"This vampire wasn't any 'Leif'. It was Eric."

Jul 22, 2009 20:49

o1. I'm a bit late with the 'Eric' picspam this week...


lol ♥

Bill: Eric is strangely intense about all this. It's not like him. I don't trust it.
Sookie: Don't you worry about Eric. We'll do the job, and we'll go home. A deal's a deal.
Bill: Sookie, you know what he's like! What's it to him to break a contract with a girl?
Sookie: A woman. He needs me. He won't want to make me mad.

The gif at the start of this entry could be in reference to Bill/Sookie. Or to me for putting 2 sections of Bill/Sookie pillow talk in this entry. ha.

Actually, after discussing Eric in bed, Sookie became much hornier than usual. Connection?? lolz.

Eric: YOU ARE COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT! What happened to Godric that he surrounds himself with clowns?
Isabel: We invited you as a curtousey. This is not your territory, you have no voice here.
Stan: Yea, sheriff! Why don't you run on back down to Louisiana? We don't need you or your puppets!
Eric: Oh I'm not going anywhere.
Sookie: And I'm nobodies puppet!

God, I love it when he gets angry.

Bill: What we need is a plan.
Stan: I have a plan!
Isabel: It's not a plan, it's a movie!
Stan: It's not a movie. It's a war!
Eric: Idiots!

I'm glad that Eric thought the line "It's not a movie. It's a war!" was as dumb as I did.

Stan: We take them all out at once! Preemptive strike!
Isabel: Of course! So the federal government can bomb us back into the middle ages!
Stan: Ha! Things were better then!
Isabel: Then go to Romania and live in a cave, you Ranchero poser!
Stan: Easy...
Eric: Godric has protected you! And made you rich and you stand there spitting and scratching like infants!
Bill: Don't any of you care that there's a traitor in your midst?
Stan: No.
Isabel: Impossible!
Sookie: Someone planned to kidnap me from the airport!
Bill: You were the only ones that knew she was coming!
Eric: Explain.
Stan: (Turns to Isabel) Unless it was you...
Isabel: (To Stan) Unless it was you!

"Rogue vampires were the backward looking undead; they hadn't wanted to be made known to humans any more than the humans wanted to know about them. Rogues refused to drink the synthetic blood that was the mainstay of most vampires' diets these days. Rogues believed the only future for vampires lay in a return to secrecy and invisibility. Rogue vampires would slaughter humans for the fun of it, now, because they actually welcomed a return to the persecution of their kind. Rogues saw it as a means of persuading mainstream vampires that secrecy was best for the future of their kind; and then, too, persecution was a form of population control."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 101

That's right, bb! Scream at the stupid people for keeping your father/ex-lover/special order Chuck Bass clone from you!

Sookie: Look, if y'all argue anymore I'm either going to fall asleep or start screaming so this is what we're gonna do! I'll infiltrate the fellowship of the sun.
Bill: Absolutely not!
Eric: Let her speak.
Stan: Ugh...
Sookie: Since Bill glamored the kidnapper no one there knows who I am. I'll pretend I want to join the church and check out all their thoughts!
Bill: No! During the day none of us can help you!
Sookie: It'll only take a little while! Really, Bill. It's simple.
Stan: Waste of time...when we could drink them all! I want no part of this.
Isabel: There's no easier way to find out if they're involved.
Eric: If it leads us to Godric we'll do it. The decision is made.
Bill: (To Eric) A few words!

This section was a lot of fun for me. It reminded me of doing my Barney/Robin picspams and picking out little tiny things in screencaps that totally go over your head while you're watching the show.

Sookie and Eric had all these tiny little glances at each other while other things were going on. I think she was wondering why he seemed so...emotional. She's never seen him act like that before. And I think he was impressed with her thinking outside the box. I mean, she's really only there for her telepathy, not to come up with plans.

I also enjoy the fact that he said "Let her speak." Seriously, Bill.

The little glances are in the 1st row and the 3rd row. I love the way Sookie looks at Eric and then just looks down in thought in the 3rd row.

And then my favorite part here is the shot of him walking right in front of her. I know, I know, it's such a little thing, but it really struck me when I was capping this episode. And really, if you've seen my Barney/Robin picspams you know that I've made a bigger deal about less, haha.
Look at their arms in the second to last cap. And the way she gazes after Eric them.

Bill: You knew it would come to this! She was just clawed and poisoned by a creature we don't know, and we can't find! And now in Dallas, you're playing with her life!
Eric: It's no game to me.
Bill: All this for a colleague? For the sheriff of Area 9? Why?

