"I'll see you in another life, brotha."

May 30, 2010 02:07

So, I've been working on this post for about a week. At first it was just going to be a few of my thoughts about the finale. And then it morphed into...lol whatever it is now. It's not really a picspam (there are more words than pics under cut) but it kind of became that. I just kept adding and adding to it. If anyone reads the whole thing you deserve a fish biscuit.


I really loved it. The AU was something completley different than I thought it would be, but looking back it really makes a lot of sense. Who knew that this entire year was just one big goodbye?

It's weird to think that for the most part we knew 90% of all the answers we were ever going to know long before this. In large part this year was mostly about clarifying things.
And I guess, like the characters in the after-life, it took me awhile to come to realization.
There are still some things left open, sure, but a few months ago I had this kind of ~epiphany~ that made me realize that I could already explain the show as well as I ever wanted to. I think a few things could have been a bit less vague, but I'm cool with it. And I think that attitude really helped me enjoy the finale.

There really wasn't anything I wanted from the finale more than finding out what the AU was and getting some kind of emotional closure. And we certainly got those things in spades.


"You were right, Jack."

"There's a first time for everything."

Oh Jack. How far you've come...

How amazing was his entire character arc though? It felt so organic and natural.

And that moment when the light goes back on and he's sitting there giggling? Seriously amazing. He needs an Emmy nomination for this episode.

"Yea, I'm real. You're real. Everything that ever happened to you is real. All those people in the church, they're all real too."

"Everyone dies sometimes, kiddo. Some of them before you, some long after you."

OK DUDE, ANYONE WHO THINKS FOR ONE MOMENT THAT THEY WERE DEAD ON THE ISLAND NEEDS TO JUST READ WHAT CHRISTIAN SAID. I have no idea how you could think they all died on the plane after he said "Some of them before you, some long after you."

And I really like that they're not just saying "lalala they all went to heaven"
Sure, most people will think that, but really, you could think whatever you want to think about where they end up going. It's kind of irrelevant, as long as wherever it is (even if it's no where) is a place where they'll be at peace.

I also love all the different kinds of symbols on the stained glass window representing all kinds of religions, and even a donkey wheel and a ying-yang (how appropriate!)

"Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them, and they need you.


That's really how they were "found" (lol cheesy). Because they found each other and found meaning and purpose in their lives. This show stopped being about people literally "lost" on an island years ago. It really evolved into so much more.

I was wearing my "Live Together, Die Alone" t-shirt while watching. I'm wearing my Daniel/Desmond standing by the DeLorean from Back To The Future shirt now. ha.


She was pretty awesome in this episode. And surprisingly likable this whole season for that matter. I think it helped a lot to really distance her from the horrid "love triangle" she had been involved with for most of the series.

This year all she really wanted was to rescue Claire and bring her to Aaron. And although I do love Jack/Kate now, I'm really glad that her "remembering" moment had to do with Aaron. Because that's really the thing that shaped who she is as a person (rather than the men in her life).

I love that cap of her while leaving on the plane, just so overwhelmed that's it's finally...over. JEARS FOREVER!


"Tell me I'm going to see you again."

I really liked how certain it seems like Kate was about this. For so many years she's been terribly wishy-washy about Jack and Sawyer.

I've always liked them, but just more in a ~whatever~ kind of way. My view on the whole quad is just "enjoy whatever is happening at the moment". I flip-flopped as much as Kate did because I just never cared all that much.

So whether or not they ended up together was pretty irrelevant to me. But gosh did they make it work here. It was probably one of the only times I felt myself really shipping them beyond "yea, they're cute". I honestly never thought I'd get to the point of really loving them, but here I am.



"I've missed you so much..."

That line is just so sad. To think that when she went back to LA she had to live on without him. I assume (since she was so young) that she met someone else eventually. lol although apparently whoever this guy(s?) was he paled in comparison.


"I hope that brings you some peace."

"If I can fix you, Mr. Locke, that's all the peace I'll need."

