"Sookie, my little bullet-sucker!" "Eric, my big bullshitter!"

Aug 20, 2009 23:53


One day I will actually post something non-ASkars related. I swear.
lol it's sad, I spend all the time I usually devote to LJ on these silly picspams so I have no time to update about anything else if I want to keep up with my flist too.


Remember last week when I said that I feared (hoped) that this picspam would probably be the most elaborate thing ever....lol, it is.
IT IS THE MOST GINORMOUS THING IN HISTORY! I am seriously kind of embarrassed/surprised at how big this ended up being. IT WILL BREAK YOUR COMPUTERS. Sorry about that!


WARNING: Usually I include quotes from Living Dead In Dallas (book 2) which this season is mostly based on. In this particular picspam, due to *ahem* certain scenes I've included quotes from books 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 (+ 1 short story). They're all in small font so I don't think it would be hard to skip over them if you'd like. But really, I don't think they spoil any actual plot points. They're just about Eric/Sookie mostly. Yes, they hook up in the books. LOL I KNOW, I HAVE SHOCKED YOU ALL TO YOUR VERY CORE! I'M SURE NO ONE HAD EVER EVEN GUESSED THAT AFTER THIS EPISODE!
But yea, I felt like I had to mention that I included those quotes, just in case.

Eric: I covered her. She's only stunned. Get the humans.

LOL I love how dramatically he's laying on top of her, he's totally milking it.

Although, regardless of whether he would heal or not, let's not discredit the fact that he did take multiple bullets for her. I'm sure they still hurt like hell.

And he's doing something for someone else. Who is human. That's pretty big stuff for him.

Sookie: I can't...breathe...you way....a ton!
(Sookie pushes Eric off of her)
Sookie: Jason?!
(Jason gives her the thumbs up and she nods and goes back to Eric)

HAHA of course he's not moving. He'd probably want to cuddle in the debris if she'd let him.

Although again, it's not like he's not legitimately in pain at this moment.

And aw, Jason! lol when you put the caps together like that he looks he's giving Sookie the thumbs up for potentially hooking up with Eric.
Hooking up with Eric would defintiely deserve major props. C'mon!

Sookie: Uh-oh!
Eric: I had to shield you....
Sookie: Well, hurry up and heal yourself, what are you waitin' for?
Eric: Can't...silver...
Sookie: I'll go get Godric!
(Eric grabs her arm to stop her)
Eric: No time. Suck it...out.
Sookie: Eric, I can't! It's...too gross and it's...ew!
Eric: I...dying...
Sookie: Ah! Son of a mother...!
(Sookie sucks first bullet out of his neck and spits out)

Ok, let's be clear, this was a spur of the moment decision on his part. Obviously he didn't plan for this, haha. He just saw an opportunity and he took it. After he saved her life and suffered legit pain BTW.

Eric: Other one!
Sookie: You're kidding me! Ugh...
(Sookie sucks other bullet out of his chest)

HAHAHA THERE'S 2?! And she's has to suck on his nipple now? heh.

And I love the look of sheer joy on his face. SO MUCH.
Even before she starts sucking on his chest and just moves his shirt away he's just so happy. lol ;)

"The phrase 'biting the bullet' took a whole new meaning as I bent to Eric's shoulder.
Eric gave a long moan as I sucked, and I felt the bullet pop into my mouth. He'd been right. The rug could hardly be stained any worse than it already was, so though it made me feel like a real heathen, I spat the bullet onto the floor along with most of the blood in my mouth. But some of it, inevitably, I swallowed. His shoulder was already healing.
'This room reeks of blood,' he whispered.
'Well, there,' I said, and looked up. 'That was the grossest --'
'Your lips are bloody.' He seized my face in both hands and kissed me."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 204

If you read that you'll notice a pretty obvious difference at the end. In the books this was the moment of their first kiss.

I guess in a way it's always going to bother me that book!Eric/Sookie and TV!Eric/Sookie will have a different first kiss (I don't think it's crazy for me to assume that it'll happen eventually).
BUT, ultimately the books and the show are different verses. In regards to Sookie, they usually tell the same story but get there in a slightly different way which I enjoy.

So maybe the writers have something else planned to make their first kiss more awesome. It's completely possible. And let's face it, ignoring how annoying they've made Sookie this season, Alan Ball & co are still better writers than Charlaine Harris IMO. There's definitely much to be improved on from the book series no matter how much I enjoy it.

Even though the kiss seemed pretty hot in the book, it was still a pretty "WTF?!" moment for Sookie rather than "OH I WANT TO KISS HIM BECAUSE I LIKE HIM". And the first thing she did afterward was run to find Bill.

I guess the major difference between the bullet-sucking is that they almost made it more lulzy on the show, whereas in the books I just found it sexy and not that funny at all. Not that sucking on his chest isn't sexy, but still...that was not the point of the scene.

But it's not like we don't get a ton of sexy times later on to (almost) make up for it...

(Bill enters and finds Sookie sucking Eric's chest)
Bill: What are you doing?
(Sookie spits the 2nd bullet out)
Sookie: I sucked the silver out of Eric's chest even though I really didn't want to!
Eric: She was superb!
Bill: Eric was in no danger.
Sookie: He...what?!
Eric: A tiny falsehood.
Bill: Eric was in no danger. He was already healing. The bullets would have pushed themselves out. This way he's forced you to drink his blood!

