"I exhaled with profound relief. Of course, Eric could fly."

Sep 04, 2009 15:08

I can't believe I'm only going to do one more of these until next year!

*wipes single emo vampire blood tear off my cheek*

"Good-night, tiny humans!"

Sookie: It's a text from Bill! From 5 hours ago, dammit! I'm getting a new phone as soon as Eric pays me!
Lafayette: You working for Eric?
Sookie: mmm-hmm. Great! Bill's not coming back until tomorrow!
Lafayette: Well, then I guess we better not plan on him saving us.

You were waiting on Bill to save you before? um...LOL

I honestly think Maryanne would just find Bill flailing about while bursting into flames (his usual 'heroic method') more amusing than anything else.
It might actually edge her on.

Coby: Like a vampire! I bet a vampire would know what to do!
Lisa: Where's vampire Bill?
Sam: I don't know. I think he's still in Dallas.
Coby: Don't you know any other vampires?

Why in the world would Sam even think to call Eric? Yes, Sam knows that Eric exists and owns Fangtasia because he came into Merlotte's once in season 1. But...he doesn't know anything else about him. I can't even remember if he knows that Sookie knows Eric.

For all Sam knows, Eric could be totally batshit crazy.

Before this episode aired I thought Sookie might mention to Sam that Eric was trustworthy or something...that would have at least made sense. *shrug*

Sookie: How's your leg?
Lafayette: Better than ever!
Sookie: Huh. How'd that happen?
Lafayette: Eric made me drink his motherfuckin' blood is how that happened.
Sookie: Me too! He tricked me!
Lafayette: Somebody need to slap that bitch!
Sookie: I have!
Lafayette: Look at you!
Sookie: Have you had any...dreams...about him?
Lafayette: Now Sook, how would you know that?
Sookie: What kind of dreams?
Lafayette: It's like he's always in my head. And sex dreams. All kinds of nasty and...fantastic. Which freaks me the fuck out because I hates that motherfucker more than you will ever know...

The issue of Eric's blood is so confusing to me.

If Lafayette is having amazing sex dreams just like Sookie, why haven't we ever seen a hint of that?
lol I don't mean we need to see the sex dreams (although I definitely wouldn't mind! heh) but...the only "dreams" (even if they're daydreams/hallucinations) we've seen from Lafayette about Eric are rather horrific.

I know, he definitely has all of this post traumatic stress due to being in Eric's dungeon of horrors...

But if Lafayette hadn't specifically stated that he was having awesome sex dreams, we would have never known. The only dreams we ever see him have are...the complete opposite of that. Wouldn't it make more sense if even his hallucinations of Eric had a slightly erotic undertone to them? It just seems odd that he would have such polar opposite "visions" (even if the horrific ones were triggered).

They could have still been scary and also slightly sexy. They would have been seriously fucked up, but I doubt Alan Ball would have any problems with that, lol.

The blood sharing in the books and the blood sharing in the tv show seem to be very different things too. I know the show is a completely different verse, but the blood sharing in the books is where all of their ideas originally came from so it's worth looking into.

+ Not permanent. How long the blood stays in your system depends on how old the vampire is usually.
I believe Bill's blood stays with Sookie for a couple of weeks and Eric's for a couple of months?
+ You will become stronger, faster, as attractive as you can possibly be, etc....
+ It has healing powers
+ The vampire will be able to sense your emotions and be able to locate you more easily
+ You will feel a deeper connection to the vampire. This can include sexual attraction, but I wasn't under the impression that it was specific to it. It might have just seemed more sexual in the book because Sookie and Eric want to do each other anyway.
+ After sharing blood both ways 3+ times a "blood bond" is formed. This is very rare since a vampire wouldn't want to be this connected with a human usually. Everything is intensified by about a million to the point where you can feel the other person coming from down the street and practically orgasm just from holding their hand.
It is probably the closest thing to a maker/child relationship without it actually being that. However it seems far more balanced to me because in a maker/child relationship the maker always has all the power. With a real blood bond the power goes both ways.

