Fic: Cinderella's Night Off

Oct 07, 2011 21:13

Title: Cinderella's Night Off
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Adora, Wyatt, Mystic Man and DeMilo's father (mention of DeMilo and Ma)
Rating: G
Summary: Wyatt escorts Adora to Central City's annual festival. Ridiculous fluff ensues, including corndogs, dancing in the rain and, y'know.. falling in love.
Warning: pre-series, follows At the Ballet by a few days *Written for the second 100 Drabbles of Summer at charloft. Prompts are listed before each drabble.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

"I do hope," the Mystic Man said with his usual, cheery air, "that you'll visit the festival while you're in the City." Central was currently decked out in an annual, month-long celebration. He gave Adora a slight wink and nodded to Monsieur DeMilo. "I would be more than willing to act as an escort," he offered, giving a slight nod toward Adora.

"I would love to," Adora replied before Ravi DeMilo could. Glancing at Ravi, she gave him a look that was half-pleading and half-'I'm going anyway.' If he didn't expect her to slip out, he didn't know her well.

Three days after they had arrived, the dance company had a night off - it was a condition of their touring license and more for the safety of the dancers. Ravi DeMilo didn't care for the day of lost ticket sales, but it was a rule he couldn't get around. The morning and most of the afternoon was spent in rehearsals, perfecting an already perfect show.

Adora was watching the clock, for the first time in her life; the Mystic Man was meeting her just before the suns went down, so that she could get the full effect of Central's festival.

Wyatt was sitting at the desk while the Mystic Man paced his office, waving his walking stick in the air and dictating a letter. Wyatt hated this part of his job; he was terrible when it came to using a typewriter - all of the letters seemed to just jumble together into a large mess when he stared at the keys.

He was still in trouble, because his attention had been drifting the past few days, his thoughts going back to the ballerina on a regular basis.

A clearing throat got his attention and Wyatt nodded, quickly repeating the last sentence.

As he watched Wyatt finish typing the last few words, the Mystic Man smiled. "I need this to be delivered in person, Mister Cain. But, not..." he trailed off, a wicked gleam in his eye, "officially. Everyday clothes will do."

"Yes sir," Wyatt replied, pressing the last button. The Mystic Man moved over to the desk and pulled the page out.

"Go on and change, I'll seal it up," he told Wyatt as he reached for an ink pen. Wyatt nodded, stood and left the office, destined for his smaller quarters nearby. Smirking, the Mystic Man crumpled up the letter.

"Don't open this until you get to the corner," the Mystic Man told him, holding the envelope up for a moment before he slipped it into the inner pocked of Wyatt's jacket. "It contains the code phrase you'll need." Wyatt gave him a look, one eyebrow rising slightly.

"Why not just tell me what to say?" he asked, not meaning to sound so contrary.

The Mystic Man gave him a grin and adjusted the collar of Wyatt's jacket. "Opening the letter is the signal that you are the one he's looking for." The Mystic Man moved back and nodded. "Go."

Wyatt reached the corner with a few seconds to spare. Glancing around, he didn't see anyone exactly looking like they were waiting for someone to arrive and open an envelope. Taking a breath, Wyatt reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the envelope. He winced slightly, opening the stuck flap and pulled out the page inside. His brow furrowed, realizing letter he'd typed wasn't there. Instead, the envelope contained a smaller paper scrap and a fifty-Platinum note. Glancing up, Wyatt gave another sweep of the corner.

Be yourself and don't screw up.

Wyatt's eyebrow rose. What did that mean?

Adora pushed the stage door open and stepped out onto the street. It was a nice day - not too hot, not too cold - and there was a slight breeze. Glancing up at the sky, she smiled at the clouds dotting the blue and returned her gaze to street-level. It had taken a good deal of pleading to get Ravi to allow her to go, and she guessed that the Mystic Man's company helped her employer agree.

Not seeing her escort, Adora wondered if he had been caught in traffic or, perhaps, something had come up.

That's when she saw Wyatt.

52 - SWEAT
As Wyatt pondered the meaning of the strange note, he glanced up and saw the woman who had been distracting him the past few days, standing just across the street. 'Son of a Guild Fighter...' he mumbled, giving Adora an awkward smile as she gave him an awkward wave. Wyatt glanced down again, suddenly feeling nervous and blushy. Shoving the envelope into his pocket, Wyatt crossed the street.