I love how he's just laying there, with his arm behind his head like, "WOW, ISN'T THIS SUCH A PLEASANT WAY TO SPEND AN EVENING!"

"She was superb when she sucked my....chest."

Sookie actually doesn't find out that Eric lied to her about this in the books until she's talking to Bill later on. And even then she just thought he had a knife of some kind in his pocket so her sucking wouldn't have been necessary. The reader doesn't even find out that the bullets would have popped out until book 8!

This is where they got the bullet popping out from:

**********BOOK SPOILER*************

"As I watched, the bullet begin exiting the wound, and he leaned back against his seat, his eyes shut. Millimeter by millimeter, the bullet was extruded until it dropped into my waiting hand. I remembered Eric getting me to suck out a bullet from his arm. Ha! What a fraud he'd been. The bullet would've come out on its own. My indignation made me feel more like myself."
- From Dead To Worse (Book 8), pg. 101

What's also amusing is that she's not really that mad at him here because it's so far in the future. She was just like "NO, you can NOT bite me to get your strength up now....even though I kind of want you to...FAIL, SELF!" LOL

How many bullets has Eric actually taken for Sookie anyway? First there was Dallas(this episode)...and then again in book 4 with the Debbie Pelt fiasco...and then again in book 8 coming home from the dinner Niall. That's all right? haha "all", that's a shitload of bullets.

**********END BOOK SPOILER************

Sookie: No! No! No!
Bill: You're connected. He'll be able to sense your emotions.
Sookie: You big lying a-hole!!
Eric: Bill, you're right, I believe I can sense her emotions!
(Sookie punches Eric in the chest and runs over to Bill)
Eric: (sarcastically about Bill/Sookie) Sweet!
Sookie: I'll never do anything for you again! MONSTER!
(Eric swooshes up)
Bill: It's not your fault!
Eric: (sarcastically) I think I'm gonna cry!

Oh the sarcasm here, this is book!Eric almost exactly. I love it so much.

"'Sookie, my little bullet-sucker,' he said, sounding fond and warm.
'Eric, my big bullshitter.'"
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 231

That quote has actually been in the sidebar of my layout for months. It's one of my favorites.

Isabel: Everyone please!
Godric: They may come back. Go to the Hotel Camilla, they've been alerted. Security's in place.

Eric keeps looking at them her. As he says later, this is the beginning.

"I turned and went back into the house, walking obliviously through the bloodstains and chaos and mess as if I saw such things every day. Some of the things I saw I didn't even register I'd seen, until the next week when my brain would suddenly throw out a picture for my viewing: maybe a close-up of a shattered skull, or a sprouting artery."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 206

(Everyone leaves except for Eric and Godric who give each other a stare of pure gay angst/lust)

UNF! Gosh, he looks so damn good all disheveled like that.
And his shirt pushed down...which Sookie did! :p

I almost thought they were going to fuck in the debris for a moment.
HAHA Eric was still all ~aroused~ from Sookie, you know he'd be game.
Sadly, Godric was feeling too emo for sexy times. Alas.

Sookie: I could kick myself! I'm so stupid! I wasn't thinking!
Bill: He did take bullets for you. At least we both came out alive.
Sookie: I know better than to believe one word out of that man's mouth! I sucked his chest! What is wrong with me?
Bill: Eric has had a thousand years practice in deceit! He lied to prove his power to me. He counted on your goodness. There's no shame in that.
Sookie: But his blood, Bill! I tried to spit it all out, really, but some of it must have gone down!
Bill: It only takes a drop or two.
Sookie: He'll always know where I am. And how I feel. Always! That's worst of all.
Bill: No, not the worst.
Sookie: What do you mean?
Bill: Don't be surprised if...you feel some...attraction to him. Sexual...
Sookie: To Eric?! That's impossible! I can't stand him!
Bill: It is possible. It's another consequence of the blood. It would have happened sooner or later...I was determined to form this bond with you...
Sookie: I could kill him!
Bill: I concur!

This scene kind of annoyed me. I don't like how it can be easily misinterpreted to seem like Sookie's future attraction to Eric is based solely on having his blood.

Honestly, if she's that strongly attracted to him (lol like she seems to be now, the rest of the episode is almost hilarious in that respect) then there would have had to have been something there, at least in a small way, to start out with. Perhaps she didn't even realize it, or didn't want to realize it, but c'mon, it's ASkars. She's not asexual.

Proof from their first meeting
(lol her face!)
Proof from last week
(I love how she just FROZE when he got close to her. 'What? There is no tingling sensation!')
More proof from last week
(This is where it's most clear that she's beginning to feel something for him at least in a small way)

I actually think the fact that she's so "UGGGHHHH EW ERIC" is because she knows she is a little attracted to him already. Objectively, he is attractive, no matter how he feel about him (even if you're not into men!) there's no denying that.
Like if I met a supermodel who was an asshole, I may hate him, but I couldn't deny that he was attractive. Everyone is attracted to different things, but with some people being attractive is just a fact.

But since Sookie already has a boyfriend, finding Eric attractive is not good, so she's going with "DENYDENYDENY! I HATE HIM!"
And then she finds out that her feelings for him will be even STRONGER so it might not even be possible to deny them anymore. Well, that's bound to tick her off. haha.

