Fic: Charlie Brown Tree, Part I

Dec 03, 2019 12:35

Title: Charlie Brown Tree, Part I
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt & Adora
Rating: G
Summary: Adora's changing his holiday traditions.
Warning: pre-series holiday fluff, following Foot in Mouth *Written for adventdrabbles 2019 at DreamWidth. Prompt: Christmas Tree decorations
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

Wyatt stepped back as Adora entered his apartment and pushed the door shut. Turning, he raised an eyebrow and stared at the potted... twig, now sitting on the sideboard. The piece of furniture already served as writing desk and dining table, in the small apartment. "What is this for?" he asked, wincing slightly as he looked up to find Adora opening a small box she'd just pulled from her bag.

"It's a tree, Wyatt," she scoffed, then added a half-shrug. "Well, it's taking the place of a tree." She pulled out a large roll of twine, and waved it toward the tree, as if it was obvious. "For Saint Ozma's? Unless you're hiding a bigger room?" she motioned to the small space.

"Did you just snap it off a tree, on the way?" he asked, testing the strength of one of the branches. Adora popped his hand and nodded.

"No, I asked the man to sell me a branch off of one of the ends he'd trimmed." She shrugged. "He was just going to toss it in a fireplace, anyway." She gave the tree a sad glance and then smiled as Wyatt's arms went around her.

"Why did you bring me a tree?" he asked, pulling her back against his chest.

"Because, I heard you don't ever have a tree. And, this time of annual," she turned in place and gave a light poke to his chest, "everyone should have a tree."

"Hmm," he hummed. "Tea?"

"Yes, please," she nodded. "Do you have a sewing kit?" Adora asked, as he let go, already knowing the answer. Wyatt's brow tightened just enough for her to see the wrinkles, but she fought a smile. "Please." Wyatt's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing and stepped back.

He pulled open the drawer that held his silverware and a small collection of various tools, and picked up a small metal tin. He offered it to Adora, who raised an eyebrow and hesitated.


"If there are scissors in that, they won't cut this," she motioned to the roll of twine.

"There are, actually. And they won't," he agreed. Looking back at the drawer, he made a face and pulled out a large knife. "This is the best I can do."

He was actually surprised when Adora's eyes widened in... excitement?

"That'll work," she nodded, and took the knife, then moved to sit down. Wyatt opened his mouth, to say something, then shut it. Shaking his head, he turned to the sink and quickly filled the teapot and placed it on the hotplate.

"Should I be ready to play medico?" he asked, flinching as she snapped through a handful of twine with ease.

"No," Adora sighed. "But how are you with knots?"


Adora nodded. "You can't have a tree without decorations, Wyatt." She picked up a piece of the newly-cut twine and made a quick bow, then hung the loop on one of the sprigs. Turning back, she gave Wyatt a pleased smile and shrugged.

~challenge, .adventdrabbles, series: ballerina!adora, fic: tin man

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