Oops. It's been forever since my last post, it seems. First, after having been to visit
tanaqui for a couple weeks*, work got crazy. A political crisis, reorganization plans that are starting to make less and less sense as pressure increases, the general every day panicky crap, ugh.
I also managed somehow to get a Certified ScrumMaster certificate, though how we're gonna apply a system that's so specifically geared toward software development to other kinds of projects is gonna be an Adventure. And all that amidst the madness....
Watched Season 1 of Homeland, which was... okay, I guess. Too many out of left field plot twists, and too many stupid actions from characters because the plot needed it to really get into it. But I like where they left it, so perhaps there's hope for S2 yet.
Haven't seen any of Supernatural's S8 or Sons of Anarchy S5 yet (though I got spoiled quite a bit for the latter :( ).
Still writing the Tig&Kozik novel that started because I wanted threesome porn, and now, nearly 150K words on, there's still no threesome, though I finally managed some porn. That said, the bromance is great fun, too.
Speaking of writing Sons of Anarchy,
sentential got a comment ficathon going on
here. I even managed one spontaneous fill, which was a nice distraction from said novel.
And for everyone who's ever suffered from typos breeding in the dark, despite careful combing of drafts and damned fine betas:
you are not alone! * Ask me about how my hotel room in London got flooded in the middle of the night...!
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