"'It got some of his blood in you.'
'Only a drop or two. I spit the rest out,' I said.
'A drop or two is enough when you are as old as Eric is.'
'Enough for what?'
'He will know something about you, now.'"
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 222

And let's not forget that the very night that Sookie first met Bill(in the pilot) she drank about a GALLON of his blood. Did she think he was hot when she first saw him? Yes, definitely. But clearly, with the way they're explaining it in this scene, her attraction to him only grew more intense afterward.

Of course she didn't know that at the time. And honestly, the fact that she didn't know that until RIGHT NOW is a little odd. He ~magically~ made her go from being interested in him because he was the first vamp she ever saw (who was also hot) to being RIDICULOUSLY into him because of the blood.

If you want to blame Eric for anything...well, Bill is no better.

In fact he's probably worse.....

*****************BOOK SPOILER***********************

This thought seriously never even occurred to me before watching this episode but...do you think it's possible that Bill manipulated the situation in the pilot so Sookie would need to drink his blood? He was only there in the first place to seduce Sookie and get some kind of hold over her so he could hand her over to the Queen.

I almost don't want to go there because it's horrible to think that he would put her in danger on purpose. And all just so he could save her and she could drink his blood and be "at his mercy" in a way.

Although, I did always think "geez, Bill, you're really dumb to just go out side with the Rattrays like that". But I just shrugged it off because, lol, he probably is that dumb.

And originally there was only going to be 1 book anyway, so when it was first written obviously Bill meant no harm. But now that it's a series, well, the reason he's in Merlott's in the first place is because of The Queen wanting Sookie. So that changes everything. Plus, it's not like Bill really knew Sookie at that point, so it's not crazy to think he might have just "seized an opportunity" when he began talking to the Rattrays, like Eric did with the bullet-sucking

Or maybe I'm giving Bill too much credit. It would be a horrible thing to do, but Bill usually isn't that clever.

If the writers of the show are trying to make us like Bill more...it's not working. Because I never even imagined that scenario before seeing this. And now I'm wondering.

I think if the writers try too hard to make Bill sound like a "super nice guy" they're going to run into so many issues and inconsistencies.

I think here they want you to think "Poor Bill, he just wants to connect with Sookie!"
But all I'm thinking is that he might be worse than I originally thought. haha.

I'm really interested to see how everything with The Queen and her plan for Sookie (regarding Bill) will turn out. I think that's what is going to cause the Bill/Sookie breakup that is inevitably coming. (I think they might move up that plot point.)

******************END BOOK SPOILER****************








(Sookie is restless in bed. In her dream someone is trailing their finger over her should. She turns around and IT'S ERIC! All of humanity jizzes their pants)
Eric: Finish your sentence.
Sookie: What was I saying?
Eric: You were telling me why you'd be a terrible vampire and I was disagreeing.
Sookie: Well, I don't feel right without a tan.
(Eric laughs)
Sookie: It's true! And I'd rather be alive than undead. And you all are always killin'!
Eric: You've killed a man.
Sookie: That was for self defense, not for lunch!


Ok, I'm done. Mostly.
You didn't even want to see me when I was making these GIFs though. I had some wine, which was possibly a mistake because it made everything seem so much BETTER WORSE!

******************BOOK SPOILER****************

"'But that's not going to happen to me. And you won't ever turn me.' I was absolutley serious.
'No. I won't ever force you into subservience. And I will never turn you, since you don't want it.'
'Even if I'm going to die, don't turn me. I would hate that more than anything.'
'I agree to that. No matter how much I may want to keep you.'"
- Dead and Gone, (Book 9)

Sookie becoming a vampire is barely ever talked about in the books. It's clear that she doesn't want that AT ALL but it's only been mentioned maybe 3 times in all 9 books. It's just not an issue.

And on the show (which is only on s2!) they've already brought it up at least that many times already. Odd...

*****************END BOOK SPOILER**************

Eric: Well, you'd adapt. Like we all do. Trade the sun for a moon and stars...
Sookie: Uh-uh. Not me. I want 'em all!
Eric: (laughs) Oh greedy!
Sookie: Yea, I am!
Eric: I love it!
(He kisses her hand)

"'Because you want to have sex with me.'
'That, of course. But also because I find I really do...' He paused, as if he were about to say something outrageous.
'I find I have feelings for you.'"
- Dead To The World (Book 4), pg. 211

The way he kisses her hand like that and the smiling just about KILLS me!

Although, this isn't what they would really be like. This is Sookie's dream. The way his hair falls, the lack of fangs...this is her "ideal" version of Eric. It's like she's just seeing the "good" part of him (which is only half of him).

****************BOOK SPOILER**************

Dream sequence!Eric actually reminds me of book 4!Eric. Not that that's a bad thing but, it's not the "real" him in a way.

When you think about it, it is kind of interesting that the first time we as the audience see them have sex it's not "real". This somewhat reminds me of the way their relationship began in the books.

I mean, you can still tell it's "Eric" in the dream. And in book 4 you can still see a bit of the real him at times...but it's still not completely him. It's only part of him.

