writing, fandom, fanfic, communications, meme

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  • That book meme....

    scribblesinink Jan 12, 2012 18:26

    As I don't usually have books lying about (and even less so now that most of my fiction is on the eReader), I tend to not play the book memes. However, this time:

    Pick up the nearest book to you.
    Turn to page 45.
    The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012.

    I got

    "Whenever you interview an expert, it's helpful to use a personal tape ( Read more... )


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  • Fic meme master post

    scribblesinink Sep 26, 2011 20:14

    At the end of the 30 Day Fic Meme, I promised a master post with links to all the questions and answers. Due to being on holiday, I haven't got around to it before, but after returning to work today, I desperately need the distraction (people are such idiots!)

    So, 30 questions with links to the answers:

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 30

    scribblesinink Sep 11, 2011 08:12

    30 - Do you have a favorite fic you've written? What makes it your favorite? And don't forget to give us a link! I currently have over 240 stories up at AO3, written over more than a decade, so it's a bit of a tough job to pick just one. Some stories, while not very deep, were great fun to write. Others I'm fond of because they do have deeper ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 29

    scribblesinink Sep 10, 2011 08:31

    29 - What is your current project or projects?

    Oddly, I used to have a number of projects in various stages at any time. Right now, I only have two major ones (not counting the percolating plot bunnies in the back of my mind): Anna AU and Reorientation!verse (or R!verse for short). Both are Jericho AU's, and both are novel-sized (which is also a ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 28

    scribblesinink Sep 09, 2011 08:16

    28 - Have you ever collaborated with anyone else, whether writing together, or having an artist work on a piece about your fic?

    Oh yes. Heck, I started out writing fic in a "finish the story"-challenge, where I picked up where the original writer had left off with a purposeful cliffhanger. Then there are the Robin-a-Tumbles (Earth 2; LotR) I've ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 27

    scribblesinink Sep 08, 2011 08:10

    27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer? I much prefer to write at home, either at the dinner table or outside on the balcony (when by hand) or at the computer (when typing). I use both methods. Longfic tends to be drafted more often at the computer, while short stories are more likely to be drafted ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme -Day 26

    scribblesinink Sep 07, 2011 17:54

    26 - What is the oddest (or funniest) thing you've had to research for a fic?

    God, there are so many weird things I've had to research at one time or another. I really do wonder what my Google search profile looks like.... One thing I do know: Google'll have a hard time matching my real (as in personal) interests with their advertizing program ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 25

    scribblesinink Sep 06, 2011 22:52

    25 - Music - Do you listen to music while you write? Do you make playlists to get into a certain "mood" to write your fic? Do you need noise in general? Or do you need it completely quiet? No. Oddly enough, while music is important to me and can really set a mood, it doesn't work for writing (or any other work that requires thinking processes, to ( Read more... )

    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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  • 30 day fanfic meme - Day 24

    scribblesinink Sep 05, 2011 10:17

    24 - Betaing - How many betas do you like to use to make sure there aren't any major flaws in your fic? Do you have a Beta horror story or dream story?

    In the past years, I've found an amazing beta in
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    fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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