"Hi," he said, then winced and shook his head. "I mean... Ma'am-I mean."

Adora bit her lip to hold the smile back and, after a moment of watching him fluster, stated: "Adora."

36 - BOAT
Adora watched Wyatt for a moment and leaned toward him. "You're not who I was expecting," she said in a low tone. When Wyatt looked at her, she smiled.

"Same here," he replied, returning the smile.

"So... he's not coming?" Adora asked, scrunching her nose slightly as her head moved side to side.

"Who?" Wyatt asked, his mind immediately going to some young Central banker.

"Your friend," Adora explained, "from the theater. He offered to escort me to the festival tonight."

Wyatt looked at her for a moment and then everything clicked into place. "No... he won't be making it."

"I could... escort you," Wyatt said a moment later. He gave her a shrug and shook his head, "I mean... if... you still wanted to go to the festival." He gave her nervous smile while his brain was screaming for him to snap out of it. She was just a girl and he was just a guy. He'd asked girls out before; why was this time so different?

'Because she's not like the girls you usually ask out. She's cultured... and so out of your league.'

"I'd like that," Adora replied with a nod and took his arm. "Very much."

They walked together is near silence, Adora distracted by the tall buildings and life going on around her. It wasn't that she was sheltered, but that she just didn't get out much. Wyatt pointed out a few random tidbits of information as they passed certain buildings - usually some historical fact - and, as the turned the corner onto Green Street, Adora's eyes lit up. The road had been blocked to traffic and - as far as she could see - tables, stands and people lined the sidewalks.

"You sure you want to go in there?" Wyatt asked teasingly.

"Oh yeah," she grinned. "Positive."

19 - ITCH
Twenty minutes after they'd arrived, Adora and Wyatt had only made it past three tables. This was due, in part, to a dog that had been hiding under the table, watching as people passed by. Adora, of course, spotted him and knelt down, as if to examine a hand-carved statue. Glancing sideways, she held her hand out. A moment later, the dog was out from under the table and licking her silly as she scratched his ears. The vendor apologized to Wyatt multiple times, but Wyatt just shook his head.

Adora seemed to be enjoying herself, so he wasn't worried.

Adora was having a wonderful time, wandering between the vendors and seeing what they had for sale. She was glad, also, that she hadn't brought much money with her, because she'd have spent it all long before she and Wyatt even got to the first food cart. One woman wrote down the information for contacting her husband's shop and told Adora that he could replicate the design easily.

Adora thanked her and promised to place an order as soon as possible, as she wasn't going to make it to her parents' anniversary party, back home, due to the touring schedule.

68 fancy dinner
Adora's stomach was starting to grumble after the second sun set. She and Wyatt had already passed three vendors selling a variety of freshly-made foods and the smells coming from the next block were simply torture.

Wyatt was also getting hungry, but he wasn't thinking about the food carts ahead of them. Adora was a classy lady and deserved a classy meal. And, thanks to the fifty Platinums burning a hole in his pocket, Wyatt was prepared to take her somewhere that was nicer than a street corner.

Of course, he really wasn't appropriately dressed for Central City's fancier eateries.

74 waiting for dinner
After the second stand, Adora couldn't take it any more. She turned to Wyatt and put her hand on his chest to stop him. Wyatt's chin and eyes dropped slightly and, a second later, Adora pulled her hand back.

"Sorry," she said, giving him an embarrassed smile, "I'm-"

"Hungry?" Wyatt finished, hoping that was what she was going to say.

"Starving," she said, breathing out in relief. "I mean," she quickly amended, shaking her head, "not starving. I mean, they do feed us. But, I... uh," she rambled and laughed nervously. "I could eat," she finally stated and then nodded.

"All right," Wyatt nodded, "what are you in the mood for? Food-wise."

Adora looked around at the collection of stands and shook her head. "What do you recommend?"

Wyatt laughed and shook his head. "Well, do you want food that requires a fork?" Adora's face scrunched and she continued to look around. A young girl across the way caught her attention, going through the motions of preparing someone's order.

"What is that?" she asked. Wyatt turned to follow her gaze as she leaned toward him to look around the person who'd just blocked her view.

