The Pterocles Round Robin 3.6

Mar 09, 2011 20:05

The Pterocles Round Robin
Generation 3, Episode 6

Missed an Update? Pterocles Round Robin Main Post
fivesims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | Heir Poll and Downloads
upendoaushi : 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | Heir Poll and Downloads
bondchick_nett : 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6

Warning: This update is full of nudity, sexual scenes and references, jokes featuring fecal matter, seriously adult themes... Its just ALL wrong...

Who knows what happened last update? IDK, do people read this section anyway? xD

EXPERIMENT TIME: Please type "The word spoon has lost all meaning" in the comments if you read the re-caps/this section of my updates.

Yes, I may have just completed a 16 episode Grey's Anatomy marathon.

Welcome back to Piddletown™, population: Guillemot (upendoaushi). & Urine.

And because I said "Piddletown™" when I see this image of our FINALLY seriously pregnant heir, all I can think ~innapropriately~ of is Machine Gun Fellatio's Pussytown.

I'm sorry Sora (upendoaushi).


Okay lets scrub our minds of the rather uncouth and questionably uncalled for smuttiness of the introduction to this update, and instead dwell on a more idyllic reality of Guillemot in the aesthetically pleasing zone. :D

The creatively beautiful consciousness IS made of this.

And now I break that beautiful revelry with some sex.

Not just ANY sex mind you, sex that made me COMPLETELY CONFUSED and for a moment I thought I had stumbled upoon some screenshots from a WHOLE OTHER legacy or something.

You know who's getting their first ever nookie on?

Their furst ever duck-lipped naked embrace?

Its our own Cassowary :D

And "The teen I thought would hook up with Sora," Freya Viking (simsforaranya).

'Tis an unexpectedly delightful match made in sparkle motion...

...And pussywillow!

Meanwhile, we just got those 36 tour points from having the headmaster over from showing him the room Cassowary and Freya were enjoying extra curricular activities in.

This headmaster clearly supports live sexual education in the classroom. *nods*

Chiffchaff: Why does Mum & Dad's room smell like thai food?
Me: Why are you sleeping in there, with your naked older brother?
Chiffchaff: The headmaster is hanging out in my room.
Me: Good call, son. Good call.

I'd tell him to steer clear of the wet spot but considering the Urineageddon that he grew up in, I don't suppose he'd notice.

And just when I thought I could raise the tone of this update, the week's challenge ends and I can put a door in Guillemot's studio.

FLY SON, BE FREE! Just make it to the loo of your dreams, kk?

At last! An image that doesn't relate directly to bodily fluids! :D And its autonomous baby interactions at that, oh man, sooooo cute!

Cassowary: Hello little baby, come out and play with us soon, you hear?

Cassowary: I didn't mean RIGHT at this moment!

Augh, its because I mentioned a lack of bodily fluids, isn't it? Game had to oblige me by introducing yet another kind >_>;;

Guillemot: Oh juice, how I've missed you.


PS: More important things going on upstairs, Gilly.

Namaqua's (upendoaushi) Portrait: *Looks anywhere but here*
Cassowary's Singlet: *Adds to the bodily function theme of the update*
Magic Crystal: *levitates its way out of this meat-fest*

Cool! Just one more birth and we're done! :D That's efficient. Maybe we could get Denim knocked up to share the load.

Sora has created her very own MINI!ME™

The Blythe doll in the background is NOT AMUSED.

Uh, Sora? You've only pushed one child out, of a sequence of two. Its not really the time.

I know you've been given the time off and all...

But you all remember how that pop up said she was having twins..?

Yeah. It lied.

And I just realised that I forgot to take single images of each of the little heir-babies to feature their names! Oh well, they kinda all look almost identical at this stage bar the middle child's skin tone. We'll go from left to right and down for these.

First up we have a little pale as pale Capercaillie. Pretty as pretty name, hardcore full-of-personality namesake.

Although, she's a little girl, so I should really show you a picture of a female Capercaillie. This one's pissed you spotted her on the prowl.

Also, stop looking at her breast.

The little Sora-clone to right of Cappercaillie, in Currawong's arms, is Coquette. I couldn't find a picture of a female Coquette, but there's ten awesome species of Coquette out there, all Hummingbirds. How freaken awesome, amirite?!

And finally, the little one supported by Cassowary is a little boy to add to the mix, Crane.