****************END BOOK SPOILER***********

Eric: You have the right temperament for a vampire.
Sookie: What? I'm high maintenance, blood thirsty, and...old as dirt?
Eric: Um, blood thirsty, yea!
Sookie: I am not!
Eric: (laughs) Everybody thinks you're a darling, don't they?
Sookie: I am a darling.




**************BOOK SPOILER***************

"I closed my mouth over the little wounds, and I sucked.
Eric moaned, and I could tell quickly that he was once again pleased to be in such close contact. He began to move a little, and there wasn't a lot I could do about it. His left arm was keeping me firmly clamped against him, and his right arm was, after all, feeding me.
Eric pressed against me even harder, and suddenly he said, 'Ohhhh' and relaxed all over. I felt wetness against my back, and I took one deep, last draw. Eric groaned again, a deep guttural sound, and his mouth trailed down the side of my neck."
- Club Dead (Book 3), pg. 208


lol Sookie as a narrator cracks me up sometimes. "SO HE WAS JERKING OFF ON MY BACK...*shrug* NOTHING TO BE DONE ABOUT THAT! Why would that ever be enjoyable?"

Think of his smile in the bullet sucking scene on the show...but with way less clothes. ;)

*crosses fingers for that scene in s3*


"I rose and fell faster and faster, and then I took his wrist, and I bit with all my strength, and sucked on the wound. He yelled, an incoherent sound of release and relief. That was enough to finish me, and I collapsed on top of him. I licked his wrist lazily, though I didn't have the coagulant in my saliva that he possessed.
'Perfect,' he said. 'Perfect.'"
- Dead and Gone (Book 9)


************END BOOK SPOILER***************

Eric: Yea, but you're ruthless when it comes to the people you love. You'd do anything for them.
(Sookie giggles)
Eric: (As he trails his fingers down her body) Your brother, your friends...me!

Lorena: Bill!
Sookie: (Sitting up as Eric kisses her neck) Bill? Where's Bill?
Lorena: What do you care? You've already abandoned him!
Sookie: I have not! I love Bill!

I debated putting 1 or 2 caps of Lorena in there but...lol why would I do that? Her presence annoyed me in the show so let's pretend she's not there now.

And you're right, Lorena. I don't care where Bill is. He's kind of a buzzkill.
I hope he's off playing a golf game on Wii.

Eric doesn't care either.

(Eric drags her back down)
Eric: I used to think you had no sense of humor.
Sookie: I used to think you were made of cold hard stone. And empty inside...
Eric: And now?

LOL oh dream sequence dialogue, way to state the obvious. Those are pretty much all their problems right now.

I feel like all season long with the whole Godric plot they've really tried to convey that Eric has another side to him. And he's not really a "bad guy". To be fair, he's not really a "good guy" either. He's just a guy. With ~layers~ and all that shiz.

But what about Sookie? This dialogue is saying, "look, they both had misconceptions of each other but eventually they discovered that they were wrong!" Well...I still think Sookie has no sense of humor. lol.
I hope the show makes it a point to show her other side. It goes both ways.
Not only is Eric not just a badass, but Sookie is also not supposed to be annoying. She's supposed to be fun. The fact that Eric and Sookie kind of "get" each other, have similar senses of humor, and have fun together are some of the best parts about their relationship in the books.

"'You are beautiful.'
No one had ever looked me in the eyes and said that. I found I had to lower my head. 'You are smart, and you are loyal,' he said relentlessly, though I waved a hand to ask him to quit. 'You have a sense of fun and adventure.'
'Cut it out,' I said.
'Make me,' he said. 'You have the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. You're brave.' I put my fingers across his mouth, and his tongue darted out to give them a quick lick. I relaxed against him, feeling the tingle down to my toes.
'You're responsible and hardworking,' he continued. Before he could tell me that I was good about replacing the garbage can liner when I took the garbage out, I replaced my fingers with my lips.
'There,' he said softly, after a long moment. 'You're creative, too.'"
- Dead To The World (Book 4), pg. 188

"He was a total mess since we'd made love. He looked better than ever. Grossly unfair."
- Dead and Gone (Book 9)

And there was never a more accurate quote.

Sookie: You're a big faker! You're deep...you feel...there's love in you!

HAHAHA "you're deep"

She's not wrong. That's basically what I've always said about him. lol just not like that. Because when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous.


Eric: Only for Sookie.
(They kiss)

Even though it's not "real" this is technically their first kiss!

"'My lover,' he said hoarsely, and pushed.
Though I'd been sure I was prepared, and I ached with wanting him, I cried out with the shock of it.
After a moment, he said, 'Don't close your eyes. Look at me, lover' The way he said "lover" was like a caress, like he was calling me by a name no other man had ever used before or ever would after."
- Dead To The World (Book 4), pg. 122, 123

Lorena: You don't want Bill! He means nothing to you!
Sookie: No!
(Eric drags her down again)


"I stayed completely immobile. His lips were about two millimeters from my ear. 'Should I just bite you and end it all?' he whispered. 'I would never have to think about you again. Thinking about you is an annoying habit, and one I want to be rid of. Or should I start arousing you, and discover if sex with you was really the best I've ever had?'
I didn't think I was going to get a vote on this. I cleared my throat.
'Eric,' I said, a little hoarsely, 'we need to talk about something.'
'No. No. No,' he said. With each 'no' his lips brushed my skin."
- Dead as a Doornail (Book 5), pg. 238

Book 5 was mostly useless, BUT THAT CHAPTER WAS AMAZING!