"That... is a corn dog."

Wyatt turned his head back and blinked, realizing Adora was right there. Swallowing, Wyatt gave her a forced smile and nodded toward the stand. "You never had a corn dog?" Adora smiled and shook her head. "Well, it's a hot dog. Only, they put it on a stick and then dip it in batter. And fry it up. It's..." he trailed off, trying to think of a way to describe the concoction. "A hot dog."

Adora looked at him, eyes sparking and a beaming smile. "Can we have that?"

"If that's what you want..." Wyatt smirked and shrugged. "Why not?"

43 - DRINK
Wyatt led Adora over to the counter and nodded to the man waiting to take their order. He glanced at Adora, narrowing his eyes slightly. "You're sure?" At Adora's grin, he shrugged and nodded to the man. "Two of your finest corn dogs, please."

Adora pushed up on her toes to watch as the girl began to prepare their meal and saw a sign advertising fresh lemonade. Reaching into her pocket, Adora asked: "And lemonade." Placing the few coins she had on the counter, she glanced between the man and Wyatt. "Please."

"And two lemonades," Wyatt said, nodding to him.

After paying for their dinner - Wyatt insisted on Adora taking her coins back and was glad he had traded the single bill for smaller ones as Adora browsed - he led her over to one of the benches in the square. During the day, residents of Central City would take lunch in this small park. The trees offered shade, the location was perfectly set so that there was always a breeze and the flowers gave folks something pretty to look at.

Of course, Wyatt wasn't thinking about looking at the flowers.

His attention was on the woman examining her corn dog.

Adora had taken one bite of her corn dog and immediately reached up to cover her mouth. "'sreallygood," she mumbled, smiling as she finished chewing. Wyatt had to look away to fight his own smile; he'd never actually seen someone enjoy a corn dog so much. Honestly, he really didn't like them, but, for her company, he'd survive one.

Adora shifted on the bench and made a face before leaning forward and undoing the buckles on her shoes. Slipping her feet out, Adora pulled her legs up and sat cross-legged on the bench, then took another bite of her dinner.

10 - RAIN
Both Wyatt and Adora had been having too much fun teasing each other about silly habits - Adora, it turned out, could twirl spoons - to notice that the weather was starting to turn. There was no warning from thunder, and the lights of the city detracted from the light show that the surrounding areas of Central City were getting. Instead, Adora was trying to show Wyatt her spoon-twirling skill with the corn dog stick when, all of a sudden, the water came down.

Adora managed a shriek at the sudden rush of cold water while Wyatt was seeking out dry land.

Nearby, folks were rushing to pull their goods back into the tents and others were ducking for cover.

Wyatt grabbed Adora's hand as she leaned forward for her shoes, and hauled her up as fast as he could, so fast that Adora nearly didn't catch the straps. They ran for the nearest doorway and ducked under an awning, glancing out as the bright street grew dimmer, thanks to all the rain.

Adora leaned forward slightly, beaming, while Wyatt grumbled and festered. The storm wasn't that bad, really, and it was moving pretty fast, enough to water the grass and flowers.

Adora hadn't been caught in the rain in a very long time. Maybe it was the company, or her newly-found-yet-temporary freedom, but she smiled and reached for Wyatt's hand. "Hold these, please," she requested, pushing the corn dog stick into his hand and hooking the straps of her shoes over his fingers. She jumped out onto the sidewalk, just out of Wyatt's reach, and looked up at the sky, eyes closed and arms out.

The rain was cool, refreshing, and Adora let herself twirl around, not caring about how inappropriate her actions might be, if anyone was watching to complain.

34 - WAR
Wyatt watched as the strange girl spun around barefoot in the rain, her hair and dress getting thoroughly soaked. He wasn't sure if she was crazy or not, but he did know one thing: she was beautiful. He wasn't going to let on, of course, because he had a reputation to protect. If the others on the Mystic Man's detail knew that Wyatt Cain had been brought down by a girl...

But Adora wasn't just any girl. Not by a long shot. Every time she spoke, he was surprised. All the answers he thought he'd get, she gave the opposite.