+ Somewhat permanent? Sookie seemed to think that Eric would "ALWAYS" know where she was. Maybe the physical stuff fades but the connection to the vamp won't...ever?
+ You will become stronger, faster, as attractive as you can possibly be, etc....
+ Healing powers
+ The vampire will be able to sense your emotions and be able to locate you more easily
+ You will feel more sexually attracted to the vampire. YAY SEX DREAMS!
+ Sharing blood one time (in one direction) has random similarities to a blood bond which is just plain confusing. Obviously it's not as intense as that but...where does the strong sexual attraction come from? Probably just the writers being like "SEX IS AWESOME, LET'S HAVE EVERYTHING BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO SEX! FOR THE SAKE OF NAKED ASKARS!"
...which obviously is ok with me.
Still, it would be nice to know that it fades at some point so Sookie could realize that she is actually attracted to Eric for real. (Or Bill, if you choose to look at it that way. This new direction doesn't just cheapen Eric/Sookie, but Bill/Sookie as well.)

heh! I actually really like Sookie here. Now, there's something I rarely say.

Actually, she hasn't bothered me all that much over the past few episodes. I mean, she is NO WHERE close to being as likable as she should be, but at least she's not....directly annoying me. That's promising?

It's really sad that I'm like "YAY she didn't say something directly annoying!" :(

Also, it's funny that Sookie and Lafayette aren't talking about WHY Eric gave Lafayette his blood.
You think he just gives it away? Eric is no blood ho. Please, hooka!
He did it because Lafayette is Sookie's friend, and since she obviously cared about him Eric wanted him to get better. It's kind of hilarious that they're saying, "HOW DARE THAT BASTARD HEAL YOU?!"

Yes, it was Eric who hurt Lafayette in the first place, but really...Eric was doing his job. Vampires are being drained and murdered and he's the sheriff of Area 5. He needs to make sure that doesn't happen. Lafayette was dealing V, and the vampire he was getting his supply from was murdered! Even though Lafayette himself didn't do anything wrong, there was definitely more than enough reason for him to be brought in.

lol of course Eric's methods were a bit...over the top. But he's a vampire. This is vampire politics. It's not like Eric likes to torture people, I hardly think he would care enough to bother. It's just his job. None of that was his own personal vendetta, please. Did that have anything to do with Godric, Sookie, or Pam? If not, Eric doesn't care.
It's not like the police or anyone else cares if vampires start dropping dead, that's why they've always had their own system. The fact that Eric even bothers to question people and doesn't just kill them on the spot is just because he's being far more fair than he even needs to be (maybe he's like that because of Godric). Bill said so himself. Most sheriffs would have done far worse.

I'm not saying this makes what happened to Lafayette "ok". That would be insane. But you can't really hate on Eric for it without hating on literally every single vampire on the show.
And for a show that's about vampires, that's kind of hard to do.

Lettie Mae!Eric: I pity you. I don't hate you like your momma does. You can't help what you are. But I can not let you keep me and Tara apart. And that's why I'm gonna have to kill you.
Lafayette: Oh Jesus
Lettie Mae!Eric: I thought you wanted to be a vampire? You know how you feel with my blood inside you? Well, being a vampire is like that. Times a million. Goodbye sweetheart.

It's totally wrong how hot this is.
*brb, re-watching Generation Kill*

It is bizarre that he can even look hot while wearing a skirt. That takes skill.

This is not what I meant by "erotic undertone" though.
lol I think this is just ASkars generally being over the top attractive.

Sam: Excuse me!
Ginger: AHHH!!
Sam: Nothing to be afraid of! I'm just here to see Eric.
Ginger: He won't be here till after dark.
Sam: Well, obviously. But I have two kids with me. Can we wait inside?
Ginger: No! I can't let anyone in without his permission.
Sam: Not even for uh...$100?