Eric: This is the beginning!
(They kiss again)

UNF, the bedroom voice there.


Season 3 = Eric becomes a nudist.
I would be down with that. I think ASkars would be too.

Ugh, and the way she's clawing his back. And he's practically clawing her hair. UNF.

"Eric’s eyes were blazing with excitement. Without a word, he dipped me as though we were dancing and planted a hell of a kiss on me: lips, tongue, the entire osculant assemblage. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. When I was quivering, he assisted me to rise. His brilliant smile revealed glistening fangs. Eric had enjoyed himself.
'Hello to you too,' I said tartly, once I was sure I was breathing again.
'My delicious friend,' Eric said, and bowed.
- Dracula Night, (Short story set in between book 4 and book 5)


"His eyes were bright and his skin glowed. The mark on his wrist was gone. I touched where it had been. He leaned over to kiss the place on my neck where he'd bitten me, and I shivered all over.
- Dead and Gone (Book 9)

I am suddenly reminded of when Anna Paquin won the Oscar when I was 8 years old (she was 11 I think?)
Acting was kind of my "thing" when I was growing up. You know how some kids play soccer and some do gymnastics? I was in plays.

And there she was, a little brown haired girl, just like me. And she won an Oscar. I was so jealous and I just wanted to BE her.

Who could have predicted that 16 years later (geez, me and Anna are OLD now!) she would do something that would TOP that and make me even MORE jealous.

Naked!ASkars > an Oscar

BTW, this is also partly why I'll never stop hoping for Sookie to be less annoying. I feel like I have a ~history~ with Anna. I used to make my mom take me to see everything she was in when I was little because I was inspired by her. I don't ever want to dislike anyone she plays. And especially not Sookie, because I love her in the books.

Gosh, waking up after that must SUCK!

Ok, I think we all (OR JUST ME) need to take a deep breath now......





Ok, moving on!

Nan: Do you have any fucking idea of the PR mess you've made?! And who has to fucking clean that shit up? Me! Not you! Me! I should drain every one of you bastards!
Eric: Stan went out to the church on his own. None of us knew anything about it.

Nan Flannigan is kind of awesome.


HAHA and the poor boy is sitting there in a pit of angst like "Why am I feeling random waves of arousal?"
And then he looks over. Oh.

Then through this really bizarre blood chain Godric is like, "oh child, lol what did you do now?"

And Bill probably thinks this feeling is all related to the fact that as soon as this meeting is over he can finally go home and play his Wii once more.

This is why vampires don't date each other. Everyone would be connected to everyone else and it would be the most tangled web of weird ever.

"Eric's eyes were glowing as if a candle burned behind them, and he was so lovely I could have drowned in him.
God help me."
- All Together Dead (Book 7), pg. 223

Nan: Oh really? Because anyone who met Stan over the last 300 years knew that he had a kink about slaughtering humans! But you? His nest mates? His sheriff? Had no clue!
Isabel: And how were we supposed to know that this time he meant it?
Nan: Not my problem! (To Godric) Yours!
Eric: Don't talk to him that way!
Nan: Don't talk to me that way!

Aw, Eric defending Godric. ♥
AND LOL SOOKIE, STILL THE OPPOSITE OF SUBTLE! And this is made only more hilarious by the fact that half of the room is completely aware of horny you are.

But I sympathize, how anyone is supposed to concentrate with ASkars in the same room is beyond me!

Nan: Let's get to the point. How did they manage to abduct you?
Godric: They would have taken one us sooner or later. I offered myself.
Nan: Why?
Godric: Why not?
Nan: They wanted you to meet the sun and you were willing?
(Eric is emo. Sookie notices and looks at him.)
Godric: What do you think?
Nan: I think you're out of your mind!

I think along with wanting to jump his bones, this also made her more attune to him in general. She knows of his woe.
...And understandably wants to rub herself all over him and make it better.

LOL BILL NOTICES! Sucks for him.

Nan: And then I hear about a traitor?!
Godric: Irrelevant. Only a rumor. I'll take full responsibility.
Nan: You bet you will!
Eric: You cold bitch!
Nan: Listen, this is a national vampire disaster and nobody at the top has any sympathy for any of you! (To Godric) Sheriff, you fucked up, you're fired.
Godric: I agree. Of course. Isabel should take over, she had no part in my disgrace.
Isabel: Godric, fight back!
Eric: What are you saying?! She's a bureaucrat! You don't have to take shit from her!
Isabel: You want to lose your area, Viking?
Eric: Oh you don't have that kind of power!
Nan: Hey, I'm on TV! Try me!

UNF, he's so hot when he gets angry.
In the second row Sookie is thinking the same thing as I am. And then in the next cap she's like, "...um what? Gosh the carpeting here is almost as exquisite as those fabulous bathrobes!"

And Nan called him 'Viking'! heh.

But seriously, what kind of power does Nan Flannigan have? What was she before she was on TV and before vampires "came out of the coffin"? Queen of one of the states? How did she get this promotion to "Vampire President" of sorts? Did she just appoint herself the "face" of everything Vampire related? Does she actually have power over all of the vampire Kings and Queens? Eric doesn't seem to think so. If this is a brand new development (as in just after vampires went public) I can see him not wanting to abide to yet another person. Godric and the Queen of Louisiana are enough people for him to be subservient to.