58 - kids playing in the water
Adora stopped and faced Wyatt. "Come on!" she called to him, beaming smile and hands waving him out. Wyatt shook his head, though he was also smiling. "You're not gonna melt!" she yelled over the sound of the rain.

"Maybe not, but you are gonna drown!" Wyatt yelled back.

"That's okay! I can swim!" she said airily, giving herself one more spin.

"Enough! You'll get sick. And then I'll have your boss and mine stringing me up for landing the star of the show in the hospital!" Wyatt told her, reaching an arm out from the protection of the awning.

As the rain started to ease up, Adora sighed and reached for Wyatt's hand, letting him pull her back under the awning. He was right - she was going to have a terrible cold in the morning, if she was lucky. But, it was worth it, she decided. She hadn't had so much fun in a very long time.

As the night breeze picked up - a common occurrence following the rain in Central - Adora shivered slightly, the cold air mixing with the cold water. Wyatt held out her shoes and shrugged out of his mostly-dry jacket before she could object.

50 - HUMID
"Aren't you going to be cold?" Adora asked, realizing that it was actually much warmer with his jacket over her shoulders. Okay, so it wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done, but it was just one more thing to add to her box of memories. It was silly, but something she'd started doing once the company had hit the road. Every city she visited, Adora kept something to remind her of the visit. This was the only memory, though, that would be just that... unless she didn't manage to lose the corn dog stick.

"Always warms up after it rains."

It was getting late, and Adora knew she needed to get back, regardless of how badly she wanted the evening to continue. She and Wyatt walked back, Adora enjoying the feel of the pavement beneath her feet. The sleeves of Wyatt's jacket were a bit long, so her shoes and the corn dog stick seemed to be floating at the sleeve.

At one point, Adora put her free hand into the pocket and felt a piece of paper she didn't remember putting in there, and pulled it out. It only took a moment to read the writing, and she smiled.

Adora glanced at the door as she and Wyatt returned to the same corner they'd met on, hours earlier. The entire company was staying in the rooms provided by the theater, so they didn't have to worry about traveling back and forth each night. Adora leaned over and set her shoes on the step so that she could shrug out of Wyatt's large jacket.

"Thank you, again," she told him. It was suddenly very cold, as she was still soaked.

"It was my pleasure," Wyatt replied. "Let me get-" he started, reaching for the door, but was suddenly being kissed.

61 - rising temperatures
Adora knew she was breaking many rules of etiquette, standing on the sidewalk, barefoot, and kissing a perfect stranger on the lips! But, she didn't care. She wanted to kiss him. And, really, it wasn't like she'd ever see him again, right? They'd be leaving at the end of the week and moving on to the next city. If anything, this moment was just something else to put into her box of memories.

The feeling of Wyatt's hands covering her cheek and then neck filled her with an odd sort of warmth and Adora pushed up on her toes, smiling.

Wyatt pulled back slowly, still holding on to Adora's face. His eyes opened slowly, and he was glad to see that she was smiling. He, of course, could feel the blush starting to spread up his neck. Clearing his throat slightly, Wyatt let go of her and took a step back. He wasn't entirely certain what he was supposed to say or do next.

Right, she was heading back inside and he was going home. Or was it back to work?

"Good night, Mister Cain," she said quietly, then turned toward the door and picked up her shoes.

"Good night..."

46 - DROWN
Adora pushed the door shut behind her and her smile widened. Quickly, shoes still in her hand, Adora turned and started up the stairs, only to lurch to a halt at the sight of Ravi DeMilo sitting on one of the steps, halfway up.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked with a bite, pulling himself up and standing to give her a once-over. She looked like a drowned, shoeless rat. Adora gave him a tentative look and then straightened her shoulders.

"I did," she said, giving him a smile and moving past him.

"Good," he finally said, smiling.

Adora had been missing the two simplest steps for the last hour. She was actually more frustrated than Ravi and her fellow dancers were. Why had she kissed him? Damn that Wyatt Cain for getting into her head. And damn her, for letting him.

Wyatt Cain had been standing in front of the same filing cabinet for twenty minutes, staring at the same folder and not understanding why he couldn't find the file he needed. If he’d looked up, though, he'd have seen the folder sitting on top of the cabinet. Right where he'd put it twenty-one minutes ago.

