The Endless: Chapter 16

Apr 02, 2006 06:50

Wow, I've been typing words like bunnies make babies...*sighs*

Title: The Endless (yes, this title does suck, I know)
Genre and Rating: Alternative…N/R (mwahahaha)
Summary: A cynical, enslaved Ville is bound to murder one of the few males who has ever shown him tenderness.
POV: Alternating between first person Bam and first person Ville
Pairing: Vam, eventually. Then, nothing will matter but the vam.
Author’s Note: Most of the chapters have been influenced by songs. I borrow lyrics quite often.
Disclaimer: The obvious: I don’t own any of those who resemble someone in real life. Also, one of my best friends invented Kamilah. Other characters and the plotline, however, are mine.
Warning: This story may be perceived as incredibly angsty…for violence against others and the self, negative attitudes, and just sheer insanity…homicidal or otherwise.

Chapter 1 and 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11A:
Chapter 11B:
Chapter 11C:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13A:
Chapter 13B:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:

Chapter 16:

I stood there, staring just like I had the last time he’d shown up here. I ask myself, What do I do now that I’ve opened the door? He’s wearing black jeans, a white silk shirt, and a long overcoat…You have to say something, stupid, don’t just look at him like that…as I stand there he opens his mouth again, moving towards me. I back away.
“Please, w-would you let me inside?” He’s stuttering. Does that mean he might be half as nervous as I am? And why? I guess I’m really not bold at all unless there’s firewater running through my veins. Stupid, why won’t I talk?
I just back away, opening the door wider so that he can come through. Is that a good enough answer? Stupid, stupid, stupid! You’re not supposed to let him back in!
He walks through but I’m not looking at him now. My head is bowed to the floor. I’m not sure what to do with it anymore. I feel shamed and burning scarlet. What did I do to him when he was over here? All I remembered was telling him to leave and getting very pushy, making him frightened. I close the door softly behind him, and try to move my tongue.
“I-I told you not to come back.”
Blue flames are the hottest; his eyes no exception. Something about what I said made him light up. Was he waiting for me to protest:? I don’t want to look at the passion dripping all over him. It makes me feel useless. What can I do with all that heat? Can I really believe what I’m seeing? He’s vibrant…glowing…radiating light everywhere. I think Jaeid must have put something in my soda before he left, because it is just ridiculous how beautiful he is, how blindingly larger than life…how can he look so alive when he’s supposed to be dead?
His eyes could have pinned me to the wall if I’d been big enough to look into them, but I turned away, suddenly feeling more nervous than if Jaeid had just walked back in. He was here to ask questions, he was here to stare me down until he could see through me…I’d almost rather him flay me. Why had I answered the door again? He pulled me from my mind with a voice that was now bold and startlingly mature for its childish words.
“Yeah, I’m told a lot of things. It’s not like me to do what I’m told.” He didn’t really smile when he said it…but the expression was gentle, yet still stubborn as hell. I was beginning to think this guy was too strong-willed for his own good. He really shouldn’t have been thinking like this. I have to make him leave before he gets himself killed.
“All right…well. Why are you here again?” Maybe I can seem so bored he gets bored, too. His face falters for a moment, and then he speaks.

“I’m here because I want to know what’s going on.” Oh, well of course he is. The man moves slowly from his place in front of the door towards me. I don’t know, what does he want to know about what’s ‘going on’? I don’t like it when people inch their way closer…I look for a way to defend myself.

“It’s your concern why…?” Sarcasm is my first defense, effective in the way it takes some of the glow from behind his eyes…the way it makes him almost lash out in return…cold returned with cold.

“You’re the one who let me through the door. You didn’t have to.” Hmm…nice comeback. You’re the one who made that horrid noise repeatedly. I’m not giving up that quickly…time to chase you away forever.

“Well, I can ask you to leave, too.” Not being too good with the sarcasm, Ville…is it something about the hurt look in his eyes that makes me less mean than I could be? He’s staring down into my face, now less than a foot away from me. He’s so close I can feel his amazing heat…I’m ready to bolt into the bedroom and lock the door before he can follow me in.