It's so amusing that she works for vampires and jumps at loud noises.

I seriously love the "SORRY, WE'RE DEAD" sign on the door. haha, so clever Eric.

The bite marks all over her are seriously gross though. It just looks skanky.

Shouldn't Sookie have more bites if Bill feeds on her constantly?
I mean, I'm glad she doesn't but...shouldn't she?

Eric: Why should I help you? Shifter!
Sam: Because I need your help. And hopefully one day I might be able to give you something you need.
Eric: Can you give me Sookie Stackhouse?
(Pam rolls her eyes)
Sam: No.
Eric: Well that's a shame. That would be a tribute I would not soon forget.

lol, o rly, Sam?

If Sam could get Sookie for anybody I think he'd want her for himself.

Luckily for Eric, he is NOT Sam. And he will not encounter the same problems.

And I love how Eric is just laying about, simply because he's too fabulous not to. And probably also to prove how little he cares about what Sam has to say. It's not worth getting up for.

Also, Pam ILU. No one can work a sparkly jumpsuit quite like you.

lol, Pam! ♥

It bugs me that Eric just went through probably the most intense week of his entire existence and we didn't get a scene of Eric/Pam alone together to talk about it (This show seriously wastes time on the stupidest shit). I mean, they probably didn't hug it out, and they definitely didn't have a heart-to-heart, but you know they still talked about everything.
(BTW, I don't think we've EVER had an scene of Eric/Pam alone together! That needs to change ASAP!)

They talked about Godric, about Sookie (lol clearly)...about everything. Pam is the one person Eric doesn't have to hide from. He can just be himself around her because she's always going to love him. She is his whole family now. Everything that he felt about Godric, Pam feels about him.

You know she was like "Ok, it's time to stop being sad and start being awesome instead! Go put on a suit like the GQMF that you are and I'll wear something sparkly and it'll be fabulous!"

They're honoring Godric simply by being awesome. He did do good in the world, he's the reason Eric and Pam are here.

I really wish they would go into the Eric/Pam relationship more on the show because that kind of relationship is so different from anything else on TV. Mostly because there's no real human equivalent for it.

You can't really even compare Eric/Pam and Eric/Sookie, they're just two completley different types of relationships.

Pam is Eric's daughter/little sister/BFF/former lover all mixed up in one.

They totally had a lot of sex when he first made her. But it wasn't because they were "in love". It was because they were both hot as fuck and it would have been a crime not to.
So they had fun for a little bit because why wouldn't they? And now, they're kind of over that, but hey, maybe one day if they're bored and feeling more fabulous than usual it'll happen again. Who knows!

"'After I'd awakened, I discovered being a vampire freed some wild things in me.'
'After what he did, you didn't want to kill him?'
'No,' she said instantly. 'I wanted to have sex with him, and I did. We had sex many, many times.' She grinned. 'The tie between maker and child doesn't have to be sexual, but with us it was. That changed quite soon, actually, as my tastes broadened. I wanted to try everything I'd been denied in my human life.'"
- All Together Dead (Book 7), pg. 104

Saying Pam is "in love" with Eric is oversimplifying it and you would only say that because it's hard to think of another way to really describe that kind of intensity. There just is no word for it because this type of relationship obviously doesn't exist IRL, lol.

"'Did you love him?'
Pam looked a little puzzled. There was a tiny wrinkle in her smooth forehead. 'Love him? No. We were good companions, and I enjoyed the sex and the hunting. But love? No.' In the glare of the overhead security lights, which cast curious dark shadows in the corners of the lot, I watched Pam's face relax into its normal smooth lines. 'I owe him my loyalty,' Pam said. 'I have to obey him, but I do it willingly. Eric is intelligent, ambitious, and very entertaining. I would be crumbled to nothing in my grave by now if he hadn't been watching me slip back to my house from meeting that silly young man. I went my own way for many, many years, but I was glad to hear from him when he opened the bar and called me to serve him.'"
- All Together Dead (Book 7), pg. 105

Eric's feelings for Sookie on the other hand are more or less just romantic. It started out as sexual attraction/intellectual curiosity(due to her "other-ness")...but by now his feelings have started to morph into the crush/infatuation phase.

lol which of course is also the stage where you blab about your crush non stop and they're kind of all you can think about. Your BFFs will eventually find this annoying even though they'll probably never tell you this. They will just roll their eyes behind your back, like Pam does. In the books Pam spends a large amount of time making fun of both Eric and Sookie.

