"Eric got closer and closer. I wasn’t sure if he was going to bite me or kiss me."

Jul 09, 2010 16:23

Ok, I know I'm a little behind schedule here, but I'm trying really hard to pop these out as fast as I can. Last night I stayed up until 4am trying to finish this before I went to sleep (and I work at 9am). HAHAHA why do I do this to myself? I know this is not that important in life but, gah! I set goals, I need to keep them!

So now I'm finishing this up at work since my boss left early which is just...wrong. But lol whatever, it's Friday!

I blame all the GIFs and book quotes for taking so much time. I kind of overloaded on both this week.

Although honestly, I don't think these particular quotes spoil anything at all (plot wise) so you should probably be ok anyway. It's not like there's anyone out there who doesn't know that Eric/Sookie eventually have sex, c'mon now.

The 3.03 picspam might be up late tomorrow night, although Sunday late afternoon/early evening is way more likely. BUT IT WILL BE DONE BEFORE 3.04 AIRS.

3.02 - Beautifully Broken

Sookie: It stands for operation werewolf, some kind of secret Nazi commando force from WWII?
Eric: And you found this branded on a dead man's neck.
Sookie: Bill summoned Jessica there. I think he was trying to show us who kidnapped him.
Jessica: Yea, Nazi werewolves!
(Eric glares at Jessica)
Sookie: That dead guy was strong and fast enough to take Bill, he had to be something supernatural. I was hoping you could tell us more.
Eric: Never seen it before. Sorry.
Sookie: Why do I get the feeling you're blowing me off?
Eric: *tells Pam to go in Swedish*
Pam: Let's go to the ladies room and stare at ourselves in the mirror.

Look at Jessica's face in the last cap. She so ships Eric/Sookie now. And that's kind of hilarious given that Bill is her maker. lol this is her being ~rebellious~.

And ha, I can't even take how awesome Pam is sometimes. For the record, the Pam/Jessica scene in the bathroom was one of my favorites of this episode, but it sadly had nothing at all to do with Eric so I couldn't include it. I did make 2 GIFs of it below though.

I would be so beyond happy if Jessica became Pam's protégé or something like that. God knows the poor girl needs someone to look up to. Bill was just kind of like, "WE RECYCLE IN THIS HOUSE! THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN LIFE! OK BAI!"

And it's sad to see how some of Bill's influence has already rubbed off on Jessica with her thinking it's in her nature to be a bad person or some BS like that. Pam thinks she's pretty much the most awesome person alive after Eric. And she would be pretty much correct there.
Jessica (even just as a teenager) definitely needs some of that self-esteem.

Bill just takes everything so overboard because he's had so many bad experiences. But as long as you learn how to take control of your abilities, being a vampire (in this verse at least) doesn't seem like it's all that bad. haha idk. Sure, it can be bad if you let it but...gosh, if you just stop being sad and start being awesome instead everything will most likely be all right (har har).

hee! Jessica/Eric SO need more scenes together.

Eric: Here's what I know about werewolves. There's a reason their existence has remained merely a myth to humans for thousands of years. They're territorial, vicious, pathologically secretive.
Sookie: Why does that sound familiar?
Eric: And here's what I know about you. You're so blinded by your obsession with Bill Compton that you're likely to run through the streets screaming "werewolf bait" alerting whoever has Bill that we're on to them, or getting yourself killed.
Sookie: You think I'm that stupid?
Eric: No, I think you're human.
Sookie: Don't underestimate me.
Eric: Don't underestimate yourself. Your life is too valuable to throw away.

I love the moment (after he says her life is valuable) when he looks down and licks his lips like he's afraid he revealed too much. And then he casually, and not at all awkwardly (ha), just walks away from her.

And then she looks at him. It's one of those moments where he completely surprises her. Because it is surprising. I mean, here's this guy who doesn't give a damn about anyone (save Pam) and takes pride in that. It's one thing for him to want to have sex with her, but it's another thing entirely for him to actually care. Especially since him caring about anything or anyone is a big huge deal in and of itself.

Of course if you asked him he'd probably still say "blah blah a telepath is an important ally" but that's such a load of BS.