“Ville, who wants me murdered? Why were you asked to do this?” A real question, no sarcasm…no acid. Just concern, and something else. I can’t put a word to it, but it’s so tender it stings.

“It doesn’t matter, I mean, it wouldn’t matter if you just left here. You could forget about it.” I’m faltering, losing my edge…If he would just step away from me, maybe I could act the way I need to act…

“No, I couldn’t. I couldn’t forget about you...” He’s looking down and away, then back to me again, only to look off to the wall. Like it just slipped out…he’s moving back now. He sits heavily on the back of the couch, looking to me as if embarrassed.

I don’t have a single comment for that, cruel or kind. Nothing. I try not to stare at the floor too hard, leaning my hand against the wall to keep from falling. I can feel my carefully formed defenses breaking. I can feel my eyes burning…everything I’ve been keeping to myself trying to flow out of me this very moment. I can feel his eyes on me; they don’t bore a hole through me, but gently regard me…I don’t have to look up to sense that tenderness that’s killing me.

“Look, Ville…I mean. Why were you crying? What’s wrong here? You practically broke down in front of me Thursday…What happened that night…? Is there someone hurting you?” Bad questions, questions I don’t want to answer. There must be a way out of this and…Crying? When was I crying? I’d never cried in front of him…I mean, consciously. Oh, damn myself and that vodka.

“I have to go check my laundry…” I try to bolt for the bathroom, but he’s in my way. I try to walk around him, but he grabs my arm firmly…I know there’s no way out of a vampire’s grip, believe me, I know…I stand there solemnly. If I had any anger left, I’d be yelling at him. I just try not to look into his eyes or acknowledge the fear and syrupy pain that’s building inside me.

“Please talk to me. Please. If I’m right about what’s going on, you need to talk about this to someone…” He had the audacity to roll my sleeve up and run his fingers gently over the ugly breaks in my skin, “Ville, happy people don’t do this to themselves.”

Ugh…I sigh without my own consent. Who said anything about happy…? I’m just surviving. “Let me go, Bam. I have to put downy in the washer…” I was going to blow apart if he didn’t let me go…and quickly. I didn’t want him to see me flooded with tears…I knew they were coming. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control it; so typical of the baby I know I am.

“Oh, come on! It’s not even done with its first cycle. You’re just trying to run away from me…” Laughter in those blue eyes…why was he laughing at me? Then, I saw a glassy tear brimming under a sapphire jewel, struggling not to fall and make a puddle on the floor, and I knew why he was laughing.

I didn’t know how to deal with this…someone wanting to cry…over me? No, it was just my imagination. No one, especially a vampire, would cry over me. Just the thought of it made me want to sob…
I tried to jerk my arm away, hoping I could catch him off guard, but his grip just tightened on me… “Let me go, now! You have no right! Get away from me!”
I’d almost screamed the words, finally exploding…beginning to shake again. I felt myself melting into the floor as he slowly let go of me and backed away. This was ridiculous: I couldn’t look at him, I couldn’t move…and I think I had fallen down again.
He’d rushed over to me, his face looming over mine. I couldn’t see him clearly for the blurriness in my eyes. I knew I was trembling…I was breaking down again. Oh, this was just awful.
I could feel sticky wetness cover my cheeks and fall into my mouth. It burned, so salty…disgusting. I couldn’t be crying again…not in front of him.
I felt his hand prop my head up, other hand lifting me off the floor. I felt the warmth of him enfold me in his arms…I didn’t know what was going on. I just molded to his body like a limp noodle.
Fingers gently stroked my hair, and I heard him whisper softly… “No, don’t cry…Ville. Shhh…. It’s okay now. I’m just going to hold you like this…”
I grabbed onto his silky shirt, getting it all dirty with my tears. I cried so hard I thought maybe I was going to die. My entire body was sore from the shaking, my stomach a ball of pain. I sobbed until I was choking…I couldn’t breathe. I was falling apart, my head felt separate from the rest of my body…my arms were floating in a warm pool of tears…He was mumbling incoherently into my ear, and I shivered and clung to his chest until there was finally silence and stillness, and I was so exhausted from the earthquake I’d made that I just sat in his arms, hardly even supporting my own weight. I’m sure he had been doing that for me.
After a few moments of quiet he spoke, “Ville, can you tell me what made you cry…could we start there?”
I was too tired to argue, too shamed to protest…I found myself actually telling him some of the truth.
“I, I thought you were going to cry.”

