The Pterocles Round Robin 3.11

Jun 29, 2011 15:07

The Pterocles Round Robin
Generation 3, Episode 11

Missed an Update? Pterocles Round Robin Main Post
fivesims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | Heir Poll and Downloads
upendoaushi : 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | Heir Poll and Downloads
bondchick_nett : 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6 | 3.7 | 3.8 | 3.9 | 3.10

Last Time: Coquette, Crane and Capercaillie got teen makeovers; the ~ADULTS~ had a lot of group sex; Coquette got herself a boyfriend who's identity HAS BEEN REVEALED! It was/is Gruyere by dazzlingdespair; Chiffchaff & Cormorant went to Uni; & Pedobears ran rampant over bedsheets.

Oh, and I was trying SOO VERY HARD to have this be the very last update, but my damn game was too full of things happening, so this is the second to last one. Tis a shortish update though, but all the same: I AM SO SORRIES!

I am so never signing up for another RR again unless the rule is that its a maxiumum 90 pics in one update only or something like that. Because otherwise I just CANNOT be useful with available time >_<;; I AM SORRY I SUCK AT TIME MANAGEMENT! AUGH!

We start off this second to last update with Crane bringing two SUPER pretties, in the form of h-e-l-l-e 's Kura and Nikolai, home from school. This may seem like I'm just showcasing some townies, but just you wait! ;)

Right off the bat its ALL about Kura. She and Crane couldn't get enough of each other, and Nikolai just seemed to be here to keep an eye on his creator-mate.

Poor 'Caillie, unlike Anthony Bourdain, she has ~RESERVATIONS~.

And also an inability to get along with Nikolai on any level. I was busy chalking this up to my personal OTP of 'Caillie and Chiffchaff when a discordant DNW sound hit my ears..

And I realised the butler had managed to sneak into the house and stay long enough to do something other than set the kitchen ablaze.


Which I can't access the right words of as livejournal seems to be down/not responding/being chewed on by a goat and I can't find my original texts of the Sims 2 Challenges. RANDOM!

But its the one where you fire all of your household staff.

As I'd vamped him, the Butler only ever showed up for about ten sim minutes max per day, and I never was able to get anyone to drop cue fast enough to walk over and fire his arse. I figured, it was basically like he was fired anyway and left it at that. xD

Figuring 'Caillie needed to do a little oat sowing before she hooks up with her OTP I sent her off to contact the matchmaker.

Notice Crane wandering off upstairs to leave her too it? Yeah, I didn't at the time either...

*bes mysteriously mysterious*

Yeah, so, that guy has already been picked, but we'll take your services for a short term day-spending someone.


Suddenly it all becomes clear. Oh so clear. Nikolai's passive face wasn't because he was keeping an eye on Kura...

It was because he was keeping his sultry bedroom eyes JUST for Crane.

Kura, who? ;) xD Oh man they're sooo cute together.

Eeeehehee! <3 See the cheesy woohoo face? After my initial shock and amazement, THATS the face I wore too :D

Back out on the street, where all the classy kids find their dates...

GODDAMN this matchmaker is the adorabubbles!

'Caillie: OooOOoh, CHEEEEEeeEeEEeese, Gromit!

'Sup, Baby Fluff?

I have no idea what I was thinking putting tha facial hair on him, but its kind of super adorable in an 'Awww, he's trying to be all grown up! Bless.' kind of way.

Ladies and Gentlecakes, I present for your consideration:

How to Seduce Kazimir ( kaputt_geliebt );
For fun and possible skittling.

Playing in traffic is the new going out for dinner and a movie.

Ugh! Thanks Matchmaker, you were really worth five grand of 'Caillie's parents money.

Meanwhile, inside the house, pretty blonde townies find love and lust...

(Batali by dorkasaur_sims & katu_sims's Bambi)

...While Sora's (upendoaushi) neck breaks.

Denim (sixamsims ): Hehe, Jamie and Cersei Lannister, sexing in my loungeroom. *morbid bliss*

In the kitchen, 'Caillie downs a little somethng something she also picked up from the matchmaker... Let's hope this one was more worth her dollars.

Not that Kazimir isn't a MAJOR hottie, but Capercaillie deserves more than indifference to repulsion in her boyfriends. *nod*

HOLY BAJINGO! O_O IDK about any of your, but I'm not sure I'd want to drink anything that causes my eyelashes to fling off of my face...

But all face-distortions aside, NOW who's an anit-bolter?!


Oh, well, I may or may not have overplayed that, but its some improvement anyway... ^_^;;;

And its CERTAINLY all we need to attain satisfaction :D

Who needs pistols at dawn, we've got poison and electricity!

Also, is 'Caillie taller than him?

Aww, its all so tender and rose tinted.

Upstairs, its all go go go for Crane. His new boyfriend off home for the night, he goes to sleep onto to experience every bisexual teen boy's dream.

Naia (katu_sims) in a skimpy pink leotard showing off her flexibility in his bedroom in the middle of the night. I feel that Crane!Face is all the gratitude you need right now, Naia.

Though apparently she wanted more.

Naia? No. We didn't. But thanks for furnishing Crane's spank bank for future withdrawals.

Icelia's (racing_oatmeal) LTW was to reach her Golden Wedding Anniversary. Which means:


And its a simultaneous Golden Anniversary and Family Reunion. :D

Potential heirs?! What IS excitement?!

Wow, yeah, totally feeling the love here, Currawong.

But at least the important members of this anniversary are really happy.

And colour coded for Christmas.

Lords, you'd never know it.

It was about now that I realised that since the adults were shuffling towards the end of their mortal coil, all the puppies had also started to get really old ;_;

But still FREAKEN cute! :D

Her siblings all ahead of her on romantical milestones, Coquette's boyfriend Gruyere showed up, fresh faced and ready for their first kiss.

Which was so delightfully awkard! <3

And achingly sweet.

Houston? We are go for N'AWWWWWWWW!

Whoa, you guys don't really mess around do you? You know you could space out those romantical firsts if you want, its only first once and all..?

No? No waiting?

Guess not...

(Raise your hand if you just LOVE how Gruyere totally has one of those faces that looks odd without glasses on? xD)

I wasn't sure at this point if they actually enjoyed that...

Gruyere: I popped an eye, but it was totally worth it.

Gruyere: So much so we're doin' it again!

Sora: What?

Oh, NOTHING >_>;;


Sora remains blissfully oblivious but at least Coquette is in love now? So that's a plus, yeah?

Ribba-Frame-Behind-Sora: *bes accusingly un-retextured*

AUGH I really do need to find time to actually make and release the recolours of that that I've already made eleventy billion textures for ^_^;;;;

After violating Sora & Icelia's first born (just), Gruyere decided to just stay over.

For five days.

What are you eating thats making you make that kind of face, 'Caillie?

Capercaillie: FAIRY GRUEL!

Delicious >_>;;



nett: pterocles, challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: mega list

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