"And you won’t always be as devoted to Bill as you are now."

Jul 06, 2010 00:19

I APOLOGIZE FOR THE EPIC LATENESS OF THIS! My life has just been insane lately so I've had literally no time at all to do these.

But the one good thing about no new ep this week (and it being a holiday week) is that I finally got to catch up!

My hope is that I can have my 3.02 picspam up by Wednesday and 3.03 up by Friday. I'm starting the 3.02 one tonight so...hopefully! And then I'll be all caught up! *fingers crossed*

Oh and I'm catching up on my actual flist now too. I MISSED YOU GUYS! ♥

3.01 - Bad Blood

Pam: Now I don't remember telling you lavender was my favorite color?
Sookie: I'm in no mood for lesbian weirdness tonight, Pam. Where's Bill?
Pam: I have no idea.
Sookie: Then where's Eric?
Pam: He's um...indisposed at the moment
Sookie: Indisposed doing what?

"Pam is blond, probably two hundred-plus years old, and actually has a sense of humor; not a vampire trademark. If a vampire can be your friend, she was as close as I’d gotten."
Club Dead (Book 3) pg. 25

The Pam/Sookie friendship is one of my favorite things in the whole book series. I really hope the show continues to develop that as Eric/Sookie develops.

Pam: (flat) Sookie stop, don't, come back.
Sookie: I know he's in here! Bill?!
(Sookie sees Eric fucking)
Sookie: ...Holy F!
Eric: Sookie...see anything you like?
Pam: (looking at Yvetta) I do!
Eric: I take it Sookie couldn't be stopped.
Pam: What can I say? She overpowered me.
Eric: Off you go, Pam.
Pam: Fine.
Eric: Sookie, meet my new dancer. Yvetta, from Estonia. Yvetta, meet Sookie, from here.
Yvetta: *other language*
Sookie: Hi.
Eric: (In Swedish to Yvetta) Don't go anywhere

HA! Because of this I just changed the settings of my journal to "adult" as a precaution.

Of course the Eric/Sookie sex dream sequence last year was certainly "adult" and chock full of Anna Paquin's boobs, but it never really struck me as...dirty.

I mean, it had the pastel dream sequence lighting and it was so ridiculously schmoopy and they said eye roll-worthy things like:
hahaha idk it made it seem so much less porny to me.

"“I have always been very fond of you.”
He’d always wanted to have sex with me.
”Plus, I want to fuck you.” He grinned.
Club Dead, pg. 50


Eric: So...what brings to Fangtasia this balmy summer night?
Sookie: Bill's been kidnapped and I think you did it.
Eric: I didn't. Any other theories?
Sookie: I'm still on this one, thank you very much. Where were you tonight around 11 o'clock?
Eric: Here, with Yvetta.
Sookie: Doing this? For the last 6 hours?
Eric: You seem surprised. Is Bill's stamina not up to snuff?

You know, weirdly this is actually the very FIRST time they've seen each other since THIS MOMENT.

Their relationship is totally different now. She's probably the only one (besides Godric and Pam) who has ever seen him like that.

And on a superficial note...UNFFFFF OMG. The dimples. The V line. Gosh, how is he even a real person?
FU Kate Bosworth! (LOL that's jealousy talking, I actually think they're kind of cute)

"My eyes flew open, and I pushed back against rock-hard shoulders. I let out a little squeak of horror.
”It’s me,” said a familiar voice.
”Eric, what are you doing here?”
”You son of a bitch! I thought you were Bill! I thought he was back!”"
Club Dead, pg. 36

Sookie: Tell me where I can find Lorena. If you don't have him, she does!
Eric: Solid theory. But given the tenor of your last run in with Miss Krysihke I think it's better if I dealt with her instead.
Sookie: How do I know you will?
Eric: Because if Bill was in face kidnapped, by human or vampire, I am duty bound by Sheriff of the area in which he resides to find him. ...Even if I do want what is his.
Sookie: Then do it.
(She starts to leave)
Sookie: By the way, you owe me $10,000.

Sookie doesn't even know how much she already has him completely wrapped around her little finger.

He's so fucked.
And oh in that last cap he totally knows it.

"”You won’t always be so afraid of me,” he said, as if he were absolutely certain of the future. “And you won’t always be as devoted to Bill as you are now.”"
Club Dead, pg. 51

Eric: You remember our conversation?
Mr Rubin: Yes, of course
Eric: I ask you to do one thing for me, bring me Bill Compton. And you said "Done." So why wasn't it done, Mr. Rubin?
Mr. Rubin: I already told you Sheriff, by the time we got the restaurant he was gone, and there was a cop car...
Eric: You failed me! HOW COULD YOU FAIL ME?!?!
Pam: Eric...
Eric: Find him, Mr. Rubin. Or tomorrow's sunset will be your last.
Pam: Eric!
Mr. Rubin: But sunset's in a couple minutes...
Eric: Then I recommend you find a daywalker you can trust to find him for you.
(Eric hangs up)

LOL forever at the 3rd cap in the 3rd row.
Also again, how does he even look that good? HOW?!

