"He gave his sudden flashing grin, and looked a lot more like himself."

Aug 05, 2009 23:58

It's that magical time of the week again!

mmmm! And lol vampire!speed

Eric: You have got to be joking me! This is the fellowship of the sun? That's their "army"? Scared little boys with bibles and crossbows?
Isabel: Don't underestimate them. Support for their movement is growing. Their leadership camps are overflowing with self-righteous extremists all willing and ready to die for their cause.
Eric: mmm that can be arranged quite easily.
Isabel: Not until we know for sure the fellowship has Godric!
Eric: What about your boy? Hugo. And Sookie. They've been in there too long.
Isabel: There's no sign of alarm. And if Hugo were in serious danger I would know it. I felt something earlier but it passed. He's ok now.
Eric: Tell me, what is it that you find so fulfilling about human companionship?
Isabel: They feel much more strongly than we do. Everything is urgent. Exciting. Maybe because their lives are so temporary.
Eric: Yes, they certainly don't keep well.

I love that Isabel is amused by his snarkyness.

Isabel is kind of awesome.

Eric: Don't you find the prospect of him growing old, sickly, crippled, somewhat uh...repulsive?
Isabel: No. I find it curious. Like a science project. How does Bill Compton feel about your interest in Sookie?
Eric: (quickly) I am not interested in Sookie. And even less in how Bill Compton feels. My only interest is finding Godric.
Isabel: (smirks) Of course.
Eric: Don't look at me like that.

This is the 2nd week in a row he's been teased about being a little bit too "interested" in Sookie.

I find this terribly amusing. We never got to see any of this in the books since they're from Sookie's POV and therefore she was always in the room. AND YOU KNOW PAM TEASED THE HELL OUT OF HIM. That part is pretty much canon.

"So...you LIKE her like her?"

lolz that was kind of the gist of that whole scene.

Deny it all you want, bb. That's not what you said last week.

Eric: Do you really believe these fools could overpower a vampire such as Godric? And hold him for weeks?
Isabel: Stan is sure of it. But I have known Godric a long time. It's hard to imagine anything could over power him.
Eric: Not anything human.

HINT! HINT! Think outside the box, guys! You're on the right track.

Stan: Maybe the little rats have run off. Joined the fellowship themselves!
Isabel: Careful! Hugo is mine!
Stan: Oh please! If you cared about him so much we'd have been in that church hours ago!
Isabel: With no plan? No exit strategy? That's why you'll never be sheriff, Stan, you don't think!
Stan: And you're too chicken shit to act! That's why you've been getting Godric's coffee for the last 40 years! And you...(To Eric)...fellowship has your maker and your telepath and still you do nothing!

I love that on the first cap in the last row he literally has his eyes closed like he's falling asleep.


(Eric pushes Stan against the wall)
Eric: Are you questioning my loyalties, Stan?
Stan: Just trying to return Godric to his rightful position.
Eric: Oh really? Because I think maybe you have another agenda. Maybe you think starting a war with the fellowship will distract us from the truth? That you're so starved for power you murdered Godric for his title!
Stan: That is a lie! How dare you excuse me?!
Isabel: Eric, we don't know this. There's no proof.
Eric: Not yet. But I will find it. And when I do...there will be no mercy.

And also slightly homoerotic. Only made worse by Stan's low cut cowboy shirt. heh.

Eric: In the mean time, you two can stand here and quibble over his position. Or run into that church and kill them all, I no longer care. Godric is gone. Nothing will bring back what I have lost.

Why yes, I did crop those caps so you could see his ~EMO TEAR OF BLOOD~ better!

I do feel for him here, I do.

But honestly, there's no way I can find emo blood tearz unfunny.

I love how he leaves and Stan and Isabel are just like "........"

You know what this episode kind of made me realize? Eric has been a bit too angsty this season.

I mean, in a way it's a good thing because I think it shows another (~SENSITIVE~) side to him (that we don't really see until book 4). So hopefully after this no one will think of him as the "bad guy".

BUT it does make it harder to show the things that I love the most about Eric. He's just so...enthusiastic about everything. He's snarky and sarcastic. And for a dead guy he has this kind of ironic zest for life.
He does have the occasional snarky comment here and there (look at his conversation with Isabel above) but mostly he's just been really moody. It's understandable since Godric is like his dad/idol/ex-lover, BUT STILL!

Maybe after the whole Godric thing is over he'll get some of his PIZAZZ back. Lafayette's not the only one who lost it! It's just that a lot of the audience doesn't even know that Eric had all that much pizazz to begin with.

Wait till you see him fanboy over Dracula.

