The end of an era...

Jul 06, 2006 19:53

The Dutch Go Duran International, the longest-lived Duran Duran fanzine, is no more (or soon, will be no more)...

The Dutch Go Duran, affectionately known as TDGD, has been around for a very long time. It was started by yours truly and two other Duran Duran fans in 1988. Anyone remember 1988? When the Winter Olympics took place in Calgary, the Summer Olympics in Seoul and Bush sr. was elected president of the US? When Lockerbie happened, and the Free Nelson Mandela Concert at Wembley Stadium. When Duran Duran were three instead of five, and released Big Thing.

Yes, that 1988. 18 years ago.

After seeing a full-color, glossy, expensive American 'zine run by rich fans with access to all sorts of exciting things we could then only dream of, we, in our arrogant naivety or perhaps naive arrogance decided 'what they can do, we can do just as well'. Except we wanted the 'zine to be accessible to schoolgirls having to pay their fan paraphernalia from their pocket money too. It's truly amazing what one can do with an electric typewriter, glue and scissors and tape, and a copy center in the neighborhood...

I was involved with the fanzine for three years, and in that short period saw several co-editors come and go (no, I'm not difficult to work with, it just takes quite a bit more effort than most people think :-)). And what exciting three years they were. But eventually, it was time for me to move on, and I handed over the editorship to my then-co-editor. She has been involved with TDGD ever since. Though many changes happened -- from typewriters to computers, from cutting and pasting on a table top to cutting and pasting on a monitor, and a change from Dutch to English as the 'zine's official language -- TDGD always stayed true to its roots: it remained inexpensive, bringing cutting edge news and exciting exclusives, and offered honest critisism. I'm proud of my baby.

But soon, she'll be no more. After 18 years, the now-editors have finally come to the point where it's just too hard work and the rewards are no longer enough to keep going. Something I can really relate to: there comes a time when enough is enough. One more issue, and it'll all be over. For me, it's truly the end of an era.



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