Later I found myself alone in the dark of my bedroom. But the door was open, and light came through from the hallway. Not so comforting, I know I hadn’t put myself here. What had just happened? I must have passed out again.
Oh, god. Had I just cried in front of Bam? I’m pretty sure I had. What the hell gets into me? Why did I do that? And, where was he? Oh, maybe he’d actually run away…maybe that’s what it had taken to scare him off. I had shook so hard, I could still feel the soreness in my ribs…I must have sounded like an elephant…who would stick around for that?
Hell, I wonder how moldy my laundry was. He really should have let me check it, before I fell apart. I had known it was coming, that’s why I’d wanted to get out of there…better to cry in the bathroom with the washer going than in the living room with him.
I lifted myself from the bed, padding softly down the hallway to turn into the yellow light from the bathroom. I could hear a faint rustling sound. Was someone in there already?
“Bam?” What the hell is he doing over there? With my clothes…
“Hey…don’t worry about the laundry. I put downy in it, and now they’re going in the dryer.”
I just stood there, dumb again. Why was he doing this for me? I really couldn’t think of any good reasons, sans the one I hoped for, the one I knew would never be true.
When he was done throwing my clothes in the dryer, and had pushed the button to start the machine, I found him standing in front of me.
“Are you hungry or anything? Thirsty? You look like you’re about to faint again.” His blue eyes were lit up with concern, eyes narrowed slightly. His generous mouth was curved into a tender smile, and I noticed there wasn’t even the subtlest trace of facial hair on him. His curly brown locks almost shimmered gold with the light hitting it from behind…and I was surprised again with how his looks were growing on me. Of course, that wasn’t the topic of conversation. He’d just asked me a question… it might be a good idea to answer.
“Yeah, all three…but you don’t have to feed me…” Yes, about to faint because he managed to get more attractive each time I looked at him. It was uncanny.
How long had I been asleep? This was annoying, not being able to remember anything. The clock on the opposite wall said 9:15, but I couldn’t remember when he’d shown up, so that didn’t help at all.
I gave him another sideways glance, long enough to see the mild confusion present before turning on my heel and walking on down the hallway. I could hear his footsteps following mine, and I smiled without warning, trying to wipe it off my face before I had to face him again.
“Who said I was going to feed you? I was just offering a suggestion. Do I look like your nanny?” I was beginning to think he was adorable, and this smile wasn’t going away. As a matter of fact, it just grew wider. I was beginning to think I was truly insane, to go from crying like the world was ending, to smiling like this…
I walked into the kitchen, grabbed something and shoved it in the microwave, took the same soda I’d been sipping for three days, and sat down at the table. He came and sat across from me a few minutes later, his face covered in curiosity and worry.
Well, it’s that time. Time for the interview, finally. I’d tried to run from this moment for a long time, but now I think he had me too far in his gratitude…
In a few minutes he’d start asking questions. I really didn’t want to answer any of them…he’d just made me smile…my second smile in two years…both had been caused by him. And I’d been happy for the tiniest moment…now he wanted to talk. I sat trying not to tap my fingers nervously on the wood. There was a brief moment of quiet, and then he spoke up.
“Can you please talk to me. Just tell me something about you…anything.” I was trying not to shiver again with the way he stared directly into me…
“Why do you want to know so much? Can you tell me that?” I’m not used to people giving a shit, one way or the other, if I’m happy. It makes me nervous, Bam.
“Look, I just want to know you. I want to know if I can help you…I think I could, if you’d just talk to me.” The food in the microwave was done…I’d heard the little beep it made. I wasn’t really too concerned with it right now, though. Right now, I was frozen and my mouth was glued shut. It would take a lot of work to get my lips to open again…and a lot of help from him.

Well, this little chappie's over. What'dya tink?

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