www, randomness, world of weird

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  • Waves galore!

    scribblesinink Nov 26, 2009 22:02

    Goodness... I have 16 15 14 Google Wave invites to distribute! Comment with your e-mail address (comments are screened), and I'll have them send you one. Please note that it can take up to a couple of days before Google gets around to sending you your invitation, so patience is a virtue...

    And since we're on the subject of invite codes, I also still ( Read more... )

    www, lj, dw

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  • Still alive

    scribblesinink Jun 13, 2009 17:37

    I'm still alive. Work is just crazy (in an interesting way, but still crazy) and eating up so much of my energy there's very little left for other things. And what creative juices I do have left, go into writing more Jericho fic. Obsessed, me ( Read more... )

    www, world of weird, real life

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  • Interesting link

    scribblesinink May 10, 2009 12:46

    Found through Making Light: the Dutch system as seen through the eyes of an American expat, published in the New York Times. Not 100% accurate (read also note 2 on the Making Light post -- I've never paid 52% tax over any part of my earnings, and I'm getting slightly more than middle-income), and he misses some of the negative consequences of some ( Read more... )

    www, real life, politics

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  • Dreamwidth PSA

    scribblesinink Apr 28, 2009 10:29

    Just a quick note to remind everyone on my flist: if you create an OpenID account on Dreamwidth before April 30, and validate your e-mail address, you will get an invite code to create a full account when Dreamwidth goes into open beta. How To.

    www, fandom, lj

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  • Dreamwidth...!

    scribblesinink Apr 21, 2009 20:28

    My LJ OpenID came up in the random draw for Dreamwidth invite codes today, so now I am also scribblesinink over there...

    There's nothing there yet, but I plan to figure out how to port my LJ over hopefully later today.

    www, lj

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