Fic: Foot in Mouth

Mar 27, 2015 22:03

Title: Foot in Mouth
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora
Rating: G
Summary: He's always nervous around her, which entertains her a great deal.
Warning: pre-series, a few weeks after Dancing Together *Written for Weekly Quick Fic # 4 at writerverse. Prompt: Lavender and Dance With Me
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

Wyatt stopped outside the storefront and leaned forward to peek through the glass. Inside the dance studio, he could see the love of his life going through the motions of ballet positions, by herself.

With a smile, he pulled away from the glass and turned to look at the busy street. Folks were going about their business, most heading home after a long day of work. As a couple passed him, they both nodded and smiled, wishing him a good evening.

Wyatt nodded to them and offered the same, then glanced up at the sky. The first sun was setting, giving the sky a change in color from a light orange to a light purple. A knocking sound caught his attention, and Wyatt turned to see Adora at the glass, smiling.

He made a face and moved toward the door, then stepped inside. "Good evening, Mister Officer Cain," she teased as he entered, using the title many of her students had given him.

"Good evening, Miss Dora," he replied, giving her a small bow and matching the student-given title. Straightening, Wyatt tilted his head to one side and nodded toward the window. "The sky is the same color as your dress," he said before realizing it was out loud. "I mean- um..." Wyatt made a face and rolled his eyes as Adora laughed.

"You are quite handsome when your ears turn bright red," she replied, trying not to laugh.

"It was inappropriate," Wyatt responded.

Adora closed her eyes and sighed. "I believe this-" she paused, raising her left hand just enough for him to see the engagement ring he'd placed there quite recently, "-makes it appropriate." Wyatt made another face as she stepped closer, holding out a hand. "And, I believe it's time for your dance lesson, Mister Officer Cain."

~challenge, series: ballerina!adora, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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