I love this. Jack wanted so much in life to tell him that he was right.
And really Locke was the catalyst to discovering who he was and who he was meant to be. It wasn't until Locke died that Jack went all "WE HAVE TO GO BACK, KATE!"
It makes sense that in the after-life Jack would want to do something wonderful for him.

"I hope that somebody does for you, what you just did for me."


"You're not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him. Turns out he was right about most everything. I just wish I could have told him that while he was still alive."


The knife wound! That's such an awesome thing when you look back on it. It seems obvious once you think about it but...I guess I just assumed that when Damon/Carlton said the AU was "real" that meant that they were alive. haha. Not that being dead makes it "fake", it's definitely real, but...just a little bit above reality at the same time.

I also love how much the shot of Jack/Smokey looking down into the ~magical waterfall~ looks like the shot of Jack/Locke looking down into the hatch at the end of s1.

And I really liked that Kate was the one to take him down. Beyond it being a Jack/Kate moment, it's also kind of a "We're all in this together" moment. Jack can't do it alone.


"It doesn't matter, you know"

"Desmond, I tried that once. There are no short cuts, no do overs...what happened, happened. Trust me, I know. All of this matters."

It's funny how Desmond's grander purpose was very different than from what most people supposed.

So what did happen to him during the hatch explosion back in the s2 finale? He got blasted with intense amounts of the somewhat ~magical~ electromagnetic energy/light which blasted him far into the jungle and literally blew his clothes right off. At that point his life "flashed before his eyes". Did he go to some version of the after-life then? Or was that really time travel?
If it was the after-life maybe it was different than the s6 after-life because he hadn't really ~bonded~ with all the island people in s2. So they would be less significant to him at that time. hm.

But he lived. And now is able to withstand intense amounts of that kind of energy...but not completely. Because he apparently did "die" for a moment after what Widmore did to him in "Happily Ever After". I don't think he realized that's what happened though. He was so full of hope that it was heartbreaking to see his face in that moment when he uncorks the island and ~hell~ (lol you know what I mean) is unleashed.

Desmond was still very important though. I don't think Jack (even while ~magical~) could survive uncorking the light, coming back up to kill Smokey, and then going back down to re-cork it.
(HAHA gosh that sentence sounds ridiculous.)

I also thought it was kind of lovely that Desmond was the one to bring them all together in the AU, since he was the one who technically brought them together IRL. I mean, sure, Jacob nudged them on the plane, but Desmond brought it down. Do you think Jacob nudged Desmond to bring it down? hmm

It's interesting that Penny was there since she's the only one that's never set foot on the island (of course she had to be there for Desmond though).


AW Hurley's face when he sees Charlie! Their BFFness was one of my favorite things in the show.

I really love what happened with Hurley. Hurley does take care of people well. He would never put them on horrific plane crashes just to get them the island, haha.

I imagine Hurley going off island a lot to see his mom (and I'm sure bring her to the island for vacation too. Can you imagine Carmen laying on the beach?) and to go to all of Aaron's birthday parties.

And while he's going to birthday parties and such, I'm sure he'll go and see who might be interested in working on the island. Except he won't be creepy about it like Jacob. He'll tell people about the newly finished golf course and fruit buffet awaiting them.

"Jack! I believe in you, dude."

"It was only supposed to be me so I could do this. But if someone has to take care of the island, if someone has to protect it, then it should be you. Hurley, I believe in you."


"If the island's going down I'm going down with it."

Oh Ben. His whole life was about that island. He even put the island ahead of his daughter (albeit he regretted taking that risk almost instantly).

And as seen in the second cap, you can't go an episode without seeing Ben get beat up! Most people remembered their lives because of ~love~. Ben first flashed because he remembered, "OH HEY, IN MY ACTUAL LIFE I WAS BEAT ALL THE TIME!"

Of course I'd hope that in the end his remembrance had more to do with Alex, but lol getting punched in the face was pretty damn significant to him.

In contrast, I absolutely love the look on his face when Hurley asks him to help run the island. It's like all of his dreams coming true. Everything that he wanted/worked for/sacrificed (his entire personal life) since he was 12 years old was for that moment.

