The Endless: Chapter 8!

Feb 19, 2006 14:03

I know it's been awhile. I hope someone remembers me. I've had a terrible bout with writer's block and depression, but now I'm back with Chapter 8! I haven't abandoned this place!

Title: The Endless (I now hate this title, but have decided to stick with it)
Genre: fantasy/horror/drama/smut/comedy/randomness
Rating: G to R to NC-17…for blood/violence/explicit sex (later, sorry)/angst/pain/and anything else I can think of
Summary: you’ll just have to read this one ;)
POV: Alternating between first person Bam and first person Ville
Pairing: VAM, eventually, with lots of implications of other pairings.
Author’s Note: Every song I list on here is something that influenced me in some way while writing the chapter. Either the song goes with the mood or events in the chapter, or I obsessively listened to the music on repeat while writing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bam (or friends), Ville, Lauri, or the members of HIM. I have never been to Philadelphia, and one of my best friends invented Kamilah. Jaied, other random characters, and the events of the story, however, are my creation and I OWN them. ;)
Links to previous chapters behind the cut %)

Chapter 1 and 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:


I stared at him then, probably looking really stupid as I wondered what sorts of things he would do next to completely baffle me. His eyes sparkled as he looked up at me (he being just an inch or so shorter than I am), lips curved in a pouting appeal. How was I going to deal with this? He made me burn, the temptation to just take him at that moment was so strong my entire body was pulsing.
Oh, what the hell? He was too adorable to say ‘no’ to, anyway.
“You…Oh, well I guess there’s no harm in it. Come on, to the basement. It’s really quite warm down there, that’s where the furnace is.” His eyes lit up even more, if that’s possible, as I got the distinct impression this boy was staging some grand masquerade. What he could be hiding? I had no clue, but nothing he said or did seemed to match what he’d done before. I was becoming as mistrusting as I was helplessly in awe. The two feelings did not make for a pleasing, or peaceful, combination.
Ville smiled as he walked past me and over to the stairs, seeming hesitant as he stood at the top, “I’m waiting for you, sir,” he motioned forward with his hand, “I might get lost down there without you.”
“You might…it’s a jungle in there.” I sighed, “I should probably be a good host and lead you to your room for the night.” I descended the stairs before him, entering a short darkened hallway, with only two candles from the bedroom ahead spreading a pale yellow light about the walls and doorway. I heard a small gasp (Oh, jesus, Ville, it’s not that bad, is it?) from behind me as we came through the doorway, into my stinking basement…well, I didn’t enjoy it. A full-sized bed with a velvet-embroidered red comforter rested on the right wall, rich mahogany bookshelves on either side of it. The walls were painted a bright gold, almost glowing in the candlelight that spilled from the twin gigantic pillars on the left side of the room, ensconcing that vicious black panther that stood insolently upon our large chest that matched the bookshelves. The walls had been bathed in décor of all sorts, from the porcelain masks, the hanging bronzed figures of nude men and women, and the feather boas and incense, to the elegant paintings from the 19th century and the large shadowbox on the far wall containing some of the most outrageously obscure collections that no one would ever see.
This was Kamilah’s way of maintaining her own little myth of grandeur, I guess. She seemed like a woman who had once lived in magnificent surroundings, absolutely drenched in wealth, and missed it tremendously. Not that she had ever told me any of this, but I had certainly not done any of the decorating in here; if I did she would have stripped my tastes from the room anyway, so I didn’t bother.
Ville came to stand beside me, feet making a tiny noise upon the blood-red linoleum, looking in front of him, eyes wide and so bright it couldn’t have been just the candlelight causing them to glow and dance about like that.
“This…this is your room? I…”
“Yeah, I know, it’s crap.” Might as well just let him know what I was expecting. No seventeen-year-old boy in their right mind would find a room like this appealing.
