The fic list

Jul 19, 2020 11:34

More coins inside her hands


All The Pretty Things
Christine/Jess PG-13, 5,200 words
Written for the Denial Christmas Fest.
Christine never pretended to be nice.

These Hills We Climb
Becker/Lester, Ryan(Stephen) PG-15, 2,200 words
Birthday fic for Lukadreaming. Ghost fic

Through the Fair
Becker/Connor NC-17, 14,400
Written for the Denial Art Challenge prompt. Gorgeous image by Clea 2011.
Any day that provided the opportunity for some sharp shooting, a heroic rescue and a thoroughly-slimed Danny Quinn must be a good day.

Knit one, slip one
Claudia Gen 1,250 words
Art Challenge fic. Gorgeous image by lsellersfic
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.

Coping Mechanisms
Becker/Lester NC-17 3,360 words
Lester thinks he's saving Becker, but perhaps it's Becker saving Lester.
Birthday fic for Fredbassett

The Great Outdoors

Becker/Connor PG-15 , 3,675 words.

Becker and Connor go camping. Naturally things go wrong. Crack.

Exception to the Rule

Lester/Ryan, 13,850 words, NC-17

“We’re going to kill Helen Cutter.”

Written for the Trope Bingo Square: Fake relationship

Fixed Single, Open Return

Ryan/Stephen, 1000 words, gen

Primeval Bingo: Cretaceous

Gift fic for Goldarrow

Not Exactly a Hallmark Moment

Connor/Ryan, 5050 words, NC-17

Written for the Trope Bingo square: Secret Admirer

Gift fic for Fififolle

Crookening Out the StraightenedRoad

Lester/Danny, 3360 words, PG-13

One day, one date, 15 hours and 27 pubs. Are Lester and Danny up to the Circle Line challenge?

Secret Santa for Fred Bassett

What she wants (Abby)
This means war (Abby/Connor, char death)
Card games (Stephen, Connor, team)
What will be (Stephen)
Breaking and entering (Connor, Nick, Stephen)
Traces left behind (OC, team)
Alone (Danny)
Dying of the Light (Connor, Nick, char death)
Atonement (Becker, Lester)
New traditions (Emily/Matt)
Shared values (Emily/Matt, Connor)
Love bite (Abby, Connor, Caroline)
Perfect (Abby/Connor)
Those left behind I (Becker/Jess)
Those left behind II (Connor/Lester)
Finders keepers (OC)
Look of love (Abby/Connor, team)
Replacement parts (Helen, clone)
Infiite monkey theorem (Nick, Stephen)
Safe house (Lester/Helen)
No day like today (Helen, Nick)
Afterlife (Christine)
Deadlines (Team)
Assumptions (Connor/Lester PG-15)
Covered Mirrors (Emily/Henry, OC char death)

Surprise Party (Becker/Connor)

Staring Contest (Connor, team)

Rumours (Connor, team)

Roomies (Lester, Connor)

Stand-down (Jess, team)

First Impressions (Nick, Stephen, Connor)

Art Appreciation (Sarah, Danny, team)

Caring is sharing (Abby, Becker)

Lester/Connor - cracky fluff
Job satisfaction
But I know what I like
Lost for words
Best days of your life
Master and apprentice
True heroics
Creature Comforts

Becker/Connor - Regency AU - Complete
Direct approach
Fortune hunting
Land of plenty
The world in your hands
Brink of surrender
Flights of fancy
Sticks and stones
And into the fire (NC-17)
Things fall apart
Nothing without you

The Price of Friendship

Seconds, Minutes, Hours

Worthy Opponents

No Contest

Gift Horses

Bird in the Hand (non-con)

Call to Arms

Tell No Tales

Across a Crowded Room

Best Served Cold

Life Lessons

Absence of Light (Jenny, Connor)

He who laughs last (Lester, Leek)

Force of nature (Lester, Connor, Abby)

It’s all Greek to me (Jenny, Ryan)

Broken Links (Lester, Becker, Leek)

Season’s end (Lester, Becker, Leek)

Return of the Traveller (Connor, Jenny, Ryan)

Words Unspoken (Becker/Connor)

Full Circle (Becker, Lester)

Lightly over Heavy Ground (Becker/Connor)

Drawing Battle Lines (Becker/Connor)

Domestic Interludes (Becker, Abby, Jess, Ryan, Jenny, Lester, Connor)

Business as Usual/Would have been Good (Becker, Jess, Lester, Connor, Abby, Danny)

News Flies Fast (Lester, Connor, Abby)

Tactical Manoeuvres (Abby, Connor, Lester, Becker, Danny)

Penultimate Moment (Becker/Connor)

Traditional Forms of Address (Becker/Connor)

An Unexpected Wedding (Becker/Connor)

Sir James Lester Mysteries
The case of the fatal fungi
Wheel of Fortune

Stranger than Fiction

Alice Crossover

Tea for two (Connor/Hatter)


Grey in the dark

Jason/Pythagoras, Hercules, 2,700 words, R

“What’s stopping you making a move?” asked Hercules.

Written for the Trope Bingo square: Bets and Wagers

Properly Receptive to New Ideas

Jason/Pythagoras, Hercules, 2175 words, PG-13

What is this thing called exercise?