I especially like that face on top of his face in the after-life when he was talking to Locke. I think it was nice that they really got to be "friends" in a way. "John Locke was a...a believer. He was a man of faith. He was...a much better man than I will ever be. And I'm very sorry I murdered him."

And I believe he meant that. That was probably why part of his after-life was just trying to make sure that Locke would be ok.

"I'm very sorry for what I did to you, John. I was selfish, jealous, I wanted everything you had."

"What did I have?"

"You were special, John. And I wasn't."

"Well, if it helps Ben, I forgive you."

"Thank you, John. That does help. It matters more than I can say."

A lot of people seemed to wonder why Ben didn't go into the church at the end. I think it made a lot of sense. He did a lot of horrible things in his life. Everyone on this show has been horrible at one time or another, but I don't think anyone can ever compare to Ben.

Could you imagine what his actual moment of remembrance was like? Probably kind of horrifying. I think it's easy to see why he needs more time to really be able to move forward. I think his conversation with Locke helped quite a bit, but I think especially in regards to Alex he's got a lot to work through.

I'd also hope that when he remembered his life it wasn't all bad. Maybe Hurley gave him an extra long life and they did wonderful things together for years to come. Of course that could never erase all the horrible things he did, but it would tip the "white" side of the scale a little bit more.


"Will you help me?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I could really use someone with like...experience. For a little while. Will you help me, Ben?"

"I'd be honored."


I LOVE THAT BEN SAVED HURLEY! Seriously, Ben could have died for Hurley.

I think one of the things that Ben learned recently is that people do matter. lol and I guess that's similar to other people realizing that this show is about more than just answers.

I really like the idea of Hurley & Ben as this kind of epic team. I don't think either of them could really do the job alone. Hurley does know how to take care of people, and that is important, but his job is essentially to guard this potentially dangerous world-ending thing.
People will come to the island to exploit that energy, like they always have. And at some point I would be worried that someone would take advantage of Hurley's kindness.
But not with Ben around. Ben is extremely intelligent and knows more about the island than literally anyone else alive (except Richard). I think he'd be a good guy to watch Hurley's back.


"You know, you were a real good number two."

"And you were a great number one, Hugo."

"Thanks, dude. I'll see ya."

BTW, have you guys heard that we're getting 12-14mins of Hurley/Ben and their adventures on the island as part of the dvd special features? BEST - NEWS - EVER


You know, isn't it kind of random to think that out of the whole original crew Sawyer, Kate, and Claire were the only ones who got off the island for good. And Walt and Aaron, but you know what I mean.

My hope for Sawyer's life is that once he gets home he really tries to be a good father to Clementine. Before the island I don't think he was able to handle that kind of responsibility, he was too selfish. But now? I think he's really ready, and I think he would be a great dad. And I think Juliet would think so too...


"Good luck to you, James.

"Thanks, Doc. For everything."

Sawyer/Jack is one of my favorite relationships on the show. I really wish they had spent more time on it in general, their dynamic just really fascinates me.

It's interesting to me that they were always polar opposites. But in different ways. Neither one of them is the same person they were six years ago, their views on life are totally different than they were back then. But they're still opposite views all the same. It's funny how that works.

But I do appreciate that despite their differences, there is this kind of "respect" between them now. And they were both very important to each other. I'm glad that they gave us a few moments to really reflect upon this relationship.

LOL I'm remembering how I used to slash them back in s1. Oh the good ol' days.


I'm only putting this here because I find their relationship relevant to the show in general.

I've heard people refer to this relationship as only based on lust, but I don't think that's true. Of course it wasn't any kind of be all/end all ~EPIC LOVE~ or anything remotely close to that, but I firmly believe most people fall in love more than once in their lives. Each time is for a reason, and it's not always going to be forever. Nor should it be.

This relationship taught Sawyer what it takes to really care for someone else. And tbh I don't know if he had ever done that in a real way before.

I think Sawyer jumping out of the helicopter in the s4 finale and washing up on the beach next to Juliet really was the end of one life, and the beginning of another. But he needed that experience to really be ready for what's to come.

Sure, I never cared for Kate/Sawyer any more than I did Kate/Jack, but that doesn't mean I didn't find it a significant part of their story.