I wonder what Eric had planned before. Did he just want to talk with Bill about what he knew about his dealings with V? That's perfectly understandable.
I wonder why he couldn't just request to talk to Bill himself though. I mean, he is his Sheriff so he should be able to do that without a third person.

Maybe he thought that Bill wouldn't respect him enough to come because Bill knows Eric has a thing for Sookie? But LOL so what? That's so irrelevant to "vampire politics" in a general sense. Bill would be such a douche if he decided not to talk to Eric just because of that reason.

Eric: What?!
Pam: You're losing it.
Eric: How is that helpful, Pam?
Pam: You need to call the queen.
Eric: The queen is the last person I need finding out about this!
Pam: You're not the only one who's fate hangs in the balance here!
Eric: And what do you think the queen will do if I tell her I've lost the one vampire who can link her to the dealing of vampire blood? And that I have no idea where he is?
Pam: And what do you think she'll do if she finds out from someone else? Call the queen.
Eric: There are times when I seek your council, Pam. Now is not one of those times.
Pam: Fine! I'm going underground then.

"”He had bad news he was going to tell you,” Pam said suddenly.
Eric overheard her and made a disgusted sound. “Tell Pam to shut up,” he said, sounding overtly furious for the first time since I’d known him. I didn’t see any need to relay the message, because I figured Pam had been able to hear him, too.
Club Dead, pg. 29

Eric/Pam is actually my favorite relationship on this show.
I love that she's someone that's allowed to call him out on his shit.

Eric: Your highness. Magister.
Magister: Mr. Northman. I haven't seen you since the Bill Compton trial.
Eric: Yes, it's been a...too long. May I ask what brings you to Fangtasia?
Sophie-Anne: We need to talk. You should probably close up.

So, who is the magister? In the books I don't think he exists, and neither does Nan (the woman that is always on CNN speaking on the vampires behalf). So what do they do exactly? Why are they more powerful than the vampire kings/queens? How did they come to acquire that kind of power?

Eric: We can just use my office.
Sophie-Anne: It's bugged.
Eric: How do you know this?
Sophie-Anne: Because I'm the one who bugged it. It's how I know I can trust you. All right! Everyone out! Now! Except...she can stay.
Magister: No. No humans. I need both of you at full attention.

Magister: Trouble abounds and your affairs date.
Eric: Tell me.
Magister: It would seem you idyllic little home is competing to become the V capitol of the world.
Sophie-Anne: Can you believe it? I am so embarrassed. Naturally I told the magister that you were the only vampire in my kingdom that could be trusted with this.
Eric: Anything I can do to be of service?
Magister: The blood is sacred. Wasting it on anything other than procreation is blasphemy.
Sophie-Anne: Madness.
Eric: Desecration.
Magister: Have you noticed an uptake of users in your neck of the woods? Maybe even here in your...club?
Eric: I haven't. No.
Magister: Then it's surprising to me, because every other sheriff to whom I've spoken has. The amounts are so great, in fact, that we can only assume a vampire is responsible.
Sophie-Anne: An act of self-loathing so shameful that whoever is responsible should fall on his own stake.
Eric: Respectfully magister, I'm not sure I follow your logic.
Magister: If your average, run of the mill drainers were behind this it would said to reason that said drainers would need vampires to drain. Which means there would be missing vampires and plenty of them. How many vampires have gone missing in your area?
Eric: None, Magister.
Magister: So now do you follow my logic?
Eric: I do. And I will look into the matter.
Magister: Good. And I will expect results.
Eric: You will have them.

HAHA I kind of love seeing them BS together.
Eric is playing a dangerous game here though.
But what can he really do? He's in trouble if he disobeys Sophie-Anne and he's in trouble of he disobeys the magister! Rock-hard place.

Sophie-Anne: When we do find the vampire that's responsible, how will you punish him?
Eric: Or her?
Sophie-Anne: And will it be in public?
Magister: Of course one who is proven guilty of such a crime must be made an example of. This kind of moral anarchy can not be allowed.
Eric: Agreed.
Magister: To a speedy resolution.
Sophie-Anne: The speedier the better.
Eric: Magister.

Sophie-Anne: Is it just me or is he really dull?
Eric: Your highness...
Sophie-Anne: I mean, isn't moral anarchy kind of the point? I can't think of anything more depressing than living by the law forever!
Eric: Your highness...
Sophie-Anne: Yes?
Eric: Forgive me, but I don't feel the same sense of relief that you do.
Sophie-Anne: You don't think he believed us?
Eric: Not entirely. No.
Sophie-Anne: Then I suggest you sell everything you have as soon as possible.
Eric: Excuse me?
Sophie-Anne: The pigs at the IRS are breathing down my neck. And I need money. Now. So sell the blood at half price if you have to. I don't care what it takes. Just move the product and then cover our tracks.
Eric: All do respect your highness, but I fear you're not considering all the angles.