Birthday fic for Dionychus_1.

Until the Whole World is Blind

Arcas, OC, 1000 words, gen

What a blood debt really means.

Episode fix-it.

Dream about You

Jason/Pythagoras, Hercules/Medusa, 1000 words

Jason dreams

Written for the Trope Bingo square: Future fic


Hopeful Travellers

Alex/Hal/Tom, 1000 words, PG-13

They were going on a holiday because that’s what you did when you were alive.

Written for the Trope Bingo square: Road Trip


TheMating Dilemna Team

Written for the Trope Bingo Square Fuck or Die. Sheldon can subvert any prompt.


Ale & Hearty

(Merlin/Arthur) Crack NC-17
Merlin gets spectacularly drunk and tells everyone about his and Arthur's sex life. Written for the Kink Meme. 1000 words

A Life Worth Less (Gen/pre-slash) PG-13
“So does that mean his life’s worthless?”
“No. It means it’s worth less than yours.”
Some lives really do have more value than others. 6900 words

By Any Other Name (Merlin/Arthur) Crack Nc-17, 1,000 words
Slightly cracky porn written for this Kink Meme prompt: Arthur/Merlin, name calling (slut, whore, etc). A million billion bonus points if Merlin is the one doing the name calling and you can actually manage to make it in character. I know it would be quite hard to write that and not make him totally OOC but I thought I'd throw the challenge out there anyway!

Belonging (Will/Valiant, implied Will/Merlin, pre-slash Merlin/Arthur) R
Will/Valiant. I know, I know. This fic started as a look at Will and Merlin's relationship through Will's eyes for the Merlin Flashfiction Outsider challenge. Naturally I missed the deadline. It's possibly a sign. Mercifully short at 1000 words for the main story, 100 words for the epilogue.

Cut and Dried (Merlin/Arthur) Crack PG-13
Hairdresser AU wherein Merlin is a stylist with magic fingers.  1760 words

For Better or Worse(Merlin/Arthur) NC-17
Written the Kink Meme prompt: Arthur/Merlin, divorce.  Merlin cheats, Arthur behaves badly, huge amounts of angst ensue, but if they can’t go back maybe it’s still possible to move forwards…2,800 words

Here’s the Thing about Magic (Merlin/Arthur) R
Monsters, magic, a denial of magic, misunderstandings, major angst and a side order of plot, sex and romance. Nominated for Best Overall Fic & Best Angst Fic Merlin/Arthur Fic Awards 2008. 12200 words Part 1
Part 2

Possession (Uther/Arthur, Merlin) R
Uther gives Arthur a bath. Bonus points for the black leather gloves. Written for the Kink Meme. 1000 words

Sleeping with the Enemy/The Lies We Tell(Merlin/Arthur/Gwen Pg-13, Merlin/Arthur NC-17)
Two short Merlin fics written for the Kink Meme:
 Arthur/Merlin, angst. Arthur believes Merlin and him are desperately in love. Little does he know Merlin is straight and only got into a relationship with him out of obligation. Bonus points if Merlin is the bottom of the couple.  (Sleeping with the Enemy, Arthur/Merlin. 350 words, NC-17)
Arthur/Merlin, dealing with leaked sex tape or other public scandal  (The Lies We Tell, Arthur/Merlin, Lancelot/Gwen, 680 words, PG-13)

Suitable Recompense for Services Rendered (Uther/OFC, Gaius) PG-13
The King. The Courtesan. The Physician. Everyone is using someone. Minor spoilers for Valiant.  The players are Uther/OFC and Gaius set around five years before the series starts. It's not a romance.  Warning for enforced termination.  PG-13 for non-explicit sex and adult themes. 3200 words

Three Words (Merlin/Arthur) NC-17
Kink porn. Fisting. Bottom!Arthur 1000 words

Two Short Intervals in the Nature of Possession (Merlin/Arthur) R
In which Merlin gets possessed, Alsoa writes romantic fumbling sex and (probably) the seeds of a huge future misunderstanding are sown. 8500 words

An incomplete list of stories from the past:

Dominoes (Mal/Simon) NC-17
Mal wants Inara but he’ll settle for Simon…8200 words

Light in your Eyes (Methos/Richie) NC-17
The events of The Messenger leave Richie uneasy. Richie/Methos but the story is actually as much about the relationship between Methos and Duncan. 2900 words

Not in the Winter (Duncan/Methos) NC-17
So what did happen to that tattoo… 7600 words

Plat du Jour (Gen) PG-13
They ate what?! Things aren’t always what they seem. 3150 words

Choices PG-13
Elrond and Isildur at the Cracks of Doom. Short and not at all sweet. 500 words

Cold Comfort (L/G) R
Legolas faces up to some painful truths. Slash alert. 5500 words

I Will Follow (L/G) Gen
Legolas and Gimli share a moment after Helm's Deep. Vignette. L/G UST 1400 words

Promises (L/G) PG-13
King Elessar weds. Legolas and Gimli reach an understanding. LG slash 1200 words


Something approaching a happy ending

Malory Towers, 1000 words, Gwen, Darrell, OMC, OFC


The Jacobite Trilogy, 1200 words

Gift fic for Lukadreaming


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