(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 05:06

Well, first off, this chapter's an experiment on my part (as this whole story has been)...

Title: The Endless (I now hate this title, but have decided to stick with it)
Genre: fantasy/horror/drama/smut/comedy/randomness
Rating: from the silliest to the most explicitly mature…
Summary: Bam is a vampire, and Ville is supposed to slay him.
POV: Alternating between first person Bam and first person Ville
Pairing: VAM, eventually, with lots of implications of other pairings.
Author’s Note: Most of the chapters have been influenced by songs. I borrow lyrics a lot.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bam (or friends), Ville, Lauri, or the members of HIM. I have never been to Philadelphia, and one of my best friends invented Kamilah. Jaied, other random characters, and the events of the story, however, are my creation and I OWN them. ;) You will find later I have named many of my characters from mythology. If you happen to recognize a name, be warned that I’m not intent on making those characters reflect the gods/goddesses named after them…I just liked the name. Hmmm…also seems fitting that an old arrogant vampire would name themselves after a god or goddess.

Prologue: http://swampwitch9666.livejournal.com/520.html#cutid1
Chapter 1 and 2: http://swampwitch9666.livejournal.com/815.html#cutid1
Chapter 3: http://swampwitch9666.livejournal.com/1189.html#cutid1
Chapter 4: http://swampwitch9666.livejournal.com/1339.html#cutid1
Chapter 5: http://swampwitch9666.livejournal.com/1708.html#cutid1
Chapter 6: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1367385.html
Chapter 7: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1379765.html
Chapter 8: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1417375.html
Chapter 9: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1432811.html
Chapter 10: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1468207.html
Chapter 11A: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1520329.html#cutid1
Chapter 11B: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1521784.html#cutid1
Chapter 11C: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1555828.html#cutid1
Chapter 12: http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1576501.html#cutid1

Chapter 13A:

“I…I missed yesterday already. What if I get in trouble with the office?” He just laughed at me…a sharp laugh that made my ears ring with pain.
“And you think it will matter that some school principal is after you when I take you to Mexico half-way through March?”
My heart sank almost immediately…I couldn’t help but think of Bam…of really never having a chance to see him again.
“We’re going to Mexico?”
“You want to go, don’t you? I’ve never heard you protest to travel?’ No, I’d never protested. I’d always been too afraid to. Besides, I actually preferred going somewhere with him, than being left under the care of his ‘friends’. That was real hell. Some of the ‘games’ they’d played with me…I tried not to remember their visits. Now was no exception. Jaeid didn’t seem to care what they did to me, as long as he had me all for himself when he returned.
“Well, it looks like you ready to leave. Come on.” He grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me to him, taking the backpack and notebook from me. Just the contact of his fingers to my body made me want to shrivel into a ball, sink in the floor. And, I had no idea what was going through his head at the moment.
“Sir, what are we…I mean…Could you please tell me where you’re taking me?” He gave me a twisted smile, chuckling and taking me by the hand…
“Can’t you let me surprise you just once?” I never enjoyed his surprises…and it was so wrong of him to say that…He always surprised me. I never knew, would he run his fingers through my hair or beat my head against a wall? Caress me gently, or carve designs in my skin with his knife? So hard to read, and forever controlling me with the fear. At first, he had been fascinating, a kaleidoscope of mixed intentions and emotions. Now, I was just tired…tired of guessing what he would do next. Tired of trying to find what pleased him, and what I’d done to make him angry. I’d finally realized it didn’t matter how I acted so much, as to what mood he wanted to be in.
He dragged me out the front door, closing and locking it behind him. Threw me into the passenger seat of his fancy black hearse. I stared ahead of me as he came around the front of the car and slipped in the driver’s side, I knew better than to look into his eyes unless he told me to.
“Did you know you look beautiful today? Of course, you look beautiful everyday. I guess there’s just something different about you now…” Yes, being lost and hopeless has always turned you on, hasn’t it? That’s what’s different about me, Jaeid. Eyes glancing sideways at me, waiting for a breathless response. Ignore them. There was an old man hobbling across the street…carrying a cane. I’d seen him before…he walked everywhere through here…carrying grocery bags sometimes…always with that bow-legged limp. I don’t think he had a home to go to. I wondered, could he be more miserable than me? Was it possible to be more miserable than me? Could a person even measure misery? Well, there was one thing I’m sure that man had that I didn’t…he had the freedom to complain. Someone might even listen to his misery. I…I was obliged to please.