And I liked that their relationship seemed to evolve into a close-comfortable friendship. I really do believe they'll remain friends off-island (but no, I don't believe they'd re-visit their romantic relationship ever again).


Originally I was going to put this set of caps in the Sun & Jin section, but I actually wanted to talk more about what this means for Juliet (what it means for Jin & Sun is kind of obvious).

Juliet was brought to the island to figure out why women weren't able to have babies. What she didn't realize at the time was that she was the one that actually caused that problem by setting off Jughead. OH THE TRAGIC IRONY.

I think here it's just nice to see her give good pregnancy news, especially after realizing how sad the story of her life actually is.

And I think it's also nice to see that she had a "child" of her own. Sure, David mostly exists so Jack can work out his "daddy issues" by being such a great dad himself, but he meant something for Juliet too. It's only logical that one day (as a fertility specialist) she may want to have a child of her own (we even saw her talk about that in the 70s).
And it's rather sad that that was never able to happen for her. So at least it did for a moment here...

Ok when this scene first began Claire had her back to the camera and she was giggling with David. I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT TO MYSELF, "OH LOOK HE BROUGHT A DATE, HOW CUTE!" AND THEN CLAIRE TURNED AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING.

Seriously, how is Elizabeth like 10 feet taller than Emilie? Juliet seriously looks like the chaperone to their little date. It's weird.

This scene also made me sad that Juliet/Claire never really knew each other. I think that would have been a cute friendship.

"You don't have a son."


"You don't have a son, Jack."

That dialogue was so painful to hear. :'(


OH THIS SCENE! THIS SCENE! Gosh, it killed me.

Oddly, I think my favorite part about it was the look of pain on their faces. Of course their ~happy~ times are wonderful, but I really liked how they both remembered that she died. Tragically. And their time was cut short. They were ecstatically happy to see each other again, but they both still really felt everything, both good and bad, that happened to them.

"Can I tell you a secret? If you unplug it, and then you plug it back in again, the candy just drops right down."

LOL and isn't it funny that after all this time "It worked" really was just a reference to a vending machine.

I really love that line though. So much of this show has been about re-booting and starting your life over. Jack said to Kate in the 3rd ep of the whole show that they should be able to start over (on the island).
Once they died they all "started over" with the 815 crash (presumably that's when they all woke up after-death).

LOL or you could of course say that this is also is a metaphor for the "light" in the cave.

You could really relate the entire show to that one line.

"Kiss me, James."
"You got it, Blondie.

When I recently re-watched the show (recently as in I finished my re-watch literally a few hours before the finale) I did find myself shipping Sawyer/Juliet more. Especially in s3 and s4 weirdly enough.

I still don't really love the way the time jump made me kind of iffy about their relationship to start with though. I was shipping them kind of a lot before they joined the Dharma initiative. And then once it jumped to "3 YEARS LATER" I was just not...ready. idk. It's hard to explain but they don't work for me automatically.

I think it was partly because most of Sawyer's character evolution happened off screen. Half of his evolution that happened from s1 to the middle of s5 felt really natural, and you could see how he was becoming the man we (or I) always knew he would grow into. But he still had a little bit left to go. And then all of a sudden within the course of 1 episode (LaFleur) it just happened literally within a blink of an eye. And that was that. I JUST NEEDED SOME TIME TO ADJUST, YOU GUYS!

My favorite scene in "LaFleur" is actually the one where Sawyer/Juliet are talking on the dock and he asks her to stay 2 more weeks. I shipped them SO much right there. Because that's where I was at.
But then it felt like going on a 3rd date with a guy I was really starting to like...and waking up the next morning with baby stuff all over the house. TOO MUCH, TOO FAST!

But then slowly, but surely I started to really love the way they acted around each other. It was just different and it took some getting used to.

Basically, the second Juliet puts on that pink shirt I'm on board. But before that? Still a little iffy. And re-watching didn't really change much for me. IDK IDK BUT I SHIP THEM SO MUCH NOW AND JEARED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH IN THE FINALE AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!


