Fic: Charlie Brown Tree, Part II

Dec 03, 2019 13:43

Title: Charlie Brown Tree, Part II
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt & Adora
Rating: G
Summary: Adora's changing his holiday traditions.
Warning: pre-series holiday fluff, following Foot in Mouth *Written for adventdrabbles 2019 at DreamWidth. Prompt: Hollyberries
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

At the Ballet | The Same Old Crowd | Cinderella's Night Off | Saying Goodbye | Stage Door Wyatt | Dancing Together | Foot in Mouth | Charlie Brown Tree, Part I | Charlie Brown Tree, Part II | A Little Too Boy Scout | Tea & Cocoa | Sweater Weather | The Recital

Wyatt was leaning against the counter, making a face as he tried to untie the knot his bow had become. "Thought you were taught how to tie a knot as part of your Tin Man training," Adora said as she watched him.

"They did. Which is why I tied a knot and not a bow," he replied, then tossed it on the counter in frustration as the teapot started to whistle.

She smiled and glanced at the tree. Something was still missing. Her trailing thoughts were interrupted by a teacup coming into view, and she offered Wyatt a smile. "Thank you." She watched him for a moment, standing in the space doubling as a kitchen, then took a quick glance of the living space. "I know what I'm getting you for Ozma's," she said, lifting the cup to her lips.

"Oh?" Wyatt smirked. She took a sip and nodded, then lowered the cup slightly.

"A second chair." The look on Wyatt's face made her smile, which she quickly covered by raising the teacup, once again.

Wyatt cocked his head. "And where am I going to put that?"

"You should have a second chair. What if you have company?"

"Company gets the chair," he replied, motioning to Adora as she stood.

"And you stand?" She offered the teacup, which he took.

"Well, company gets the chair." He gave her a smirk and twisted to place the teacup in the small sink. When he turned back, Adora was right in his personal bubble, and his breath caught.

"So, we're going to share the chair?" she asked in a low tone. Wyatt could feel the room spinning as he tried to focus on anything but how close she was. He wanted to pull her even closer, kiss her until he couldn't breathe... and do a lot more, if he was honest.

But, they weren't married. Even engaged, she needed to leave before dark.

Clearing his throat, Wyatt motioned toward the furniture currently in his possession. "Well, obviously we can't live here," he nodded, his voice cracking slightly. "I mean, there's no room. You have... things." He swallowed thickly, and tried not to look at her.

An odd squeak caused him to look straight and Wyatt frowned when he realized she had stepped back and was laughing behind her hand. "Wha-" he started, then planted his hands on his hips. Adora waved at him and turned, trying to compose herself.

"My dear Mister Cain," she finally said, taking a deep breath, "if you can't stand that close to me for two seconds, we're most definitely going to have to find a larger bed!" She moved back to the chair, missing that his eyes had gone wider than dinner plates; set down the sewing kit she had palmed from the counter; and reached back to fiddle with the clasp of her necklace.

"May I have a bowl?" she asked, glancing sideways. Wyatt let out the breath he'd been holding and pulled the requested dish from the cupboard. Deciding it was best for him to keep a good distance from her, for the time being, Wyatt stretched his arm to offer the bowl, which she took with a smile.

He watched as she removed the necklace, placed it in the bowl, and then opened the kit and removed the small scissors. A moment later, there was a plinking sound as the red beads of the necklace were freed from their cord, and collected in the bowl.

"What are you doing?"

Adora smiled, and reached for the twine. "I figured out what was missing from your tree."

~challenge, .adventdrabbles, series: ballerina!adora, fic: tin man

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