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Jul 15, 2012 20:06

Oops, it's been four weeks since my last post. Where did the time go?

Work's been amazingly quiet ever since I returned from holiday. I suspect it's because most projects are winding down for the summer holidays and everyone's absence, and since most of what I do is facilitate work sessions, those are currently far and few between (though I do have two coming up in the next week).

Not that the upcoming quiet stops some people from being incompetent fools or childish jerks, of course....

On the upside, it allowed me to research some more graphic facilitation tricks and tips and books, so there's that. The "right" markers to use are apparently only available in the US, though (and bwahaha, Amazon charges 40$ postage for a 8$ set. I don't think so!) And Boss decided to make me project lead for the public tender for printed matter for the entire org (a first!). Cause yeah, so my field... *rolleyes*

Speaking of eyes, I have my first pair of reading glasses on order. Ahem. Luckily, I'm not particularly sensitive about aging. Don't care about the gray hairs, don't care about the glasses. Could do without the bouts of sleeplessness that are probably due to hormonal changes, though. Anyway, since I did have to buy glasses, I thought I'd better do it right, and got a cute, bright red pair-that don't look anything like what Google image search gives me.

AO3 (which has statistics now? When did that happen?) tells me I published over 1 million words with them. Eep? And that's not counting the current novels-in-progress. Although, going over the Jericho AU using Wordle and Scrivener's nifty hightlighting of searched-for words, some of those words may be heavily abused. Like "handing" people stuff. What's wrong with "giving", "passing", "returning", "offering" and a slew of others? Also, there's seriously too much unnecessary shrugging going on. And people are constantly "heading" for somewhere. Ugh! And I haven't even started "but"-hunting yet....

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work, writing, ao3, fanfic, real life

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