work, fandom, family, fanfic, real life, politics

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  • Interesting link

    scribblesinink May 10, 2009 12:46

    Found through Making Light: the Dutch system as seen through the eyes of an American expat, published in the New York Times. Not 100% accurate (read also note 2 on the Making Light post -- I've never paid 52% tax over any part of my earnings, and I'm getting slightly more than middle-income), and he misses some of the negative consequences of some ( Read more... )

    www, real life, politics

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  • Do Not Feed The Troll!

    scribblesinink Feb 15, 2009 14:04

    I don't make political posts very often, but when fannish mechanisms are so obviously at work in the real world, it's hard to resist ( Read more... )

    ranting, fandom, moronics, politics

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  • Yay!!

    scribblesinink Nov 05, 2008 09:45

    Congratulations, America.

    Congratulations, world!

    Despite it being foggy, the day is looking quite bright this morning...!


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  • World Elections

    scribblesinink Oct 06, 2008 18:38

    Something to think about, from a Reader's Digest article:

    "It's a good thing for John McCain that only American citizens can vote in U.S. presidential elections. If the election were held overseas, or even in the rest of North America, the Republican nominee wouldn't stand a chance."

    Not that that particular surprises me. Except maybe how high ( Read more... )


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  • Interesting observation, in a observationally interesting way

    scribblesinink Sep 10, 2008 15:22

    I'm currently working on translating the OTW-FAQ for their upcoming Board elections. In this FAQ, they explain cumulative voting, where every voter has as many votes to distribute as there are open seats. The FAQ also says that this is pretty common in many city council elections [in the US ( Read more... )

    otw, politics

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  • Strike over…!

    scribblesinink Feb 13, 2008 16:01

    Congratulations to the Writers Guild of America for successfully concluding their strike for a fair deal. Perhaps they did not get all they wanted, they sure as hell got a lot more than the moguls “offered” them back in November. Too bad so many people had to suffer for the moguls to see sense, but at least it is done! Now, we can all go back to ( Read more... )

    fandom, supernatural, t.v., politics

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  • US Elections meme

    scribblesinink Jan 06, 2008 18:22

    87% Dennis Kucinich
    82% Mike Gravel
    81% Chris Dodd
    80% Barack Obama
    79% Joe Biden
    77% Hillary Clinton
    75% John Edwards
    75% Bill Richardson
    35% Rudy Giuliani
    30% John McCain
    28% Ron Paul
    22% Mike Huckabee
    22% Mitt Romney
    12% Tom Tancredo
    12% Fred Thompson

    2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

    Well, that’s truly surprising… NOT! I’ve always said ( Read more... )

    meme, politics

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