Isabel: I'm to blame! I should have contained Stan the second Godric went missing!
Godric: Isabel! I remove myself from all positions of authority.
Nan: Works for me.
(Sookie moves to say something)
Bill: Sookie! Sookie!
Sookie: (To Bill) I owe him! (To Nan) Ms. Flannigan? Godric rescued me from a really large rapist, who probably would have killed me too!
Nan: That's nice.
Sookie: No, listen!
Nan: Moving on...
Sookie: And then he rescued humans in that church, plus a whole lot of vampires! You think it's a PR mess now? It could have a hundred...a million times worse! You should thank him!
Nan: For getting kidnapped? For attracting a suicide bomber? For piss poor judgment? I think not...
(Eric gets up angerly)
Isabel: (stopping Eric) Don't!
Godric: Eric...it doesn't matter.

I really like Godric's stoic face as Sookie defends him. It reminds me a lot of Eric. Or I guess Eric got that from Godric. Or it's just a vampire thing. Except Bill doesn't do it as well, haha.

...Unless Godric stops him.

Eric only cares about three people anyway, you CAN NOT diss two of them at once.
Speaking of, where the hell is Pam? I understand that someone has to stay home and take care of Fangtasia and Area 5 related business (like Lafayette) but wouldn't Godric essentially be Pam's grandfather of sorts? haha aw. Couldn't Eric leave Chow in charge?

I'm now picturing Godric spoiling Pam with Christmas presents like a good Grandpa would.

I really hope that we'll get an Eric/Pam scene about Godric when he gets back home. She knows how much Godric meant to him.
I know they're not really "huggers" (HAHA) but I'd think she would try to do something nice for him. And of course she would pretend like it was no big deal, because she's Pam.

I just really want them to make the point that what Godric is to Eric, Eric is to Pam. ♥

And I want them to talk about Sookie too. Because that has the potential to be hilarious. Pam loves to make fun of him for his feelings for Sookie.

"I was distracted by a wave of warmth.
Eric was coming.
I'd never had such a clear sense of his presence.

Eric sat on the couch beside me. I jumped up as if I'd been poked by a cattle prod and went across the room to the bar to pour myself a glass of water. No matter where I went, I could feel Eric's presence; to make that even more unsettling, I found his nearness was somehow comforting, as if it made me more secure.
Oh, just great."
- All Together Dead (Book 7), pg. 220, 221

To be fair, I don't think Sookie is thinking ONLY about sex (just mostly, ha). I'm sure that she really is worried about Eric. I think in the last episode she really did begin to see him differently. And now every good feeling she had about him is only intensified.

And in a way I'm sure that sensing her emotions is comforting to Eric right now. Can you even imagine all the angst he's going through at this moment? Personally, I would find it helpful if I could feel at least a tiny bit of something good through all the badness.

Nan: Godric, come to my suite to fill out the forms.
Godric: Soon. First I have something to say. I'm sorry. I apologize for all the harm I have caused. For all our lost ones, human and vampire. I will make amends. I swear.
Nan: Take it easy, it's just a few signatures!

Oh Godric. ♥

Sookie knows something is terribly wrong. Poor Eric, I feel like he's about to break. And if he wasn't so strong and so "NOTHING EFFECTS ME! WHEN I START FEELING SAD I STOP AND START FEELING AWESOME INSTEAD" he probably would break right there.
(haha you know that Eric & Barney share so many views on life, I've brought this up before)

(Nan and everyone exit but Eric stops Godric)
Eric: No!
Godric: Look in my heart...
Eric: You have to listen to me!
Godric: There's nothing to say.
Eric: There is!
Godric: On the roof.
(Godric exits)


Look at the way they almost forehead nuzzled. ♥

But really, joking about the gayness is over simplifying it. It's more than that. There is no human equivalent for that sort of relationship. He's been his whole family, his whole world...for over a thousand years.

LOL I'm feeling all teary now!

It's hard to even put into words what he's going through right now. This is probably the most tragic day of his entire life. And he's been alive for a long time.

I know that this show is more lulzy than anything else, but clearly I have pretty epic love for this character.
He's pretty high up there on my favorite characters of all time list now (mostly because of these picspams.)

So, whatever, I'm allowed to take this shit seriously for once. LOL I DON'T CARE HOW LAME THAT MAKES ME!

I like the framing of Sookie in these caps too. Just standing in the background.

Bill: We have a score to settle.
Eric: Not now.
Bill: Yes, now!
(Bill sucker punches Eric)
Bill: Have I made my point?
Eric: It's done. I'm part of her now. Get out of the way.
(Eric exits)


Also, lmao @ the first cap in the 2nd row!

I like him with Jessica, I liked the hugging scene with Jason, I like that he recycles, I like that he plays Wii, and I liked that he was in the Civil War and was nice to Sookie's grandma.


Seriously, if the show is trying to make Bill seem likable they are EPICALLY failing.

Punching Eric at a time like this is a douche move that I wouldn't even have imagined Book!Bill was capable of!