“What? It’s gorgeous! And what’s that over there?” He pointed in the direction of the panther Kamilah had so loved. “I’ve never seen anything so...” He raced over to gaze at the animal, looking like he was having trouble keeping his hands from caressing its fur…I stared at him in complete shock. He liked it? Maybe loved it? What was I seeing?…that thing was as terrifying to me as it was magnificent. I tried very hard not to think about it, and here was Ville, practically on his knees worshipping the creature.
Ville eventually set his gaze back to me, eyes burning brighter than the candles in the room, “You did all this?”
I surprised and angered myself with the answer I gave him, “Well, yeah. I didn’t expect anyone to go that crazy over…”
“This room is beautiful. How can you say it’s crap? I think it’s very…sexy. . And romantic. I wouldn’t have ever expected a room like this to be at the bottom of a house like this…no offense, but the top is quite casual.” He grinned patiently, as if waiting for a response.
I smiled, trying not to let on just how much I was fibbing (I didn’t even know the names of the artists who’d painted those pictures, nor had I any clue where Kam had gotten any of the things she brought in. I had to admit they were all beautiful things, but I’d never felt completely comfortable around them. They were all so delicate, and I felt as if I was too rough and unpolished for them, and I would manage to break all of them someday on accident).
I decided this conversation didn’t need to continue, “Ville, do you think you’ll be all right down here? There’s more than enough for a change of clothes in that chest…and I’ll leave you to yourself down here.”
Ville nodded, a small sigh escaping his lips, “Goodnight Bam. Thank you.”
I shook my head; waving his ‘thanks’ away with my hand, “Don’t mention it. Get some sleep.” At that, I made my way up the stairs, leaving a beautiful human boy in my room to change out of his clothes into mine, and sleep in my bed.
When I was back upstairs in the living room, I simply threw myself at the couch, lost in thought. I touched gently with my fingertips the place on my cheek where he’d kissed me, wondering why it still stung. I wanted to know why he’d even done it! What did he want from me? How could he go from pushing me away earlier tonight to pulling me so close his lips touched my skin? That kiss seemed to have caused my entire body to twitch and tremble. My skin was feverish. The heat ran and danced across my body, all the tension drawing to the area between my thighs in an aching ball of need. I looked down to see, as if how I felt didn’t prove it already, the beginning of an erection trying to poke through the zipper of my black jeans. I lie there frozen, abashed at what was happening to me. Since I had become a vampire, I had not experienced this feeling once, and I was beginning to think that vampires never felt sexually…and now this! God, to think of it, I had never experienced this feeling before, not even while I was human. Oh sure, I’d been aroused before, through my random encounters with strangers, or the casual girlfriend that I’d never gotten very close to…but this was so much more than that. I felt as if my soul was in agony.
I lie there completely still, refusing to ignore this feeling, refusing to attempt ridding myself of it. Were I to touch myself, release my tension, I knew I would think of him: and then I would feel closer to him, which I knew would be false…
And so I lie there, the need in me almost causing blindness. I lie for hours, as my condition made me more than capable of doing, waiting for the night to end for once. I knew I craved more than I could ever attain, and I wished whole-heartedly for an empty, dead mind at that moment.
I lie this way at least, until the windows began brightening with the approaching dawn. I knew where I had to be, and I dreaded what I would do next.
I slowly rose from my couch, so as not to hurt myself, and stumbled awkwardly down the stairs to the thoroughly black room below. I closed the door behind me, curling into the covers beside a slumbering Ville. I could have slept in the floor I know, but something in me refused. I’d wanted to be next to him.
My thoughts swirled with his face and whispered his name repeatedly as I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes to complete darkness and the sudden knowledge that I was curled into the warmth of another’s body. Jaeid? Oh, shit no…he never hung around after that sort of thing, I wouldn’t have wanted him to, and he wasn’t this warm, either. Whatever it was, I had my arms around it, and it was so warm I thought maybe I could forget what cold felt like if I kept my arms around it..
Damn. I knew where I was.
I was at Bam Margera’s apartment. I was in his basement, his magical basement, and I think I was probably holding him as well. Yes, I had to be. I was.
It must be morning if he’s asleep.