I remember when "Do No Harm" originally aired I wondered why Kate was the one to deliver Claire's baby. It seemed kind of random. BUT I LOVE HOW IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE NOW!

And again, I love love love that this is what made Kate remember her life.

I wonder what happened to them when they got home. I'd like to imagine that Kate let Claire move in with her and then they raised Aaron together for a few years. And then eventually Claire & Aaron might have moved out on their own. You know, once she was more mentally stable. (Or they were just girlfriends, who knows! heh)

Although I'd imagine it would be hard for her to become mentally stable. Could she really tell a shrink what happened to her after the Oceanic 6 lied?

I guess Richard's ~connections~ had to help Kate/Sawyer/Claire get some kind of fake documentation? I mean, Sawyer and Claire were supposed to be dead. And Kate wasn't supposed to leave the country.

I wish more focus had been given to the Kate/Claire friendship in the first few years. As well as the Claire/Jack relationship. Obviously they didn't know where things would end up at the time but...it would have been nice.


Don't mess up the concert and make Daniel cry, Charlie!
P.S. Liam is still hot

I love how she's like "omg is he looking at meeee??" and then from across the table Desmond is like "*shakes head* lol oh Claire"


(I love Desmond/Penny just as much, but Desmond/Penny only appear in a few select episode so that's the only reason I can't say they're my number 1)

In s1 I was so hardcore obsessed with Charlie/Claire. I EVEN MADE THIS RIDICULOUSLY AWFUL FANVID OF THEM! lol this was before I knew how to edit. Don't look for it on Youtube, it's not there. I made it BEFORE YOUTUBE EXISTED! Thank god. It was to Howie Day's "Collide" LOL WHY, PAST SELF?! WHY?! Oh the shame.

"It's just a blanket..."

I loved how they had him bring her a blanket just like he did when they first met.

This moment is actually the first time I cried during this episode. I felt like the Grinch when his heart grows three sizes and breaks that measuring device.

I think I needed it. Beforehand their story had just been so fucking tragic. He died just so she & Aaron would be ok. But then Claire was abandoned and lost her mind after having no one to talk to for three years except for Smokey. When Claire first showed up in s6 I felt awful that Charlie died so that could happen to her. And did you guys see that she had the empty peanut butter jar in her crazy-hut? So sad.

I'm so thankful that in the end she did end up getting off the island, and she will get to be with Aaron again. So at least Charlie didn't die in vein.

Although I feel sad that we never got to see Desmond give her Charlie's list. Or see Sun give her Charlie's Driveshaft ring. Remember in s5 when she found it by Aaron's crib? I thought at the time that she would have given it to Claire. But no. I guess it's at the bottom of the ocean. :'(

That moment when he says her name gets me every time. :'( :'( :'(

I love how they added "understanding all you see" to Dom's tattoo for the AU.
You can see it better here. So perfect. Also LOL @ the baby's expression there.

You know what I always liked about them? That they could have worked off-island too. Even at their worst. haha remember Claire's time working in tattoo parlor with the black hair and the heavy eyeliner? She would totally date a guy in a band.

OH and not to bring up bad times, but for the record, I allow myself to love Charlie as much as I do (he's my fav behind Daniel & Desmond) because I pretend that the middle of s2 just never happened. Fire + Water is literally my least favorite ep of Lost EVER (I hate it more than the one with Jack's Tattoo's) because it makes NO sense. Charlie just went totally batshit crazy (and he apparently wasn't even on drugs?) And then a week later everyone magically forgot that anything happened, and Charlie became all sweet/wonderful again and...that was it. The show itself just said, "LOL NM! IGNORE OUR SHITTY WRITING AND FORGET THAT EVER HAPPENED" so I did. All of s2 (in regards to Charlie) was such a waste of what could have been an awesome storyline. OH WELL.
And even if you choose to remember that dark time in Lost history it's not like he didn't redeem himself 110% at the end of s3 with "Greatest Hits" and "Through The Looking Glass" so it doesn't even matter. Plus, s2 was all-around shitty for everyone (and my least favorite season). LOL after re-watching it I think of it as the season when everyone became an asshole.