63 - ice cream truck
"I was so hoping to get at least one more annual," Ravi said with a heavy sigh. Nodding to the man behind the counter, he took the frozen raspberry pop and looked at the Mystic Man. "Ah well," he shrugged and stepped away from the truck.

"You are so sure she is ready?" the Mystic Man asked.

"She is distracted. And to pull her away, leaving her to wonder..." Ravi sat on a nearby bench and sighed. "I cannot do that to her. I promised her mother I would take care of her."

"I'll help in any way I can."

Adora was practicing her path for the wedding scene, eyes closed and counting her steps to the tune in her head, when Ravi stepped on stage. "Adorina, my dear," he said in a cheery voice. Adora stopped and reached up to run the back of her hand across her forehead. She gave him a smile and took a breath and Ravi moved over and offered his arm. "Come, sit with me."

Adora sat on a crate and looked up as he sat. "Are you all right?" she asked, noting he looked sad.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news, Adora..."

Adora sat in silence as Ravi spoke. His voice held no anger and he never let go of her hand, but she couldn't help thinking of every missed step, every late turn. He was letting her go. Ten annuals, she'd been dancing in his company; and now it was ending.

"This is for your own good, Adora," Ravi said in a gentle voice - he'd dropped his nickname for her, so she knew he was serious. "You need to take this break. You need to see if this is where your heart is."

"My heart is here," she replied.

"I know."

69 - heart in the sand
"I don't understand, Ravi. Well," she quickly countered, "I do understand." She'd been distracted and all because of that damn Wyatt Cain. She wanted to curse him, but Adora didn't actually know any curses. And, really, it wasn't his fault. It was hers.

"This isn't goodbye. Adora... You've been working so hard," Ravi told her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "You need a break." He gave her a look and nodded. "A distracted dancer-"

"-is an injured dancer," she finished with a nod. And he was right. "I'm so sorry, Ravi."

"Never apologize for your heart," he told her.

21 - FAN
Wyatt had been in the audience the past two nights. He couldn't get Adora out of his head. He knew that this show was the last, and then she would be gone from Central City and his life. Maybe that was for the best, he realized. After all, he was now one of those guys he'd always teased his friends about, spending all his earnings on a girl.

She had everything - beauty, grace, talent... He couldn't offer her anything besides a one-bedroom apartment, turkey and cheese sandwiches and his jacket, when it was cold.

Well, there was also his heart.

Ravi had sat her down and explained everything. She wasn't being punished, but he wasn't going to let her miss the opportunity to live her life. He loved her, as if she was his own child, and he wanted her to be happy. Maybe, she would be happy with the boy and maybe not. Maybe, she would be happy living in the city and doing something new and maybe not.

But she needed to try.

He also knew that the boy would be in the audience that night, though he didn't tell her. His dear friend had conspired with him.

The night had gone perfectly; every note, every step and every lift. For all her mistakes in rehearsals - a part Adora knew better than the back of her hand - she never missed a step during the performance. Well, she missed one, but that was because she was in front of the section Wyatt was sitting in, and the lights were just right as she glanced at the stage that she could see him sitting there.

She froze for a whole half-count before one of the girls in the chorus swept past, bringing her back into the moment and moving on.

As she was dancing with Patrick, her prince - and one of the most wonderful men she had ever known - the emotion of everything came bearing down on her. "Are you all right?" he asked without moving his lips as a tear slid down her cheek.

She didn't answer, but looked at him, smiled and nodded her head. To anyone watching, it was a simple gesture of the part. Chocking back the tears, Adora pushed herself even harder, trying to move herself past it.

She wasn't going to screw this up. Not now.

She hit every remaining step, perfectly.

As always.

04 - FLOAT
On her last step, Adora felt everything go blank. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and applauding. The curtain closed and everyone started running around to get into place for the curtain calls. She didn’t remember moving, but someone must’ve pulled her along, because she was very soon hiding in the wings, waiting for the others to have their moment.

What she did know, however, was that the air felt different. There was a lighter feeling in her chest, on her shoulders... though she didn’t know there had been a weight before.

It was time for her final bow.

As she moved forward with the entire company, the house lights came up, just enough. If there was one part of her job that Adora could do without, it was this one. She had always danced to dance, not for the applause and accolades. The crowd didn't know that this was her last show, nor did the company. The only ones who knew were Ravi, Adora and Missus DeMilo - she knew everything - and young Antoine, as he liked to spy on his parents.

