Fic: Stage Door Wyatt

May 02, 2016 20:31

Title: Stage Door Wyatt
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora and Wyatt (mention of her housemother)
Rating: G
Summary: It's a good thing everyone knows he's such a Boy Scout...
Warning: pre-series, some time after Saying Goodbye *Written for Back to Basics Part 1 at writerverse.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

Both suns were already down when Adora stepped out onto the street. The weather was warm, but she could smell the rain in the air. With a glance skyward, she smiled and stuck her hands in the pockets of her coat, and started toward the corner. It wasn't far, and as she turned, Adora spotted a figure standing about halfway down the length of the building, leaning against the brick wall.

Wyatt had been waiting at the stage door for a while, now, but was starting to wonder if he should knock or not. Surely, she was going to have to come sooner or later, he figured. The sound of shoes on the pavement to his right caused Wyatt to turn, and he shot upright, realizing that Adora was standing a few feet away, watching him.

"Uh, hi," he stumbled, then cleared his throat and tried again. "Good evening."

Adora pursed her lips, in an effort to hide the smile, and gave him a slow nod. "You know," she started, moving toward him, "gentlemen who linger by stage doors are very rarely gentlemen." She moved just past Wyatt as she spoke, then turned to face him with a raised eyebrow.

Wyatt's eyes went wide and, if it was possible, he went even paler. He hadn't intended to suggest anything, after all. "I, uh.. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay." Pointing awkwardly to the door, he shrugged and made an uncomfortable face. "I wasn't sure where you would be."

Adora glanced down and smiled, then lifted her head again. "Well, I can't imagine anyone would ever confuse you for anything but a gentleman." Pulling a hand from her pocket, Adora pointed in the direction she had been heading. "Home isn't very far, of course," she explained, fairly certain he knew exactly where she lived, "but I wouldn't mind the company."

Wyatt fell into step next to her and she looked straight ahead. They were nearly at the next corner when Wyatt asked: "Did you have a nice evening?" Adora glanced at him and nodded. "That's good," he replied, and nodded as well. Adora glanced at the street, noting the clock on the corner - she had exactly two minutes to get into the building before the woman in charge locked the door and, once locked, she would be stuck.

Using her leaping skills, Adora jumped in front of Wyatt and nodded. "Eight o'clock," she said simply. Wyatt raised an eyebrow, confusion clear on his features. She stared at him for a moment, wishing that she could kiss him again. But, that first time was an oddity; she never expected to see him again, after all. But, now, it wasn't proper for them to even hold hands. "If you happen to be lingering... tomorrow. Eight o'clock."

That would give them almost twenty minutes to walk the short two blocks to her new home. Giving Wyatt a bright smile, Adora curtsied and turned away, making short work of remaining distance to the stoop where her caretaker was waiting.

Wyatt watched as Adora's hair bounced on her shoulders as she took each step, and when he realized the woman was watching him, Wyatt cleared his throat and nodded to her, before quickly turning away and crossing the street.

He'd be waiting at seven-thirty.

~challenge, series: ballerina!adora, .writerverse, fic: tin man

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