I really like the way she actually jerks her head back in surprise for a moment.

"”I don’t enjoy seeing you scared of me,” he said, his face too close to mine. I could smell his cologne; Ulysse, I thought.
“I have always been very fond of you.”
Club Dead, pg. 50 (Book 3)

Eric: You have no connections in the were community. They're not going to answer your questions because they don't even want you to know they exist.
Sookie: Bill's out there somewhere. In danger. I can't just go on with life like that's not happening. You know that. Maybe better than anyone. When Godric went missing...
Eric: Bill Compton is no Godric.
Sookie: But he's everything to me. (Sookie starts to cry)
Eric: Please don't do that. It makes me feel...disturbingly human.
Sookie: I risked my life to help you find Godric. And I don't expect you to do the same for Bill, but at the very least I hope you'll help me if you can.
Jessica: Sookie? You've got to get me home before dawn.

"Bill Compton is no Godric" HAHAHA understatement of the millennium.

"Tears rolled down my face.
"She's leaking again," Pam observed, sounding a little uncomfortable.
I felt my eyelids flicker, and it occurred to me that I was on the edge of fainting. I am not one of these frail gals who keels over at every little thing, but I felt I was justified right now. Plus, I vaguely realized I hadn’t eaten in over twenty-four hours.
”Don’t you do it,” Eric said. He sounded definite. I tried to concentrate on his voice, and I looked at him.
I nodded to indicate I was doing my best.
He moved over to my side of the table, turned the chair Pam had occupied until it faced me and was very close. He sat and leaned over to me, his big white hand covering both of mine, still folded neatly in my lap."
Club Dead, pg. 49-50 (Book 3)

Eric: It's here Godric. I feel it.
Godric: Wait.
(Soldier gets mauled by Were-Bitch on V. Godric picks up gun and stabs her to the wall)
Were-Bitch: We're on the same side, you fools.
(Eric pushes back her hair with a knife and sees the Operation Werewolf symbol on her neck)
Eric: No, we're not.
(Eric stabs Were-bitch's arm)

GODRIC (!!!)

Not that I want to point out continuity errors, but I'm pretty sure Eric said that he hadn't seen Godric in well over 70 years (or possibly much longer) last season. And yet here they are in the 40s doing crazy shit. lol oh well.
(This was in 2.06 when Lorena said "I haven't seen Bill Compton in over 70 years, why should I care?" and Eric was like "I haven't seen my maker in longer than that and I care LIKE WOAH")

Also, I'm terribly amused that the Werewolf girl is actually credited officially as "Were-Bitch" (or so says IMDB) ha.

Hmmm but what was that memory all about? I'm not spoiled so I have no idea. It seems like they were searching for someone? And it's someone that Eric apparently cares about a lot, which is rather surprising.
lol or he just likes to pretend he has no friends, when really he probably has 30 secret BFFs and a whole stash of friendship bracelets in his office.

Eric: Hello Sookie. They came for you.
Sookie: Just one. This morning. He took off before I could get anything out of him. That why you're here? Or do you know something about Bill?
Eric: I lied to you.

So this is how Sookie is spending her evening? Just sitting around with a gun in her lap, waiting to be attacked? Golly, she certainly knows how to have a good time.

lol seriously, I know she should be on her guard, but if she was in so much danger that she has to sit in the dark staring at a gun, shouldn't she at least ask a friend to come over?

Although I guess that "friend" is Eric.

I am amused that one of the first things out of his mouth is "I lied to you". I bet he couldn't sleep all last night day because he wasn't 100% honest with her and it bothered him.

"“I always tell you the truth,” he said. And there wasn’t a trace of that smile left on his face. “I may not tell you everything I know, but what I tell you . . . it’s true.”
Dead and Gone (Book 9)

Eric: Who is your master? Who is your master?!
Were-Bitch: Give me your blood. I will tell you.
Godric: The blood is sacred.
(Eric bites his arm and lets Were-Bitch drink from him)
Eric: Who - is - your - master?
Were-Bitch: He is one of you.
(Eric pauses in shock and Were-Bitch goes to attack him, but Godric kills her and saves Eric)
Godric: A vampire is never at the mercy of his emotions. He dominates them. We will find him.