When you blink do you only find that the misery weighs down your eyes?

“I…no. I didn’t know that.” Look down, Ville. Just don’t let him see you. I stared down at my hands that rested on my lap, bracing themselves from the trembling inside me.
“Well, you are. Except your jeans are all ragged…and your shirt’s too big. I thought today would be perfect to get you some new clothes. We could make it fun, a modeling show.”
Resist the urge to sigh in exasperation and dread with the words he says. Try not to flinch and jump back ten feet when he takes my chin in his hand, and kisses me hungrily on the lips. I guess he’s feeling nice today…those are the worst days, because his mood changes the fastest…from good to horrendous. I might have feared the man, hated the man, but I did know him better than most, of that I’m sure. I knew that when he acted this ‘sweet’ it was only the calm before a hurricane. I would have to suffer through both his best and his worst today.

I will seep under your skin. I will.
I will hold your heart. I will.

He pulls away, smearing my lip-gloss. I try not to wipe my mouth too enthusiastically. He’d notice if I let myself try to clean the filth off my lips the way I wanted to. I wanted to rub my mouth with my sleeve until the skin broke. I felt contaminated, violated just at a kiss from him, a touch on the shoulder. His ‘tenderness’ (meaning not hitting me or making me bleed), just made me remember the violence with more strength.
He turns the key in the ignition, starting the car. And then we begin moving. I feel sick to my stomach, watching as houses and people pass by…some young and careless…most of them old and wizened. Why, what would those people think if they knew anything, anything about my life? There wouldn’t have been anything they could do to help me…I was beyond even the protection of the law. How could the police save me from a crazed vampire that could send stares like daggers through their hearts, making them burst into flames at a single malignant thought? I’d seen it before; I’d watched him display his power. It was awe-inspiring, worthy of a lifetime of fear. No, I was trapped in this world I’d let him create for me. There was little escape for me. It would be better if I just learned to accept this, and forget anything I thought I’d been before I’d met him.
We pass through the wealthier neighborhoods, venturing through the downtown, and then to the busy, tourist area. My hearts trying to find its way to my stomach and through my intestines…my knees are huddled together and my arms holding onto each other for dear life…I just stare out the window, all the sights before me becoming a blur of grey, white, and light blue, as the pavement blends with the frozen morning sky. Is he really taking me to try on clothes this early in the morning? I didn’t look forward to exposing my damaged body to him as I tried on whatever item that pleased him, as I stripped for him…I wasn’t sure if it was possible, but I think I had morning sickness. I wanted to puke my guts up…but there was nothing to puke up, except my guts. I hadn’t had anything to eat since the pizza Kamilah had fed me. God, I really appreciated her for that. I just wish she’d taken me back to Bam after the pizza. Then, there was a good chance I might not look like this under my clothes right now.
“S-sir, I haven’t had any breakfast. Do you think maybe I could eat just a little something…? I’m starved…”
“Ville, you’re always hungry. Every time I see you, that’s all you talk about…Won’t you let me take care of you my way. I’ll get you something later! If you ate as much as you wanted you’d weigh 300 pounds…so shut up!”
Oh, shit…I knew I should have kept quiet. He’d wait even longer to feed me now, and I was already fixing to pass out from the weakness in my legs and lightness in my head …What I wouldn’t give for just a slice of bread…I wish I’d remembered to grab something before I’d went into the living room.

If you feel fine, then give it just a little time I’m sure you’ll contract my disease

Words, swirling through my brain. I wasn’t sure where I’d heard them…maybe lyrics to a song. I don’t know why, but they seemed to fit today. My mind was always the expert at bringing up unwanted thoughts and memories at just the wrong time…

If you can’t stand upon the earth then I will meet you on the other side

Silence, even the noisy engine of the car was too quiet to drown out this silence. Even the chattering of my brain…the silence between us was so loud I couldn’t hear myself think.

Look what you’ve done to me now…you’ve made me perfect

Jaeid, obsessed with making me perfect…so obsessed that every time he tried I was just mangled and bruised, destroyed and broken. I was his perfection…his special little doll (punching bag).

Now, a new question...Do the people prefer short, frequent updates or long, infrequent ones...? I'm flexible, and likely to do a little of both, but I was just curious...

Comments are loved and adored.
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