work, fandom, pretty men, otw, real life

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  • *yawns*

    scribblesinink Jan 06, 2012 23:10

    Long day today.... First eight hours of regular work, then another four at one of the crisis centers for the high water problems we're having in my area. Definitely time for bed now! Hope things will get better (and not worse as there's still a risk of a dike breaking) overnight.

    This entry was originally posted at http://scribblesinink.dreamwidthRead more... )

    work, real life

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  • About stakeholders and “setting” maps

    scribblesinink Nov 02, 2011 21:47

    The post below is a fairly direct translation of a blog post I wrote for work. I translated it as an exercise in talking in English about skills and methods I’ve only “lived” in Dutch ( Read more... )

    work, real life, communications

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  • This 'n that

    scribblesinink Aug 08, 2011 18:18

    * Lured there by
    Read more... )

    work, writing, real life, books

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  • I iz a teacher!

    scribblesinink Mar 14, 2011 18:13

    Well, not exactly, but I spent the afternoon training a good half-dozen project managers about communications: not just how they can put together a strategy that includes stakeholders, a core message and a communications calendar, and how to get the most out of their communications consultant, but also what advantages a good communications strategy ( Read more... )

    work, real life

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  • Interesting afternoon...

    scribblesinink Mar 08, 2011 20:03

    Spent the afternoon at a (self-organized) seminar with a bunch of my colleagues. We'd invited a university professor in psychology, who gave a lecture about the various goals that might motivate people to engage in certain behaviors, and how environmental factors can weaken or strengthen those goals.

    In short: there are three main goals to do/not do ( Read more... )

    work, real life

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  • Writing fic: a worthy time waster?

    scribblesinink Nov 30, 2010 20:05

    I had an interesting insight at work, today. Twice, even.

    One of my colleagues is working on a photo story detailing the many, many, many steps (and the forests of dead trees that are involved) in the main policy and decision making process. And I'm advising a couple other people who are working on putting together an educational film about ( Read more... )

    work, writerly thoughts

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