Primeval fic: Best Served Cold

Aug 12, 2013 17:36

Title: Best Served Cold

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Leek
Written for P100 challenge 327: The Morning After

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés and unlikely shenanigans. Last week’s episode is here continues chronologically from here (warning for non-con). Becker and Lester have caught up with Duncan and Tom. Connor has escaped from Leek.


His head hurt. He put his hand up and found it came away bloody. There was blood on the sheets too, but that wasn’t his. A brandy glass stood on the dresser. He swallowed its contents and the sick feeling began to subside.

The room was a mess of overturned chairs and broken glass. He reviewed the night as he restored order.

The chain lay half-covered by a pillow. He retrieved it and replaced the ring which lay nearby. The boy was gone but this necklace was as good as proof.   Payback time.

All Leek had to do was wait.

primeval, regency au, leek, drabble

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