Seriously, it's like if someone hit on your girlfriend at a party and then the next day you found out that the guy who hit on your gf's ENTIRE FAMILY AND ALL HIS BEST FRIENDS DIED IN A FIRE. And then when he was about to have a breakdown over losing everything that mattered to him in the world you walk over and PUNCH HIM!


It's not like Bill doesn't know what's going on. He could hear Eric/Godric talking perfectly well. Considering all the facts, and the conversation Eric/Godric just had (and the fact that Bill says to Sookie that she can't do anything for Godric now in the next scene)...there's no way he doesn't understand the situation.

And on TOP of all of that, you NEVER punch your Sheriff. For any reason. I can't even imagine a situation where that would be tolerated.

Eric just doesn't do anything because it's not even worth it at this moment. Nothing matters besides Godric right now. Bill's little hissy fit is so irrelevant.

But at any other time Eric could have banished him from Area 5 and made it so he could never ever enter that part of Louisiana again. And frankly, he would be completely within his rights to do so in the future.

I'm just saying, Bill has a right to be annoyed, sure, but bringing it up NOW?! That's completely selfish, unbelievably cruel, and childish.

I could kick Alan Ball in the nuts for not having Sookie slap him right there. UUUUGGGH.
I firmly believe book!Sookie would have.

Sookie: I'm going to find Godric.
Bill: None of this has anything to do with us. Godric is not your concern!
Sookie: If it weren't for him I wouldn't be standing here. He's in pain. He's suffering. I gotta do something.
Bill: Don't you think we've done enough for Dallas?
Sookie: You of all people should understand how he feels! What if it were you, Bill? What if in 1800 years you were Godric?
Bill: All right. But I'm coming with you.
Sookie: I wish you could but it'll be dawn in a little while.
Bill: If I don't stay long I'll heal!
Sookie: I will not let you take that chance! With Godric there you won't have to worry about me.
Bill: You are so tender hearted. You feel obligated, I can see that. Sookie, in all honesty, what can you do for him?
Sookie: I don't know. I just gotta be there. It doesn't make sense but...you understand?
Bill: I do.

"If I don't stay long I'll heal" GOOD GOD, JUST STOP!

He needs to just play Wii and spend all his time with Jessica because I do not like this side of him AT ALL.

I don't like disliking main characters. There should be a good side to everyone, I think. And when I say "good" I don't mean "kind", I mean "not annoying".

Oh and superficially, this scene is gorgeous!

(Sookie walks up to the roof and finds Eric and Godric talking)
Godric: Two thousand years is enough.
Eric: I can't accept this. It's insanity!
Godric: Our existence is insanity. We don't belong here.
Godric: It's not right. We're not right.
Eric: You taught me there is no right and wrong. Only survival...or death.
Godric: I told a lie. As it turns out.
Eric: I will keep you alive by force!
Godric: Even if you could, why would you be so cruel?

It's odd to think about because obviously this could never happen (lol) but I can imagine some vampires growing tired of life. I mean FOREVER is a hell of a long time.

And I guess when you're human you can always hope that no matter what happens in this life, the future will be better. And even if it's not, you won't be around to see it be worse. But what if you were? What if nothing ever changes?

With us, we know we have a beginning and an end, and in between we try and make the most of it.
But what if it all just never stops? It's hard to really wrap your head around that.

HAHAHA oh god, now I'm getting all philosophical. I'm stopping now.

Eric: (IN SWEDISH) Godric, don't do it.
Godric: (IN SWEDISH) There are centuries of faith and love between us.
Eric: (crying and still in Swedish) Please. Please.
(Eric drops to his knees crying)
Eric: (Still Swedish) Please. Godric.

OH GOD THE SWEDISH REALLY GOT TO ME! I was feeling a bit teary, but then the second Eric broke out with the Swedish that's when the tears really started falling.
HAHA! Oh the shame.

He looks SO pretty when his eyes are glistening like that.

I know, I know, I should find the high pitched crying totally hilarious but...I don't. I mean, think of it in context. It would have been a million times more ridiculous if he had less of a reaction.

I thought ASkars was kind of amazing in this scene. I totally felt that he was trying SO hard not to fall apart because HE DOESN'T DO FEELINGS but...he can't. It's just impossible here. There's no way he can turn this kind of pain off.

Eric is not whiny, and he's not an angst whore(LIKE SOME PEOPLE! *cough*bill*cough*). But this...this is some pretty legit pain.
HE SHOULD BE SOBBING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL! I almost feel impressed at how well he kept it together.

Godric: Father. Brother. Son. Let me go...
Eric: I won't let you die alone.
Godric: Yes you will. As your maker...I command you.

That moment in the second row where his face just completely stiffens up because he's decided to kill himself too is so heartbreaking.

But Godric would never let him do that...

I know he looks like he's starring in a "My Chemical Romance" video here (LOL) but wow, he still looks gorgeous. Anyone who can pull that off has mad skillz in the hotness department. Because let's face it, "emo sheek" is about the most hilarious thing ever.

Also, he apparently went eyeliner shopping with Richard Alpert sometime in the past.


Going back to being legit WOEFUL about this situation....that gulp when he looks into Godric's eyes for the last time...
...lol, ok maybe a little.

(Eric walks over to Sookie and she takes his hand)
Sookie: I'll stay with him. As long as it takes.
(Eric nods and then walks back inside)

And this? THIS is what this storyline was all for.

