to get as close as I could get to the source of pleasure, which was Yuu’s mouth. “Oh God, Yuu…” I sighed. One of my hands flew up and clung onto Yuu’s head, urging him to put my organ deeper into his mouth. “Yuu, please… Ahh…”

There wasn’t a single protest said before Yuu lowered his head. I felt inch by inch of my erection go deeper into the warmth of Yuu’s mouth. Yuu’s tongue gently massaged the surface of my cock, and then he started sucking. I nearly believed my body’s motor function was failing as the only thing I could manage was to let my body react according to the stimulation it received. I moaned and begged for Yuu to keep doing what he was doing to me with my shaky voice. Oddly, Yuu complied with each and every wish I said out loud.

Maybe I was really losing my mind. This was too much, too unreal for me to believe.

‘None of this is possible.’

Despite such thought, it was hard for me to consider that these sensations I felt while Yuu was sucking me off were only my imagination. If this wasn’t real, then the rushed rhythm of my breath and the quick beating of my heart weren’t real as well. Was it just an imagination as I felt Yuu’s tongue teasing my organ all the way from the base to the tip? Was it just a dream when I felt Yuu suck really hard, drawing my orgasm nearer every second?

In the next second my body and mind blew up in one gigantic blast, and then drowned in a blinding white world. Everything stopped, including my heartbeat, the ticking of the clock, the earth’s rotation, everything. This might only be my imagination but for a short, beautiful moment I was floating between life and death, in a place where there was no pain, no worries of anything at all to bother me. And then came the next second where I was pulled away from that world to be thrown into a roller coaster ride. My breathing accelerated when wave after wave of orgasm hit me.

When it was all over, I thought I had lost half of my soul in that single moment.

I opened my eyes and saw Yuu. He was licking his lips, probably trying to get the evidence of my orgasm off of them. I don’t think he realized he had more on his cheeks and chin. It wasn’t exactly a sight I got to see often and it was quite hard to believe. But there he was, right there in front of me, a proof that I hadn’t been dreaming, that everything that had happened did happen.

I was still trying to catch my breath when I got up from the cushions to reach for Yuu and pulled him closer. I kissed him fully on the lips, giving no second thought to the fact that he had just swallowed my essence. Honestly I even enjoyed it, that tangy taste in my mouth, on my tongue as I licked Yuu’s lips and face.

“Mmh… Yuu…” I murmured, kissing his face as if I had never kissed him before. And likewise, he was also kissing me, his lips on my face, touching me nonstop. This wasn’t a feeling I was familiar with. It was warm and comfortable, creeping along my blood stream. However weird it felt, I decided to simply enjoy it.

My mouth soon found a spot on Yuu’s neck where I could feel his pulse, beating softly against the skin. I kissed that spot, licking it over and over again. Yuu sighed. His hard cock was pressing against my stomach, and I decided I liked the sensation it was causing me. Again, my hands moved to touch Yuu’s body, following his every curve until I had his cock inside my grip. And then I squeezed gently.

“Taka! Ahh!” Yuu held me tight, so tight as if he was desperate for something to hang onto for his dear life. His right hand shifted to the back of my head, gripping a handful of my hair and pulled hard. It hurt, but against my better judgment I actually liked the pain. I let Yuu clutch my body tightly while I kept on pumping his erection with my hand, faster and harder by the minute.

I could feel Yuu’s voice whirling inside my head, how he kept calling my name. Even when I silenced his mouth with my own I could still hear him, like a broken record spinning, repeating the same part over and over again. “Takanori…” once more Yuu whispered my name, his lips quivered against mine.

I never noticed how our position changed. Yuu was now lying down on the cushions while I sat upon his thighs, my mouth busy leaving marks on Yuu’s skin. Initially I thought Yuu would make an objection because it would be a fuss trying to cover these marks I was making. Usually he wouldn’t allow me making hickeys on him, for fear of other people’s acknowledging what he had been doing with me. But not this time. Yuu had not uttered a single protest, neither had he asked me to stop. So I just kept doing it, tirelessly kissing him and pumping his cock, pressing on the spots that would make him buckle, moan and call my name.

It wasn’t long until I felt warm, sticky substance spurting from Yuu’s cock, wetting my hand and stomach. Yuu froze in a beautiful pose, with his face aiming high towards the ceiling, his lips parted wide, eyes shut tight. His upper body arched, making it as if he was floating above the sofa. I could see his muscles contracted, pulsing quickly when his seemingly endless orgasm washed over him.

His climax wasn’t even over yet when Yuu pulled me until I fell on his body, his arms locking me tight until there seemed to be no space left between our chests. Our skins slid against each other, sticky from sweat and cum. We kissed again as if we hadn’t had enough of kissing for one night. Yuu’s hands were all over my back and mine were on his chest, nobody cared about making ourselves and Yuu’s sofa dirtier than before.

When it seemed like we had used every last drop of our energy, I lay unmoving on top of Yuu’s body with his arms around me, enveloping me. Yuu’s heart inside his chest was beating softly against my ear.

I felt so tired, like I had spent my very last breath. Even thinking became so hard to do. Sleepiness took over like a giant storm that I could not fight against, making it hard for me to keep my eyes open. I still had something inside my brain, bothering me, but along with the clock ticking away everything that was swarming my brain disappeared one by one. The scent of Yuu’s body made it even harder for me to stay awake. Unable to resist the temptation anymore I finally let my eyelids slide until they were closed.

Vaguely a thought made its appearance inside my head. This wasn’t how it used to be. Usually after having sex, we straightened ourselves up and left. No cuddling, no sweet-nothing afterwards. It just wasn’t how we liked to end our ‘meeting’.

‘But if I had to be honest, this does feel comfortable. For the first time after a long while I feel like I don’t need to worry about anything at all in this universe.’

But that thought slipped away as well along with every other concern.

I was seconds away from dreamland when Yuu suddenly spoke up. His voice was low, hardly a whisper.

“Not everything in your life is a lie. It all depends on what you choose to believe.”

I had no chance to digest what Yuu was trying to tell me because then my consciousness slipped away completely. Darkness drew me away by force, clutching me tightly inside the wonderful world of oblivion.


A/N: I'll get right on to 8 as soon as possible! Until then, people! (^~^)V

Previous: [ Chapter 01 ] [ Chapter 02 ] [ Chapter 03 ] [ Chapter 04 ] [ Chapter 05 ] [ Chapter 06 ] [ Chapter 07-a ]

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fanfic, rukixaoi, aoixruki, uruhaxruki, beautifullie

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