Fic: Dancing Together

Mar 24, 2013 01:23

Title: Dancing Together
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora and Wyatt (mention of her students, the Mystic Man, and Ravi DeMilo)
Rating: G
Summary: Every night, he walks her home. And, every night, he asks her to dinner.
Warning: pre-series, nearly six months after Saying Goodbye *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: dancing together Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

Adora smiled and waved at her students as the last of them left. Once the last of them were gone, she moved toward the entrance and the heels of her shoes clicked against the wood floor. As much as she loved teaching dance to the little girls of Central City, she also loved the end of the day.

As she pushed the door shut, Adora closed her eyes and took a slow breath. Everything hurt, today, but it was worth it. She'd been in Central for nearly half an annual, now, and while she missed dancing professionally, she was glad for the turn her life had taken.

To go from prima ballerina to unknown dance teacher, giving up a life of travel and fancy parties for a one-room apartment and buying her own groceries...

It was an adventure, all right.

The sound of a clearing throat caused her eyes to open, and she glanced over to the chair in the corner, where Wyatt was standing. Giving him a smile, Adora locked the door and turned slightly so that she could lean against the door.

"They are getting better every day," he said with a smile, nodding toward the center of the dance floor.

"Little girls love to dance," she replied. Pushing off the door, Adora raised the heel of her hand to her forehead for a moment and started moving across the dance floor.

"Adora," Wyatt said, bouncing slightly before he followed her. He caught up with her in the middle of the floor and reached for her wrist. Adora turned and looked at him for a moment, then smiled as he shifted his weight, offering his hand to dance.

"Tin Men love to dance, too?" she asked with a smile.

Wyatt tried to fight a smile of his own and nodded slowly. "They do. Especially with the best dance teacher in all of Central." Adora made a face, which made his smile double.

He glanced down, then made a face as she pinched his side. "Eyes straight, Mister Cain." She gave him a nod and slowly counted to three before stepping to the right. They moved slowly around the dance floor for a few minutes, with Wyatt occasionally glancing down at their feet.

Every time he did, Adora pinched him.

"Why do you do that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"To train you," Adora replied.

"Train me? Like a pet?" Adora smirked, but said nothing.

"Well, sooner or later, you'll listen to me," she finally.

"I doubt that," Wyatt countered, though he was smiling brightly. At the look on her face, he laughed and stepped back to give her a spin. But, instead of letting her finish the circle, Wyatt pulled her close and held her with crossed arms.

Adora said nothing, though her eyes moved to the mirror, and they stared at each other for a moment.

"Have dinner with me, tonight," Wyatt said. Adora didn't respond, but kept watching him. She had fallen for him the first moment she saw him, without a doubt. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that she stayed in Central for herself, Adora knew that she had stayed for him.

She didn't know how things would end that night, when she told her guardian she wanted to stay. He knew, though - just as his old friend the Mystic Man did - that there was no separating the two young people once they'd met.

"No," she finally answered, then turned in his arms. Raising her eyes to meet his, Adora reveled in the fact that he had yet to let go of her.

"Why not? Don't you like me, anymore?" Wyatt asked, holding a straight face.

"I like you very much, Mister Cain," she responded as his arms tightened around her. "But I don't like that you keep spending all your wages on dinner." That much was true, though she loved spending time with him.

"I would cook for you, myself," he offered, "but I can't cook. And, I have no stove." Wyatt reached up to trace her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"If only I wasn't such a proper lady," she managed before her breath caught. "I would let you have my stove." It wasn't like she used it for more than heating the tea kettle.

"I could use your stove and you would still be proper," Wyatt whispered, leaning down slightly, putting his lips closer to hers. "But I fear your landlord might think otherwise." He knew that just being alone with her in the dance studio was probably fuel for gossip enough.

But, everyone in Central City knew that Wyatt Cain was nothing if not a proper gentleman. And there was currently an engagement ring in his pocket to prove it.

~challenge, .love_bingo, series: ballerina!adora, fic: tin man

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