Oh snap! Eric just directly disobeyed Godric and then almost got himself killed because he was overly emotional for a second!

Seriously, who is this guy they're looking for? Some kind of family member? Who is so important that it completely shakes his entire persona so drastically?

But aw, Godric is being such a good dad/brother/bff here. He's just trying to keep him safe.
He's not necessarily wrong about emotions being dangerous in that kind of situation. (Although of course we all know that pretending like you don't have emotions at all is a whole other type of bad thing)

Sookie: You and Godric were in the SS?
Eric: We posed as whatever would help us in our search.
Sookie: But you were hunting the Nazi werewolves?
Eric: The symbol is runic. This uh...pack dates back farther than the Nazi party.
Sookie: So they aren't Nazis?
Eric: No, they're much more than that. These are not ordinary werewolves. They're organized, well funded, highly trained, and fueled by vampire blood.

Sookie: Why didn't you tell me this last night?
Eric: The bigger question is why am I risking everything to tell you now? My loyalty is not to Bill. In fact, it would be advantageous for me in many ways if he were never found. But...
Sookie: But...
Eric: ...now they're coming for you and I...owe you.
Sookie: When you said you were risking everything to tell me...what did that mean?
Eric: The goal tonight was to keep you out of danger, not put you in more of it.

Just look at his face. Oh!

And then there's the way that he can't even look at her at the end of this little scene BECAUSE, AH! CARTOON HEARTS!
And I love how he's just thinking, "OMG SELF, WHY?! FML! blah feelings!" and you can just see it in his expressions.

I was always interested in the way Eric tries so hard to be an awesome vampire (and mostly succeeds) and wants to shun humanity, when in reality he can actually be pretty great with emotional-human stuff.

It's a nice contrast to Bill who wants to be more human (and mostly fails), and wants to shun vampire stuff.

I really like the little head tilt she does here. For the second time in this episode she's completely taken aback by the sheer emotion that's coming from him. Even after Dallas, it's still unexpected. And it's even more unexpected to have all of that emotion directed at her.

"'That, of course. But also because I find I really do . . .' He paused, as if he were about to say something outrageous. 'I find I have feelings for you.'
'Oh,' I said into his chest, sounding as astonished as Eric had."
Dead To The World, pg. 386, (Book 4)

"“Can you see what you’ve done to me?”"
Dead In The Family, pg. 101 (Book 10)

Sookie: Eric, you can't just say something like that and leave!
Eric: Oh, I'm not leaving. You're going to invite me in. So I can protect you. Or have passionate primal sex with you. How about both?
Sookie: You're not going to distract me while talkin' nasty.
Eric: I already have. So, are you going to invite me in?
Sookie: I'm still Bill's.
(Eric glances down at Sookie's engagement ring)
Eric: So you are.

ha, and now he turned the tables around. This is totally just his way of taking charge of the situation.
Feeling mushy? Just pretend it's all about sex, no worries.

My favorite part is that he can totally tell how much he's affecting her because of the blood bond (and you know, just because he's Eric).

Although the fact that she's playing with her hair nervously gives her away even without that. heh.

"Before I could blink he was on his knees in front of me, pushing my legs apart, leaning in to kiss me. “I think you know how I feel,” he said, in a whisper.
Dead In The Family, pg. 96 (Book 10)

"Eric’s eyes closed in ecstasy, and he actually licked his lips.
“Snap out of it,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood.
With a huge effort, Eric reined himself in “When you smell like that,” he said, “I just want to fuck you and bite you and rub myself all over you.”
That was pretty comprehensive, and I won’t say I didn’t have a second (split evenly between lust and fear) of picturing such activity."
From Dead To Worse, pg. 100 (Book 8)

Eric: To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to...blah blah blah blah until death do you part. It doesn't bother you that you'll be the only one doing the dying?
Sookie: I'm not going to talk about this with you.
Eric: Ok. So you'd really rather stay out here all night than invite me in.
Sookie: One minute you lie to me, the next minute you ask me to trust you. You do something generous or selfless, and then you follow that up with something nasty or downright cruel.