(If you click those links you will die of adorable and weirdly crave peanut butter)

image Click to view

You know what just made me really emotional? My default icon now is Charlie/Claire from the finale. And the oldest icon I have is also an old Charlie/Claire one that I've had for years and could never delete because it's so cute. And now they're right next to each other when you look at my userpics. LIKE THE PAST AND THE FUTURE AND...OH MY HEART!

I also added a C/C mood theme shortly after "Happily Ever After" aired. I almost thought the show forgot about them...and then one little scene made all my old feelings come rushing back.


WHO THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD ALL MAKE IT? And not only make it out alive, but make it OFF THE ISLAND?!

I can't even tell you how loudly I cheered when Frank showed up alive! And Richard too, but less so in that case because I was pretty damn certain he was going to be ok. They would never have killed Richard in such a lulzy Artz/Ilana type way after all this time.


"I just realized I want to live."

I don't want to just be a bandwagon jumper, but OMG I SHIP RICHARD/MILES LIKE BURNING. I need fic like NOW.
I like to think that Miles helped Richard adjust to life in the 21st century.
Although to be fair, he'll probably adjust easily enough given that we saw him off island in 2001 to recruit Juliet.

Oh and they totally bought a fabulous mansion together with Nikki & Paolo's diamonds that Miles took with him. Getting a whole lot of money is why he came to the island. I'm glad to see it paid off. heh. ;)


"I think you're a good guy, Sayid. I know a lot of people have told you that you're not. Maybe you've heard it so many times you started believing it. But you can't let other people tell you what you are, dude. You have to decide that for yourself."

When I first saw this I was a little taken aback by Shannon/Sayid finding each other again. I mean, they were really only together for about 2 or 3 weeks.

But then when I thought more about it it made so much sense.

Nadia was probably the person that he loved the most in his life, nothing about this ending changes that. However Nadia was tied so irrevocably to the man that Sayid didn't want to be.
They barely knew each other when they were young, and then he met her again at the lowest point of his life (when he was a torturer). When he left the island they were happy together for a short time...but then she died. And because of that Sayid again became a man he didn't want to be. He murdered people for Ben. And then he shot a child! Sure, it was bb!Ben but that is no excuse.
Then once Smokey told him he could bring Nadia back to life he again became murderous and crazy.

His entire relationship with Nadia is connected with every horrible thing he's ever done in his entire life.

"This woman. When she asks you what you did to be with her again, what will you tell her?"

And even in the AU it was like something was trying to tell him that he needs to "move on" (moving on being one of the biggest themes of the show). She married his brother, and still he murdered people and became a man he didn't want to be because of his love for her.

But Shannon? Shannon was different. She saw him as the good man that he actually was and always wanted to be (lol that sounds so cheesy, but it's true).

In Shannon Sayid found redemption.

BOONE! I wish he had more to do.

I wonder what his big moment was. Maybe it was on the plane right after he shook hands with Locke, haha. The only people he really had a ~connection~ to on the island were Shannon and Locke anyway.

And sort of Jack, but that was really only because of how he died. Their hug in the church really got to me though.

I saw someone joke that maybe Boone remembered simply by Hurley asking him for a pen (lol remember the pilot?)

It was nice to see that he was so happy and ok with Shannon/Sayid. His entire character arc was really about letting go and moving on from her.



Ever since 'The Variable' aired last year and we found out Daniel played the piano I've joked about that. LOL BUT I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN!

I am sad they never had a scene together. THEY CAME SO CLOSE! Why did Charlie have a scene with Charlotte instead?!

In s1 Charlie was my favorite. And then I was pretty distraught when he died. BUT THEN LOST TRIED TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER BY BRINGING DANIEL INTO MY LIFE! But then he died too. Because the writers apparently hate me. At least Desmond remained my ~constant~ throughout. lol.

I thought the Charlotte/Daniel scene was rather sweet. I still don't really believe that she liked him back though. Well, obviously she liked him because it's impossible not to, but I mean like him in ~that~ way.

But whatever, even if she didn't she was awfully nice to him in the finale. And then when he came on stage she smiled like crazy and I was happy about it. My entire investment in that ship is really just about seeing Daniel happy.

