Writing fic: a worthy time waster?

Nov 30, 2010 20:05

I had an interesting insight at work, today. Twice, even.

One of my colleagues is working on a photo story detailing the many, many, many steps (and the forests of dead trees that are involved) in the main policy and decision making process. And I'm advising a couple other people who are working on putting together an educational film about information security guidelines.

Both are trying to tell a story.

Both their stories failed on a structural level. Which I not only managed to figure out almost instantly, but then I also could explain to them where their stories fell down, and how to maybe fix it. In a way that made them nod and say, "yes, I see what you mean".

So, the next time someone tries to tell me that writing fan fiction stories is a useless waste of my time...?

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work, writerly thoughts

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