I moved to get up, finding the darkness of this unfamiliar room strangely easy to maneuver through as I moved to open the door. Just a crack of the door, and hazy white light was flooding through the opening. Probably not enough to destroy Bam, but I doubt he would have enjoyed the intrusion. I opened the door a bit wider, watching as Bam’s face was revealed by the open door. He was lying on his side, so still I couldn’t even imagine him breathing, curly brown locks falling over his face in a mess. I immediately wanted to push them out of the way, to see his face, but I resisted.
“Hell, I have to admit you’re gorgeous. What, is Jaeid jealous of you?” Hmm…I smiled to myself. ‘Jaeid doesn’t get jealous of people, he just gets what he wants…’
I sighed, stumbling outside the door, closing it behind me. My stomach rumbled, having been ignored far too long. I needed something to eat! I ran up the stairs to his kitchen, shading my eyes from the blinding rays of sunlight that fell through every window in the apartment. The fridge door opened to reveal absolutely no edible food: a rotten apple, peanut butter, mayonnaise, and some cheddar cheese. Well, that settles the whole food idea. I just grabbed another soda from the top rack, sipping it slowly so I wouldn’t want something else too quickly. I swear, damn vampires, they never kept any food around for the humans they drained.
I knew what it was time to do, food or none, and I planned to do it quickly, before there was any chance of my plans being ruined. Bam had to die today. It was the perfect opportunity, because he was sleeping during the daylight with no place to run to but the one he was already in. It would be the utmost simplicity to kill him. He was a two-year vampire, he’d said, not that strong. I could probably get him by setting his bed on fire…
“Oh, god,” that bed had been so beautiful, and so had he. I really didn’t want to do this...I should at least be honest with myself; this would be no pleasure killing. To be honest, they never were. The two other vampires I’ve killed in my life caused me so much guilt I could have just killed myself along with them. You think I would be able to convince myself they were monsters, or abominations…but the only monster I ever looked upon seemed to be Jaeid: the reason I killed. Oh, but I could just imagine what he’d do to me if I refused him…
‘All right, Ville, no more thoughts.’ I told myself, as I stole back down the stairs, thinking about that lighter I had found in one of the drawers last night. I’d devised this plan after Bam had gone upstairs. ‘Kill the guy when he’s helpless.’ I didn’t know if he’d come back to his bed, but if he did I knew what to do. And he had.
I slipped back through the door to his room, closing it quickly and quietly behind me as I stalked soundlessly to his dresser; swiftly opening the top drawer I’d hid his lighter in and grabbing it.
‘This will be easy, Ville. Just set the comforter aflame. Set the pillow on fire. Light his clothes!’ These thoughts raced through my head as my pulse quickened and my body tensed, the knowledge of what I was about to do making me more nervous than the past two times combined.
I stood at the foot of the bed, wearing his clothes and having slept in his bed, contemplating murder. This was the man whom had saved my life just last night, and I was going to kill him. And even more disturbing, he hadn’t wanted anything in return. It was almost sad…definitely tragic.
I lit the lighter, numbness filling me as the flame softly lit the black room. I held it before me, closing my eyes for one brief moment as all regrets left my mind and all feeling emptied out of me. I lowered the lighter to the bedspread, just preparing to let ‘er rip when some of those thoughts I’d worked so hard to empty from me resurfaced.

‘We can play with this a bit longer. He would make you a vampire, you know he would, if you played this game right…he’s putty in your hands, Ville.’ I shook my head violently.
‘No, do it now.’
‘But, if I wait, I can become strong enough to kill the REAL bastard…’
‘Not likely, Ville, that man’s like a demi-god or something, he’s so powerful. You’d have to wait centuries before that ever happened.’
‘It would definitely be interesting to wait a bit, and make Jaeid sweat, if nothing else.’
‘No, that’s dangerous and stupid. Besides, if you got to know this man, I think you might be weak-willed enough to like him. Light the stupid thing, you idiot!’

