30 day fanfic meme - Day 23

Sep 04, 2011 11:19

23 - When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?

I post in a number of places. I've been on fanfiction.net since 1999, and have always had my own archives as well, the latest incarnation being at http://FANDOM.scribblesinink.com (see list of all available fandoms). Over the years, I've also posted on mailing lists when that was the norm, and in fandom-specific archives, had a fic journal at LiveJournal, which has been abandoned but is being continued at Dreamwidth. And as soon as I got an invite to Archive of our Own, I also started uploading everything there as well.

This entry was originally posted at http://scribblesinink.dreamwidth.org/262020.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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www, fanfic, writerly thoughts, meme

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