"'You look good, Sookie," Pam said. 'Eric will be very pleased.'
I flushed. 'Like I care what he thinks,' I said.
Pam smiled at me sideways. 'Right,' she said. 'You are totally indifferent. So is he.'
I tried to look like I was accepting her words on their surface level and not seeing through to the sarcasm. To my surprise, Pam gave me a light kiss on the cheek. 'Thanks for coming,' she said. 'You may perk him up.'
- Dracula Night (short story between Book 4 and Book 5)

I don't actually think Eric has (or has ever had) purely "romantic" feelings for Pam. Deeply emotional, yes. Sexual, definitely sometimes. But romantic? Probably not. I think their relationship is just far more complex than just that.

Pam is his family, but he still needs something else in his life. Something he's never allowed himself to have because he doesn't ever want to open himself up in that way. That would be too scary. lol feelings.

Alex described their relationship SO perfectly in an interview once:

"I think Pam is like his spoiled daughter. And she gets away with more than anyone else around Eric. It’s kinda like, Eric, you know if you had a big CEO of a huge company and people around him all day, they’re all like, “Yes sir, yes sir,” When he talks they nod and when he tells a bad joke they laugh and then he comes home to his little daughter and she’s like, “Dad you bought the standard version of the little mermaid!” and he’s like, “Oh I’m sorry, honey! I’m sorry! I’ll get the right one!” I think it’s a little like that, you know. He’s bossing people around all day, and you… he… when it’s important she’ll do whatever he tells her to do. But she definitely gets away with way more than anyone else, and he respects her a lot. She’s very important to him. More important than anyone else."

AH I seriously LOVE how much he just "gets" it.

Sam: I'm not here to give you tribute, Eric.
Eric: No. You're here to request my help based on the hypothetical future in which you return the favor. But you are known to not be friendly toward those like me. Why should I trust you?
Sam: Because until somebody starts trusting somebody we're all single targets! Just ripe for the picking!
Eric: I have no knowledge of this maenad creature. Although I suspect it's the bullheaded creature that passed through here recently, right Pam?
Pam: That thing owes me a pair of shoes.
Sam: So can you help us or not?
Eric: I do know someone who might be able to offer something useful. Might be able to.

Sam should give Eric tribute. Everyone should. Just because. lol.

lol what am I thinking? Of course he did.
But that does not change the fact that they were ruined in the first place. woe. That bitch needs to die. For fashion.

Coby: Can we see your fangs?
(Eric shows them)
Eric: Don't you like vampires little girl?
Sam: Eric!
Lisa: Our almost stepdaddy hated vampires. But we don't.
Coby: He went on a vacation with Jesus.
Pam: You make me so happy I never had any of you!
Eric: Oh come on, Pam! They're funny! They're like humans but miniature. Teacup humans.
Pam: (In Swedish) I hate them. They're so stupid.
Eric: (In Swedish) But delicious.

I love how amused Eric is.

heh teacup humans! ♥

Sam: So can you call this other person that might be able to...?
Eric: Better yet I'll go see her. But I must leave right away.
Sam: No problem.
Eric: I'll walk you out.
Pam: (In Swedish) Please get those horrible things out of here. I'll be smelling them for a week.


Seriously, I think it would have been better if the Sookie Stackhouse series was actually called "THE FABULOUS AND AWESOME ADVENTURES OF ERIC AND PAM". And then Sookie would just be Eric's love interest instead of the other way around. haha.