She never looked at the audience - too many were looking back - until tonight.

Wyatt's seat was empty.

Thankfully, Adora could blame the musty air of the theater as she started to tear up. She'd just told her fellow dancers that, tomorrow, she wouldn't be leaving with them. Of course, as Wyatt hadn't been in his chair at the end of the show, she had thought that, maybe, he was waiting in the wings. Maybe he was at the stage door.

He wasn't waiting there, though. He wasn't anywhere.

She'd looked.

Maybe, he wasn't going to dash in, like the prince in her story, and whisk her away to happily ever after.

What was she to do now?

After a final show, in any city, the company threw a party. In this case, it was serving a dual purpose, as an end of the run and the end of Adora's career. The tone was lively, and everyone was giving her words of encouragement, though Adora didn't feel very much like celebrating. She was munching on a small bite of watermelon, though, when the room... changed.

Looking up, Adora saw Wyatt, standing just across the way, holding a corn dog.

One of the girls in the chorus pointed her out and Wyatt nodded before making his way over.


56 - food on a stick
"Hello," Adora said quietly. She knew everyone was watching, and part of her wished they wouldn't. Not now. But, the other parts of her didn't care. Wyatt was there, right in front of her. She couldn't help but look at his hands and she smiled. "You didn't have to bring your own," she said, trying to lighten the thick air.

"What?" Wyatt said, looking down to follow her gaze then realizing what she meant. "Oh, yeah," he said, breathing through a laugh. "Well, I figured that there probably wouldn’t be any," he waved to the table and shrugged, "so..."


"Heck of a spread you’ve got here," Wyatt said, giving the buffet table a glance. Adora, however, was still watching Wyatt.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a whisper. She could see a few of the girls over Wyatt's shoulder, watching intently. The others, for the most part, had gone back to their conversations, but still had one eye on Adora and the strange man with the corn dog.

Wyatt looked back to Adora and took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask you.. I know you're leaving tomorrow, but... Can I say anything to make you stay?"

08 - OCEAN
"I mean," Wyatt winced, "that wasn't..." Closing his eyes, Wyatt's chin dropped and he let out a deep sigh. "That wasn't the way I meant to say it," he finally told her.

"How did you mean to say it?" Adora asked, trying to not smile, scream or start dancing. After all, maybe he didn't mean it the way he said it.

Wyatt noticed the audience and nodded for her to step aside. Adora moved closer to the edge of the stage. Now, the only audience was the sea of empty chairs.

"I mean," he sighed, "I wish you would stay."

"Look, I know," he started, shaking his head, "you can't. I just... And, I know that you don't know me, at all, but..." Looking up, Wyatt realized how he sounded and laughed uncomfortably. He was always the first to scoff when his friends would start talking about 'love at first sight'. And, now, here he was. One look at the woman in front of him and he was done. The clouds had parted, the world was different.

Whatever stupid cliche fit.

Adora couldn't help but smile, eying the probably-cold corn dog. "Why would you want me to stay, Wyatt?"

Wyatt felt the blush creeping up his neck, but he didn't care anymore. He was going to tell her how he felt and then she'd laugh and leave and he'd never have to face her again. Letting out a heavy sigh, he gave Adora a half-shrug and shook his head. "I haven't slept in a week. I can't stop..." He huffed and held up the corn dog. "I want to buy you corn dogs and watch you dance in the rain... Forever."

Adora simply stared at him. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, she focused on the stage floor.

Wyatt took her headshake badly, of course. Closing his eyes, Wyatt suddenly felt the fool he'd expected he was. The feeling of a hand on his caused Wyatt to open his eyes and then flinch. Adora had moved closer, one hand holding his and the other taking the corn dog. She looked up, slowly, focusing on the buttons of his shirt.

"I'm not going with them." Wyatt shook his head, eyes narrowed. "I've been let go," Adora said quietly. "This was my last dance."

"Why?" Wyatt asked, suddenly enraged that she'd been fired.

"My heart... is no longer in it." be continued

~challenge, series: ballerina!adora, ~drabble, fic: tin man, .charloft

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