This last thought was the deciding factor, and I was just about to do the deed when I heard footsteps trampling down the stairs, an undeniable noise. Who the hell could that be? I stopped in my tracks, immediately hiding the lighter in my pocket and reflexively jumping in the bed and feigning sleep. Whoever it was, they weren’t going to suspect me of anything.
Light flooded the room for one brief moment and then died as the door quickly closed. The loud, careless footsteps that had stomped down here were now so soft and delicate I could barely tell anyone else was in here, and this made hyper-alert.
I heard a drawer open, and a hissing sound…
“Damn it Bam.” This was followed by “He just had to hide my lighter.” It had been a female voice, full of irritation but still quite beautiful. Her voice sounded very low and animalistic, like a female lion might sound if she were a human. I’m not sure why this occurred to me then, but noticing things like this is something I usually do while I’m waiting in suspense for something.
The drawer slammed shut as I heard footsteps, slightly louder than before, approaching the bed. I wondered if I should throw the lighter in the floor. Probably best not to…she would sense it.
‘Wait a minute,’ I thought, ‘wouldn’t this be Kamilah? I thought she was a vampire? Isn’t it true, that most vampires aren’t running around in the daylight? What had she been doing before this…? She must be at least as powerful as Jaeid to be strong enough to walk during the day, and very ancient…’ My mind spun. Did Jaeid know Bam had such a powerful protector? Questions flooded my conscience, but not for very long, due to a sudden interruption.
I felt a slender hand with long, pointed nails wrap around my leg. I froze as the hand ran up my left leg slowly, while she whispered, “What is this? Did Bam finally make a ‘friend’?” Oh god, the lighter was in my left pocket! I hope that hand didn’t continue it’s steady rise, for more than one reason.
She dug her nails suddenly into my skin, causing me to jump slightly. God that had hurt!
“Oh, so you are awake?” A low chuckle came from her throat, alarming me even more. I really wasn’t up for another sadistic vampire today…Why did they always have to be so cruel? I raised my eyebrows, squinting my eyes tightly as I tried with difficulty not to make a noise as she dug her nails deeper.
“Come on, little rabbit, I won’t kill you. I’ve already eaten today.” I almost smiled to myself. This woman was talking like the caricature of a wicked old witch or something…I was trying not to laugh, despite how terrified I really was.
The pressure from her nails lifted, too suddenly, as they ripped out of my skin. This caused a hollow gasp to escape from my lips, both surprising me and delighting her.
“What’s wrong, don’t enjoy pain? I know you’re awake, I can smell your fear. Just talk to me, I’m not really all that bad.”
I suddenly decided it was perhaps better to be bold with this woman. She seemed more personality than malice, at least for the moment.
“Why did you do that?” These words escaped my lips before I could censor them, my famous anger overriding any fear I might have. First, she interrupts my mission, then she walks in here and digs her nails in my leg!
“Do what, darling? I only wanted to taste you, and your extremely sweet. It will heal, yes?”
“I’m here with Bam.”
“I can tell that. Which is the only reason I haven’t killed you yet.”
“That’s nice to know.”
“Spirited young man, aren’t you? Well, this explains why I’ve never had any luck with the dumbass. He likes little boys.” She made a small humph, the mockery of laughter, after she said this.
Her words angered me (if only she knew, then she’d really kill me) and made me a bit bolder than normal. “Well, maybe you were just too mean.”
She laughed, hard. A good sign, I hope? “I think I like you, boy. Come with me, into the light where I can see you. Bam obviously hid the lighter from me, so we should get some sun.”
The door reopened as Kamilah stood in the doorway, and I took one quick glance at Bam before I rose, seeing the beauty once again of his ratty brown hair, the curve of his shoulder…and I thought, “Until next time, beautiful.”
I followed, deciding this to be the wise thing to do; hiding the lighter I had stolen under the bed in one swift motion as she walked outside the door.