***********BOOK SPOILER***********

You know how Sookie rather traditionally wants kids and a family and all that? I've always had the thought that if she were to end up with Eric they might adopt Hadley's kid. I mean, if hypothetically something happened to the kid's father.

He has inherited the telepathy. Sookie could help him with that. It could work.

And hey, the kid is part fairy so I guarantee he wouldn't smell. Good for Pam. LOL

Pam would still probably hate it if there was a kid around all the time though.

I know this mostly likely won't happen, it's just a fleeting thought I had. Sookie has just brought up wanting a family on more than one occasion. It's not something I think is necessary to be happy in life, but clearly Sookie does. *shrug*

*********END BOOK SPOILER**********

Sam: You have my cell phone number.
Eric: I'll let you know if I learn anything of use to you. (To Coby and Lisa) Good-night tiny humans.
(Eric winks at them and flies away)
Coby: Woah! He can fly!
Sam: C'mon! C'mon Coby, let's get you two back to Bon Temps. C'mon get in, let's go.
(Sam looks up at the sky)

"Oh yeah, it was a full moon tonight - I could see it out the window. I could see something else, too. A white face appeared out of the blackness and floated between me and the moon. It was a handsome face, framed by long golden hair. Eric the Vampire grinned at me and gradually disappeared from view. He was flying.
- Dead Until Dark (Book 1), pg. 260

I love how since it's book 1 it actually says "Eric the Vampire" just so we're not confused. Because you know Eric, he's totally forgettable. He really didn't make much of an impression on me at all.


Sophie-Anne: Well, it seems your friend Mr. Northman is here.
Bill: Then it's definitely time for me to go.
Sophie-Anne: This alpha male posturing! You two really should just fuck each other and get it over with. I could watch!
Bill: Thank you for seeing me.
Sophie-Anne: Enjoy your restricted diet. I do look forward to meeting her.


Did you notice how Bill wasn't even remotely surprised that Sookie's cousin Hadley was there?

And did you notice the way Sophie-Anne said she'd love to meet Sookie...clearly not just because she would want to meet Bill's human girlfriend (lol why on earth would THE QUEEN give a crap about Bill's human gf?).
And it's not just that she wants to meet her own girlfriend's relative either....
(If that were true, Jason would clearly be the more fun relative to meet! lol)

I really wish Sophie-Anne would have been like "You guys should totally fuck, lolz! But seriously, he is your Sheriff, don't be a brat. The only person above Eric in this hierarchy is me, don't forget that."

Also, will Eric find out that Hadley is Sookie's cousin? Will he discover clues about the secret that Bill is hiding?

************BOOK SPOILER*************

Is Hadley even a vampire yet? It might be kind of interesting if she wasn't. And then maybe next season we could see someone actually make the choice to become one because of "love".

You couldn't really tell much about the Sophie-Anne/Hadley relationship from this. Maybe you could gather that they are "close personal friends" but nothing more than that per say.

In my mind I always kind of imagined them having this "epic" love of sorts since the Queen actually cried while watching Amelia's reconstruction of Hadley. And for someone so "together" and powerful to cry over someone...well it was kind of like Eric crying. Since he never does that it only became more powerful when it actually happened. It proved how much he loved Godric.

I suppose it's possible that Sophie-Anne and Hadley weren't...monogamous? I mean, clearly Sophie-Anne loved Hadley enough to want to "keep her" and turn her into a vampire, but beyond that who really knows?

Maybe Sophie-Anne didn't even realize how much she loved Hadley until she was gone.
I also think it's interesting to have a maker/child relationship with someone who started out as just your lover. I think it would be kind of odd. Although I guess not really in this case, because Sophie-Anne probably had all the power in the relationship to start with.

And doesn't Sophie-Anne have a special sexual power-connection to all of her "children"?