(Bill reaches for the phone but Lorena gets it first)
Lorena: And...who were you going to call?
Bill: If you will not let me go to her, at least let me find someone who will! I am begging you! Let me call and wake up Eric Northman. He is the reason that Sookie is in danger.
(Lorena laughs)
Lorena: He is also the reason I'm here. (She crushes the phone in her hand). He wants the girl, William. Just let him have her.

You know when she said that his brain went here.
(WARNING: Screencap from the HBO trailer for the rest of s2 in that link)

This episode actually aired on my birthday. And for about half a second during this scene I thought the show was going to give me the best birthday present ever (NAKED ASKARS!) through Bill's nightmare or something. BUT ALAS!

Lorena: You're making a fool of yourself with that girl. You have no future with her. Everyone knows it but you. One day you'll see this for what it is. An act of love.
(Knock on the door)
Lorena: Yes?
Barry: I have a message for Bill Compton. He there?
Lorena: I'm sorry, he's tied up right now. I'll be happy to pass it along.
Barry: Tell him Sookie Stackhouse is in the basement of the Fellowship of the Sun's church. She said the Sheriff's there and she's in some kind of trouble.
(Eric whooshes by to save his bitches)
Barry: Sookie, if you hear me this is the last time I'm doing you and your vampire buddies a favor so don't even...(BARRY GETS SNATCHED)


OH NOES, BARRY! Who do you think took him?

*********BOOK SPOILER**************

I think it was probably Stan considering the fact that he works for Stan in the future.

********END BOOK SPOILER***********

"So, what's the matter?
Now, all this sounds very clear and organized, but it wasn't words. It was like we were sending each other emotional telegrams and pictures.
I tried to explain my predicament. Get my vampire as soon as he wakes.
And then?
Tell him I'm in danger. Dangerdangerdanger...
Okay, I get the idea. Where?
Chuch. I figured that would be shorthand for the Fellowship Center."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 154


"Up in the air Gabe went, pants open and dick hanging out, his fist landing on air, his shoes kicking at my legs.
A short man was holding Gabe up in the air, not a man, I realized at second glance, a teenager. An ancient teenager."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 144

Godric still has all of his tattoos if you look closely. It just doesn't seem like it because he's wearing a shirt.

Sookie: Godric?

Other Amusing Moments:


This is the only reason I'm sad Daphne's dead. Andy/Pig is no more.
*sheds single emo blood tear*


Has there even been anything more adorable than these two EVER? Seriously now!


I made this one a couple of weeks ago if anyone wants it.

BTW, everyone should keep an open-mind about Eric/Sookie.
It hasn't happened yet. They've never had a scene alone together. And they've barely spoken in the few scenes they have had together.

Of course Eric doesn't really like her in a legit way because he doesn't know her yet. How can he? I joke about it in these picspams, but I'm not being serious. His interest in her starts with what's different about her and then it grows into something more than that (they haven't revealed what makes her "special" yet on the show, but it is something significant).

Eric never stops being a BAMF just because he wants to have sex with Sookie. And I doubt they would change that on the show.

Their "relationship" or whatever you want to call it, is the farthest thing from Bill/Sookie you can possibly imagine. It will never and could never be anything like that. If anything like that EVER happens it would be so OOC and ridiculous I would be the first one to start hating.

I realize that Sookie is REALLY annoying right now, but don't you think putting her in scenes with Eric will help with that? Like he'd ever put up with her crap! Honestly, lol!
A large part of the problem is how insipid the Bill/Sookie relationship has become. Once the writers get her out of that realm I'm sure she'll become way more likable.
Sookie is the main character on this show. Wouldn't the show as a whole be better if more of the audience liked her? Just let Eric work his ~magic~ on her.

Also, in the book series she became WAY more awesome after she ditched Bill. She was never this lame to being with, but she did improve as a character.

She's always going to have the most screentime out of anyone. So the best way to get more screentime for Eric (+ also Pam) is Eric/Sookie.

Point being, don't hate it before it's even happened. You can't judge their chemistry based solely on the scenes they've had so far. Just give it a chance. It's a relationship that develops really slowly. And I think it's the most interesting storyline (BY FAR!) in the entire book series.

I really only heard a couple of people worrying about it, but I figured I'd say my peace in case anyone else was worrying.


(I didn't make this GIF, but as soon as I saw it I knew I HAD to include it here. LMAO)

More GIFs:

Jessica & Hoyt cuddle
"I don't think you could ever be a slut"
Lorena laughs

Previous Eric Picspams:

2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9
2.05 - Never Let Me Go
2.06 - Hard-Hearted Hannah

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, ship: eric/sookie, picspam, public

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