jericho, writing, fanfic, duran

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  • Save A Prayer cover version

    scribblesinink Jan 29, 2011 16:21

    The Duranies on my flist/dwircle might want to check out this cover of Save A Prayer. No idea who this guy is/are, but they do manage the rare thing of adding their own style to a cover while still staying true to the original.

    Free download available, also, even.

    This entry was originally posted at more... )

    www, music, duran

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  • Deja Vu all over again...

    scribblesinink Oct 25, 2006 20:38

    Today, the official word came out: Andy Taylor has left Duran Duran a second time. The official statement says

    "...we have reached a point in our relationship with him where there is an unworkable gulf between us and we can no longer effectively function together."

    It feels like nothing has changed since 1985... I sure am glad we made the best of ( Read more... )


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  • Fall theme

    scribblesinink Oct 04, 2006 19:01

    Fall's here. And like everyone, it made me feel the need to do some redecorating of my journal. Hence the fall theme. All snapshots used are from the most recent holiday...


    Early July I announced the imminent demise of The Dutch Go Duran-fanzine, the longest surviving 'zine in the world. Today, I received the final copy. It had a lovely ( Read more... )

    lj, duran

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  • GIP!

    scribblesinink Aug 06, 2006 19:36

    I finally have an icon to go along with my photography posts: the ultimate shutterbug.

    The original photo is black and white, and I colored Nick's hair and skin ever so slightly. I also discovered how to make text dance in Photoshop. All in all a productive hour.

    And now I'm hungry!

    photography, lj, duran

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  • The end of an era...

    scribblesinink Jul 06, 2006 19:53

    The Dutch Go Duran International, the longest-lived Duran Duran fanzine, is no more (or soon, will be no more ( Read more... )


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  • The previous to last holiday... and "Serenity"!

    scribblesinink Dec 30, 2005 18:29

    Can you have too many holidays? I'm inclined to say yes... I finally managed to upload some of my Ireland photographs to the web (well, aside from the quickies I posted in my journal shortly after my return).

    These have been straightened, cropped, color-corrected and, in some cases, digitally enhanced.

    If you're interested, (annmarwalk, are you listening ( Read more... )

    travel, photography, duran

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  • Kindergarten...

    scribblesinink Nov 17, 2005 18:40

    Some days, I wonder whether I work at a professional organization, or an institution run by kindergarten toddlers ( Read more... )

    real life, duran

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  • More Duran DVD's

    scribblesinink Nov 02, 2005 15:04

    Is it very weird that I find the slightly illegal DVD's that reached my mailbox today far more interesting than the official Live From London release I mentioned yesterday?

    Live From London
    Pluses: steady shots; great sound; multiple camera viewpoints edited together

    Minuses: 20 months old footage; not actually seen these particular shows (though ( Read more... )

    sam, duran

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  • Live From London...

    scribblesinink Nov 01, 2005 18:05

    Finally, a year and a half after it's been filmed, Duran Duran have released their live DVD/CD package Live From London.

    More info here.

    Guess what I'll be doing this evening? :-)

    The one drawback is that it makes me really want to see them again December. Which I really can't. *whines*

    And Sam does not enjoy my screeching along with the CD. I ( Read more... )


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