***********END BOOK SPOILER************

Bill: What are you doing here?
Eric: Hoping the queen can tell me how to kick a maenad's ass!
Bill: Now why would you want to do that? So that you look like a hero to Sookie?
Eric: Oh Billy! Paranoia, it's really quite unbecoming. Has she uh...mentioned me?

Eric is seriously channeling Zack Morris in the first couple of caps!

And yes, this is so adorable that this many caps of him fussing with his "flying" hair ARE IN FACT NEEDED!

Oh, Billy!

Although really, Bill, Eric's entire world does not revolve around Sookie. He actually has a life. And you know, a job, unlike you! Two actually! One in vampire politics and one for money! He has Pam, underlings (YOU ARE HIS UNDERLING, BTW BILL), and now he's actually just doing a favor and helping someone out.

Did it cross his mind that helping Sam might also help Sookie? Of course it did. But he doesn't need Sookie to convince him to do things. I don't think he even knows the extent of Sookie's involvement in this, other than the fact that Maryanne is terrorizing the town in which she lives in.

Now that I think about it, Sam probably would have managed to get Eric to go much faster if he had mentioned that Maryanne was squatting in Sookie's house. lol

Bill: No. That was really quite desperate of you. Tricking her into drinking your blood so that she became attracted to you?
Eric: Unlike you who fed her your own blood the very night you met!
Bill: How do you know that?
Eric: So you're not denying it?
Bill: I was saving her life!
Eric: Isn't that convenient?

I AM SO GLAD ERIC BROUGHT THIS UP! I would have been really pissed if they painted Eric as a "bad guy" for this when Bill did the EXACT same thing. Only what Bill did was worse because of reasons I can't mention yet (that would be a spoiler!), and also because at least Sookie knew Eric when she drank his blood...Sookie drank Bill's on the first night they met!
(In the section of my 2.09 picspam where Bill/Sookie are talking about the bullet sucking I discuss Bill's possible ulterior motives in the pilot.)

How does Eric know this though? Did he just assume that the only way someone would voluntarily date Bill is because they had some of his blood? LOL BURN

I would laugh so hard if he was just guessing based solely on the fact that Bill is really lame and Bill just admitted to it right away.

Bill: You stay away from Sookie, Eric! Or I will tell the queen that you are forcing humans to sell vampire blood for you!
Eric: You wouldn't.
Bill: I won't. As long as you never come close to Sookie ever again.
Eric: I don't like threats, Bill.
Bill: Neither do I.

Why is Eric selling V? I had been assuming it was so he could track who was buying the V through Lafayette. And really, that's kind of smart so you would think that The Queen might be all right with that. I mean, it's not like Eric is draining vamps to sell V for extra cash. And Lafayette is probably just selling Chow's blood or something. lol.
(BTW, did you guys notice that Chow is the football coach on Glee? I noticed that the other day and I lol'ed.)

Maybe Eric is afraid that The Queen won't approve of his less than conventional methods? It seems more than that though, Eric seems kind of...worried. It's odd to think of him doing something The Queen wouldn't like or agree with. hmmmm.


I hope Eric mentions something to Sophie-Anne about how ridiculous Bill is being. I mean, not in a "I'M TELLING!!!!" kind of way, but just a mention.

Obviously he can't tell him off right there in front of the Queen's palace because that would make it seem like Eric can't handle his own underlings.

But seriously, if Bill wants to remain living in the Compton house (WHICH IS WITHIN AREA 5) he needs to STFU!

In the books, Eric has banned people from his area for less than this.
There's a reason there are no tigers allowed in Area 5 anymore.
(Because they're annoying and overuse the word "babe" for starters.)

Other Amusing Moments:


Sophie-Anne just loves slash


Previous Eric Picspams:

2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7
2.04 - Shake and Fingerpop + thoughts on books 7-9
2.05 - Never Let Me Go
2.06 - Hard-Hearted Hannah
2.07 - Release Me
2.08 - Timebomb
2.09 - I Will Rise Up
2.10 - New World In My View

people: alexander skarsgård, tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, public

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