I can kind of see why Sophie-Anne eventually met her downfall.
Eric seems much more...responsible? She is certainly powerful and can take care of herself, but she has this very "childish" attitude. Maybe it has to do with how young she was turned and how people have always treated her?

Sophie-Anne: All due respect, Mr. Northman, I'm due a lot more respect than that! And I'm sorry to compromise your manhood like this, but hell hath no fury like a vampire queen broke! MOVE - THE - BLOOD.

And really, this entire thing is very childish. She ran out of money (assumingly because she was spending it on all kinds of elaborate shit) and so she's essentially selling drugs in order to cover her fabulous lifestyle

And the GIF of her slamming him into the wall

OH THE UST! haha too bad she's a total tease and all about the pussy so that will never happen.
And they're both in love with Stackhouses so it doesn't even matter. I wonder if we'll see Sookie's cousin ever again?

Eric: There's something I couldn't tell you in front of the Majester. Bill Compton has gone missing. Kidnapped perhaps.
Sophie-Anne: I don't care. Move the blood.
Eric: He is the one vampire that knows about our arrangement. My side of it at least.
Sophie-Anne: Then I don't understand why we're even talking about him. Let him rot. I'll show myself out.

Clearly Eric over-estimated Bill's importance when he was talking with Pam earlier. He thought the Queen would actually care. Never forget how irrelevant he really is, Eric.
If only Sookie had that "IDGAF" attitude. In time, in time.

"“Are you my friend, or my enemy? Are you gonna find Bill, or let him rot?”
Eric laughed. It was short and unfunny, but it was better than him getting closer, at least at the moment. “Sookie, you are too much.”"
Club Dead, pg. 51

Pam: May I?
Sookie: Come on in.
Pam: Now, why'd you have to go and kill that maenad. She's a terrific decorator.
Sookie: Any news about Bill?
Pam: No. Just making my nightly rounds. And Eric wanted me to give you this.
Sookie: This is too much, it's only supposed to be ten.
Pam: We know. Eric wanted to give you a bonus for going above and beyond.
Sookie: Well tell him thanks...I guess.
Pam: I'll say you sounded more appreciative than that.
(Eric calls Pam)
Sookie: What was that?
Pam: Just Eric calling me. I should probably check in.
Sookie: He can call you?

Two Sookie/Pam scenes in one episode? They're spoiling me.
Also, taken completely out of context that GIF is SO femslashy. heh. ;)

This scene is rather adorable when you really think about it. Sookie going "above and beyond" means that she was there for Eric when he needed it. And for Godric. It meant a lot to Eric and he doesn't know how else to show her that (right now).

Having to thank anyone for emotional reasons is completely beyond him. Because shhhhh he's not supposed to have human emotions! Oh Eric.

Lafayette: A half off sale on V? Even though part of the allure of this shit is how expensive and exotic it is?
Pam: Well then sell it for twice the price, we don't care. Just so long as it's all gone by the time we wake up tomorrow evening.
Lafayette: Tomorrow?
Pam: Is there a problem?
Lafayette: No, hooker, look I can't sell all this shit by tomorrow! I got a cousin in trouble, she needs me...
Pam: I don't know what it is about me that makes people think I want to hear their problems. Maybe I smile too much? Maybe I wear too much pink? But please remember, I can rip your throat out if I need to, and also know that I am not a hooker. That was a long, long time ago.
Lafayette: Aight'
Pam: Yea? You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?
Lafayette: I is.
Pam: Good. I'll be back tomorrow to pick up the money.

Poor Lafayette. He's been through so much.
haha at least he's getting a car?

I suddenly want a Pam-as-a-hooker flashback.

Other Amusing Moments:


Andy: Say it with me. Conscience off.
Jason: Conscience off.
Andy: Dick what?
Jason: Dick on!
Andy: And everything's...
Jason: Gonna be all right!

hee! Jason!

Jessica/Hoyt ♥

Other GIFs:

Andy & Terry Aw!
Bill/Sam "I'm going to take that shower now...unless you'd care to join me?" "Yea...I think I would" LMAO I love how bashful Sam is
"I hear the water in Arkansas is very hard" LOLZ FOREVER
Bill/Sam almost kiss
Andy & Jason Aw Jason's smile!

Previous Eric Picspams:

Season 1

Season 2
2.01 - Nothing But The Blood - UPCOMING (will be tacked on to s1 since Eric is only in 1 scene)
2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9
2.05 - Never Let Me Go
2.06 - Hard-Hearted Hannah
2.07 - Release Me
2.08 - Timebomb
2.09 - I Will Rise Up
2.10 - New World In My View
2.11 - Frenzy
2.12 - Beyond Here Lies Nothin'

Eric & Pam - UPCOMING

Season 3
3.01 - Bad Blood
3.02 - Beautifully Broken - UPCOMING
3.03 - It Hurts Me Too - UPCOMING

tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, picspam, public

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