It makes me sad that they never knew each other. But I'm happy that they magically knew of each other's existence in the after-life at least.
I wish Penny had been at the concert. There could have been a cute scene of her wishing her lil bro good luck (I don't know why I imagine he's younger than her, but I do) and then she could just be all cute with Desmond sitting at the table. Why did this not occur?

Oh poor Eloise. It must suck to go through your entire adult life knowing that you killed your son.
I guess that's part of the reason that Daniel didn't ~move on~ just yet. His mother needed a bit more closure. In the same way that Ben needed more time with Alex.

But I'm sure eventually he'll find some peace. And hopefully Miles & Charlotte & Frank will meet him there at that time.

And what of Widmore? He was pretty deranged, but I do believe his intentions for coming back to the island were good. Clearly he was trying to keep the candidates safe (which he actually said). All we saw him really try and do this season was defeat Smokey/keep him away from the candidates.


SO SAD! Although I felt like Jin & Sun were a tad too happy when they remembered their life. Shouldn't they be sad about their death and their orphan baby? idk.

That's why I liked the Sawyer/Juliet reunion so much. Because you could see the sadness.
With Charlie/Claire, even though they certainly had reason to be sad, I didn't think it would have been appropriate. They should have just been happy, because "Aaron" (even in a fake way) had just been born and they were reunited and together again, finally. Plus, it's not like Claire & Aaron couldn't have had a happy life after leaving the island...which was all Charlie wanted.

But yea, Sun & Jin have no reason to be happy. haha they were together and happy already. Only now their baby (who was an orphan in the real world) won't even be born. LOL I WOULD BE TRAGICALLY UPSET IF I FOUND OUT I WAS REALLY DEAD THEN!

Every other couple gained happiness in some way. Sun & Jin's life was already so perfect that it almost feels like they lost something. idk.

JIN'S FACE! Oh, this scene was so over-the-top adorable. I really loved the Jin/Sawyer friendship and I'm glad the show remembered it.

It was interesting that the whole AU was essentially this:

image Click to view

You know what kind of bothers me a bit about Titanic (and now Lost)? So Rose was on the Titanic when she was 17. She fell in love and afterward started a brand new life all on her own, so clearly that was the most significant time of her entire life. But she did later marry some other dude and have a bunch of kids. So when she eventually dies that's just...not important? lol sucks to be her husband.

But I guess her husband never compared to Jack. Because if it wasn't for Jack she wouldn't be who she was meant to be.
And I guess the same could be said for Claire/Kate/Sawyer. I'm sure they all met other people. Especially the girls who were barely 30 when they left the island. But whoever they all met would never be as important/significant as Charlie/Jack/Juliet.

And finally...

I feel satisfied. I feel content. I think I know the answers to most of everything I ever wanted to. Seriously, ask me a question about anything you want an answer to and I can probably answer it (since I just finished my re-watch).

I've had my s1 picspam (with my epic amount of notes) ready to go since last week so I'll probably put that up sometime tomorrow. I just waited because I wanted to finish this entry first.

"The plane clears frame. Finally free of the island.

Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do.

He has found his purpose. He has found love and been loved.

He has finally found a way to love himself.

The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time.

He is gone.

The End."

(These are the lines from the actual script that Jorge read on his podcast)


And read this about Vincent:
"Anubis was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife."

"Anubis was given a place in the family of gods as the...son of Osiris and Nephthys, and in this role he helped Isis mummify his dead father."


Also, I totally called the last shot of the show way back in s1. How could it end any other way?

Alternate Ending...

lolz Vincent

NOTE: The only GIFs I made myself are the Richard/Miles and Shannon/Sayid ones. The others I found (mostly in ontd_lost) and I thought they were so perfect that it would be pointless for me to re-make them. OH and I made one of the Charlie/Claire ones I linked to as well.

If you have never watched this show I seriously can not recommend it enough. It's wonderful and completely rewarding in the end. It's definitely on my top 10 list of favorite shows of all time.
...And you all know how much tv I watch.

picspam: lost, tv: lost, picspam, public

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