Eric: Go on. I'm finished. Go on.
Viking Friend 1: No.
Viking Friend 2: Eric, you saved our lives hundreds of times...we will not leave you to be eaten by wolves. We'll wait for the end by your side
Viking Friend 1: We'll give you a hero's farewell. The Gods wait for you in Valhalla.
Viking Friend 2: There will be a party with meat...and gold...and beer.
Viking Friend 1 1: And women? Will there be women?
Eric: Wherever I am...there will always be women.

Does anyone know their names? Cause I feel silly calling them Viking Friend 1 and 2, lol.

Also, I love that even though Eric is on the brink of death he still hasn't lost his sense of humor. That's very in character.

********** BOOK SPOILERS **************

The fact that he's making jokes here gives me hope that if the show ever chooses to do book 4 (*fingers crossed*) that they'll do it better than it was done in the actual book. I can handle the cliched storyline, but I just need him to keep some of his basic personality traits. And I really do think a better writer than CH could make it seem a little less fanfic-y.

Do you think Eric is still married here in the TV show?

********** END BOOK SPOILERS ************

Viking Friend 1: All will be well. Don't be afraid.
Eric: I'm not afraid. I'm pissed off.
(Sound in the distance)
Viking Friend 2: Who's there? Show yourself!
(Godric comes and slashes The Viking Friends' throats and kneels beside Eric)

He's not afraid, he's pissed off! ha, oh Eric! ♥

I really love the way they do blood splatter on this show. I love how over the top it is.

"'The tattooed vampire,' Bill said when Stan and I were the only two left in the room, 'is named Godric, though for the past century he's gone by Godfrey. He's a renouncer.'"
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 100

Eric: Are you death?
Godric: I am.
Eric: But you're just a little boy.
Godric: I'm not!
Eric: My men...
Godric: Dead.
Eric: You swine!
Godric: I watched you on the battlefield last night. I never saw anyone fight like you.
Eric: I would fight you now if I could.
Godric: (laughs) I know. It's beautiful.
Eric: What are you waiting for? Kill me.
Godric: Could you be a companion of death? Could you walk with me through the world...through the dark? I'll teach you all I know. I'll be your father, your brother, your child.
Eric: What's in it for me?
Godric: What you love the most: Life.
Eric: Life.
(Godric bites Eric)


Eric: Godric is my maker.



Eric says something, Bill looks hilariously appalled, and then Eric looks down in shame.

Sookie: You have a heart, whether it beats or not. You can love! There wasn't one other vampire there that could say the same.
Bill: Lets slip away to Bon Temps right now. Let them devour each other and leave us alone!
Sookie: You know we can't do that. Stan's as nutty as a fruitcake and...I gave my word to Eric.

"You can love! There wasn't one other vampire there that could say the same."
UM, SOOKIE? HAHAHA! riiiiight.

They better be working up to something epic with this. I know Sookie found Eric kind of obnoxious at first (lol actually I think she probably finds him endearingly obnoxious even after all the hot sex), but she never really hated him like this.

Maybe she'll have this big "epiphany" about how ~sensitive~ Eric is when she sees him with Godric.
Actually, that would be really cute because it's like Eric's "dad" meeting his....Sookie. lol I don't even know what to label them as now or in the future.

******** BOOK SPOILERS ***********

Godric: She's fairy special...uh very speical , Eric. You should hang on to that one. Maybe even marry her one day.
Eric: You think? I will keep my magical knife that I got after I was ordained on the internet to perform gay vampire weddings handy then!

lol I don't even know!

******* END BOOK SPOILERS ********

Eric reacts to me beginning and ending this picspam with Bill/Sookie pillow talk.
Don't worry Eric, they have to talk about you just to get Sookie in the mood.

Other Amusing Moments:

OH SAM lolz



And some more GIFs:

"Sookie, did you know that they have dirty movies here?!"
"Or I could just tell you about my comic book?" "OH I would love that!"
Sookie's vampire boyfriends need to have a little chat
"So how goes your vampire/human relationship?"
Oh deer, Daphne!

Previous Eric Picspams + book thoughts:

2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9

ETA: Also...

image Click to view


The way the vid maker (who wasn't me!) incorporated the book quotes? Wow.

WARNING: SPOILERS UP TO BOOK 9 IN THIS VID! (However, the spoilers are only in the quote flashes so you might not even catch them. And if you do...it's not really as "major" of a spoiler as it sounds like it is, trust me. So, it's up to you!)

o2. Um I just need to add that THIS PICTURE is making me die from adorable.

I seriously can't wait for s3. I need to look up when they're filming more often. I think I'm going to make it a random summer goal to catch them kissing in person. meesters, game?

lol not that I have time for all that stalking, but you know, I don't work every day. And they seem to be kissing outside on the street quite a lot.

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam, public, ship: blair/chuck, picspam: why eric is awesome, ship: eric/sookie, sookie stackhouse, tv: gossip girl

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