Back in the light, my eyes had to adjust again as they slowly settled on fire-red hair and pale skin in a sleeveless, long white dress stained all over with blood. Her back was turned to me as she pranced up the stairs. She was barefoot, and really quite tiny. She was much shorter than I was, maybe 5’ 4”, and thinner than a rail. Those long painful nails of hers were painted a deep midnight blue. This would be interesting, meeting another loony vampire. They were all nutcases, possibly as insane as I was…and I found them all interesting, even if they were hate-able.
She reached the top of the stairs and turned around to face me. She motioned for me to move faster. “Come here, I want to see you better than that.”
‘Well, whatever,’ were my only thoughts as I walked hesitantly forward, noticing her face. She had apparently just come back from a fight or a feast (one or both) and dried blood stained a path from her crimson lips to the front of her dress. Her eyes were an unusually tranquil lavender for something as wild as she, and her face seemed like it would be perfection beneath all the bloodstains. I only hoped she truly was satisfied with whatever she’d done earlier.
Her eyes traced my figure up and down, and I knew this look to be lust…I almost sighed in exasperation, but she spoke before I could express my frustration.
“You’re soo cute! No wonder Bam let you in the house. Who wouldn’t? You’re delicious.”
I looked up at her, my head angled down, giving her my best ‘I don’t care about you! Fuck you!’ impression as I said, “Thanks” as lifelessly as possible.
“What’s your name? Or do you have one? You look like a homeless kitten.”
“Yes, I have one. Call me Ville.”
“Awe…you must be foreign to have a name like that. I’m Kamilah!”
“Nice to meet you.”

I was amazed with how smoothly things went with Kamilah. She actually seemed to like me enough to respect me, taking me out on the town (after she changed and showered, of course) to get a bite to eat. You could not imagine how much I treasured every single bite of the greasy pizza she allowed me to have. I think it had been two days and running since food had hit my mouth, and I was so grateful I kissed her hand.
All she had said was, “Humans and their nasty food,” while laughing softly. She hadn’t expected me to talk, seeming content to sit across from me and stare. I am usually so self-conscious when eating that I’d normally be very upset with her constant gazing, but I was so hungry that I scarfed the food down without a thought, probably quite the slob. She seemed to think it was funny, smiling with amusement as I almost moaned from the pleasure and a very full stomach afterwards.
“Now, don’t you have somewhere to be, Ville? How old are you? Going to school…it’s a Thursday, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, I’m supposed to be in school, but I suppose it’s obvious how that worked out.”
“You missed my other question: How old are you?”
“I’m seventeen, thank you.”
Her eyes twinkled bright purple as she squealed, “Oh, god-ness! You’re so young and cute! Whom do you live with?”
“Oh, no one. Just my guardian…”
Her eyes narrowed with curiosity as she continued with her newfound interest in my life, “Just one? And, what would their name be?”
I suddenly remembered something Jaeid had told me just two months ago: ‘Don’t tell anyone you know who I am. You’ll get in more trouble than you’re capable of handling if you do that.’ I decided to take his words to heart, for once.
“Oh, just some man that I hardly ever see. I’m not even sure if HE has a name…it’s not really important.”
“Well, that’s a pity. You should get to know your guardian better.” She raised herself from the chair suddenly. “Well, chow kid. Hope you’re not too far from home. I need some sleep!” She waved to me goodbye from the sidewalk, but I could tell something had worried her from what I’d said. Well, I had no idea why she’d left so suddenly, and there was no room for complaining at the way she’d abandoned me when the woman had been generous enough to buy me a personal pizza to have all to myself. I would just take the bus home, and I hope I wouldn’t get shot in the head this time as I approached the front porch.
I unlocked the front door, slipping in quietly and swiftly as I realized I might live another day. The house was quiet like it always was, so quiet it echoed in its hollow coldness. I went to turn up the thermostat, then into the kitchen to find something to drink.
Just as I was walking out of the kitchen with some water, ready to watch some television…or something (anything to shut my screaming brain up) a familiar nightmare emerged from the hall upstairs.
“Home early from school, aren’t you love?”
I stood motionless as I considered all the options. I had few.
“Hello, sir.”
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