Ah yes, he's a complex fella'.
Or actually...he's not really that hard to figure out. Those who don't know him (which I guess is everyone who isn't Pam) may find a lot of what he does surprising. He's certainly a walking contradiction at times. Especially with the way that he acts like nothing bothers him and no one can touch him, when really he's just been around for a really long time and is kind of amazing (most of the time) at keeping his composure.

He's someone who doesn't let a lot people in, but once you are "in" with him he'll literally do anything for you. He's guarded and totally closed off, but he can also be extremely passionate and loves really intensely. I think it's an interesting mix.

"Eric got closer and closer. I wasn’t sure if he was going to bite me or kiss me. His fangs had run out. He was angry, or horny, or hungry, or all three."
Club Dead, pg. 50 (Book 3)

(Eric hears a noise)
Eric: Invite me in.
Sookie: You can't bully your way into...
(Eric fangs out)
Eric: Invite me in. Now.
Sookie: Mr. Northman, will you please come in.

My favorite cap here is actually the first one in the second row (I should have made that one of the bigger ones). Their foreheads are about an inch apart and they're both looking at each other so...breathlessly.

They both have really important things on their mind in that moment. Eric, to make sure Sookie's safe from whatever is inside her house, and Sookie, to keep herself safe from Eric (ha), but....for about half a second I think they both just stopped thinking. And it was just close. And electric. And just...GUH.

"I stayed completely immobile. His lips were about two millimeters from my ear. “Should I just bite you, and end it all?” he whispered. “I would never have to think about you again. Thinking about you is an annoying habit, and one I want to be rid of. Or should I start arousing you, and discover if sex with you was really the best I’ve ever had?”"
Dead As A Doornail, pg. 241 (Book 5)

""I've got you," Eric said.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Protecting you," he said. He was smiling with the joy of battle, and his blue eyes were glittering like sapphires. Eric loved a brawl."
Definitely Dead, pg. 355 (Book 6)

HAHAHA @ the wolf's face. And Eric's face. They're both so damn excited.

I also have no doubt that Eric is probably a little bit turned on right now.

Other Amusing Moments:

I love Pam so much here that this GIF is in my profile now.

Aw, how did Jason/Andy suddenly evolve into one of my favorite friendships on the show?

""What was her name?"
"Crystal. Crystal Norris."
"Where's she from?"
"From round Hotshot, out thataway." He nodded south.
Hotshot was even smaller than Bon Temps. It was about ten miles away and had a reputation for being a strange little community."
Dead To The World, pg 215 (Book 4)

I'm really excited for Crystal. I kind of hated her in the books, but maybe she'll be awesome here, who knows!
Plus, for superficial reasons I'm sure her and Jason will have some pretty hot sex scenes at one point.


(This reminds me of Ten/Rose a bit)

"Talbot said that with relish. He liked that. He liked that he had won the heart of Russell Edgington, a being who could kill easily, who deserved to be feared."
Club Dead, pg. 183 (Book 3)

Talbot is awesome. I will love him forever for his 'Zima' line.

Other GIFs:

Aw Terry/Sookie
JESUS! (Lafayette so deserves to have an awesome boyfriend, I'm excited!)
Pam eyeroll
Lorena on fire (hahaha oh Bill's manic face)
Terry tries to protect Sookie
Lafayette & Tara

Previous Eric Picspams:

Season 1

Season 2
2.01 - Nothing But The Blood - UPCOMING (will be tacked on to s1 since Eric is only in 1 scene)
2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9
2.05 - Never Let Me Go
2.06 - Hard-Hearted Hannah
2.07 - Release Me
2.08 - Timebomb
2.09 - I Will Rise Up
2.10 - New World In My View
2.11 - Frenzy
2.12 - Beyond Here Lies Nothin'

Eric & Pam - UPCOMING

Season 3
3.01 - Bad Blood
3.02 - Beautifully Broken
3.03 - It Hurts Me Too - UPCOMING

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, ship: eric/sookie, picspam, public

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