When I heard that they were making Godric Eric's maker, my very first thought was, "Oh wow, it's going to mean the world to him to know that she can be there for Godric at the end, when he can't be."

This is easily the most significant moment of his long life (besides the day he actually became a vampire).

The fact that she is here right now, holding his hand, speaks volumes. And that moment when he looks at her with his tear stained face...I bet you can count on one hand the amount of people that have ever seen him like that. Or maybe only Godric has.

It's funny, because even though she did begin to see another side to him and warm up to him at this point in the book series (he took care of her and held her as she cried after the whole ordeal at the Fellowship) that wasn't even close to being this emotional.

Most of Eric's feelings for Sookie prior to this point weren't really based on "knowing her". Because let's face it, they don't know each other very well yet. Their first scene alone together was only in the episode before this.

But Sookie being there for Eric...and there for Godric...that's real. That's not about what makes Sookie "special" and it's not about a blood bond.

You could almost say that this is the moment when he really began to fall for her for who she is.

It's kind of ironic that the bullet sucking happened the night before this. Eric feels like he lost his whole world...but something is about to change.

The person who never lets anyone in is about to do just that.

"This is the beginning" ♥

It's kind of like ER, birth and death in the same episode. lol

And again, I know, I'm taking this waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously. But when I see this and I think about the 9 books that I read that were all about them and their connection with each other...well, it's kind a big deal. For a TV show. That's about vampires. LOL nm, just ignore me!


(Sookie walks over to Godric)
Godric: It won't take long. Not at my age.
Sookie: You know it wasn't very smart. The Fellowship of the Sun part.
Godric: I know. I thought it might fix everything somehow. But I don't think like a vampire anymore. (He turns to her) Do you believe in God?
Sookie: Yes.
Godric: If you're right, how will he punish me?
Sookie: God doesn't punish. God forgives.
Godric: I don't deserve it. But I hope for it.
Sookie: We all do.

Why would it take less time because he's old? Shouldn't it take more time? Doesn't age make you more resilient to pretty much everything when you're a vampire?

LOL whatever, the show was trying to come up with an excuse for this to happen quickly. I'll ~roll~ with it.

Godric: You will care for him? Eric.
Sookie: I'm not sure, you know how he is!
Godric: (smiles) I can take the blame for that too.
Sookie: Maybe not. Eric's pretty much himself.



Seriously, if I ever had any doubts about the show going all the way with Eric/Sookie they pretty much vanished with this scene. How can they not after this?

Godric knows Eric inside and out. You think he doesn't know exactly what's just beginning? Eric wouldn't even have to say anything.
Godric probably just knew because of how attune to Eric's feelings he is.

And after centuries of watching him be so closed off and never letting anyone in in any kind of real way, the idea that he could finally open up to someone...
All he wants is for Eric to be happy. To know that he has a real chance of that probably meant the world to Godric.

And Sookie's face....I think she's still scared to consider it. But I think she's beginning to...

If by "you know how he is" you mean AWESOME, then yes!

I love Godric's little smile here when he thinks of Eric and his awesome ways. heh. You can just see in his face how well he knows him.
He's a great actor btw.

Sookie: Are you very afraid?
Godric: No. No! I'm full of joy!
Sookie: But the pain?
Godric: I want to burn!
Sookie: Well, I'm afraid for you.
(Sookie begins to cry)
Godric: A human with me at the end...and human tears...two thousand years...and I can still be surprised. In this I see God.

This was beautiful.
Godric has been trying so hard to make a connection, to find a purpose in this world, and the idea that someone human could actually feel for him...maybe there is hope yet.

And WOW, I'm actually liking Sookie for once? LOL I AM SHOCKED AND APPALLED...and maybe a little delighted.

I really want to like her again. Please keep it up, show!

Sookie: Goodbye, Godric...


""His voice grabbed at my heart. The growing light in the sky was still so faint that the parking lot security lights remained on, and by their glow I examined the young, young face.
All of a sudden, absurdly, I began to cry.
'That's nice,' Godfrey said. His voice was already remote.
'Someone to cry for me at the end. I hardly expected that.' He stepped back to a safe distance. And then the sun rose."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 187, 188

Other Amusing Moments:

I know, blasphemy, I left out a sex scene GIF. But clearly, I overdid that scene anyway!

Obligatory adorable Jessica/Hoyt! ♥

BTW Hoyt has really nice arms!

Aw, Stackhouse kids!

More GIFs:

"I think I'm gonna cry" (Eric looks so hot in this one but...lol the Bill/Sookie-ness of it made me omit it from this entry)
"I'm proud that you're my girl"
"Your the sweetest boy in the world" Aw, goodnight kiss!
Jason thumbs up!

Previous Eric Picspams:

2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9
2.05 - Never Let Me Go
2.06 - Hard-Hearted Hannah
2.07 - Release Me
2.08 - Timebomb



It is ASkars' favorite episode (AND HE WAS NAKED) what did you expect?!

I think I agree with him too. It might just be my favorite for Eric. I laughed, I cried, I was turned on...lol it had everything!

Gosh, I am so excited for the weekend. Finally, I can go out and have fun! And my life won't just seem like a mesh of Grad school stress and Eric picspams. HAHA!

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, ship: eric/sookie, picspam, public

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