Meanwhile, Gilly has a much MUCH more important (in his eyes) checklist to tick off. First real fresh fruit juice, then the juice of his lady (Icelia by xie_belle).

Yeah, I know, but I'm going with it now.

BUT! This brings to mind something I should've thought of when doing the challenge:

If you have the juicer, if you make a batch of juice and put THAT in your Consumed-by-Art Artist's room, they can use that for food for DAYS! Juice doesn't go off, and according to the Sims is a complete meal.

Speaking of spousal juices, in what appears to be 'their special place,' Sora finds the perfect way to let her fiancee (Denim by sixamsims) know the good news.

Uh, Kath n Kim "Just make the faces, don't make the contact" Kath vs Kel kiss much? O_O;;

Further checking off of Gilly's check off list :D

After so many sim-nights watching him fitfully sleep in his own filth on the cold of a couch without even a blanket, this scene of slumbering bliss shared with a puppy fills my heart with cockle-warming coziness.

Oh Cassowary, so topical.

With a passel of babies,

I thought perhaps we'd make this union legal.

The girls excitedly...

...Obliged with all the glowing joy you would expect from such a sweet otp.

Is it just me?

Or has Sora never looked so beautiful?

Or content?

Nor Denim looked so ecstatic.

Or terrified. Either.

The wedding guests were comprised of a mix of family, past conquests and a date or two for the nephews.

Left to right: Aquaphobia (boolpropbea), Eremomela (upendoaushi), Code Monkey (jens_sims), Erika (leenyland ), Freya, the side of Julietta Oakes' (stakeit_uk ) ginger mane, Skua (upendoaushi), and the back of Charles' (jens_sims) head.

The mix of guests definitely reflected in the mixed opinions on the match...

(Hidden down the back there is a blonde & serious little David by sounseelie)

Though the mix finds mass consensus on their opinion of Shag...


Uh.. So you know that beauty + Sora thing I mentioned before..?

I may have to take that back...

...WAaaaaaAAaAay back.


Sora: Haha, okay! *glee*

Cue: Scenes from a wedding reception!

Aquaphobia knows how to bring the emotion to her moves.

The Butler however knows only how to sadly dance with a squeegee adjacent to pee from a ~questionable source~

No blaming the dogs now, guests.

Its okay Chiffchaff, we knew it wasn't you.

Oh Erika, there always has to be ONE person that closes their eyes... xD

OKay so I know Aquaphobia has her Butler!Hate on, but OMG HOW PRETTY IS JULIETTA IN THIS SHOT!? <333

God I love these ladies.

And these ladies have the love! :D

You think the owls know a TAD too much about this family by now? I swear they're looking much more frazzled than they ever did before... xD

Uh.. O_O;;; Okay you guys, I think its time to end the wedding reception revelry... The heirs really REALLY need attention!

And this is when I noticed this.

What? WHEN?!?! HOW?! WHERE?!?!

Currawong: Yes! Now I'm big and strong, I too can have illicit affairs with my aunt! :D

Sora: Such a sequence of causailty appears most logical. *maxes out logic*

Me: *horrified headdesk*

Maaan! Poor Guillemot. The wedding kept him awake and he was on his way to go to his new work and fell asleep standing there. He never fell asleep standing trapped in his artistic 'haven' - its almost like he was better off in there in some respects. O_O;;

Only a so-so week, huh, Icelia? Babe? I think you aim WAY too high...

But at least you're into childcare, so I'll let you set the bar to WHATEVER height you want.

Especially since these two seem WAY more into their hobbies.

Mrs Potts: *eyes off her cup-children to acertain which one shall be 'Chip'*
Bland Tomatoes: *levitate to up their value*

What they lack in flavour, they make up for in defying Sir Isaac Newton.

Its time to see what the heirs look like! Or at least what they look like in toddler form.

On the whole the rest of the family is super on board with the birthdays, except for maybe their uncle...

I'm sorry by EEEE! I LOVE YOU CAPERCAILLIE! :D <33333

See what I mean about their Uncle..? Plus honestly? Cormorant? I expected more than this obvious attempt to steal the limelight.

Its okay, I'm not going to birthday cliff-hanger you guys.

I thought about it though.

I really did...

Coquette! Uh.. I'm sure that'll even out as she ages ^_^;;;

Capercallie! :D :D <3333333

And finally, YEAH CRANE! :D

nett: pterocles, challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: mega list

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