The Pterocles Round Robin 3.3

Jan 07, 2011 18:41

The Pterocles Round Robin
Generation 3, Episode 3

Missed an Update? Pterocles Round Robin Main Post
fivesims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | Heir Poll and Downloads
upendoaushi : 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | Heir Poll and Downloads
bondchick_nett : 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3

Last time on the Pterocles Round Robin (a very long time ago *headdesk* - HOLIDAYS YOU ARE A CRUEL TIME-WHORE! Fun time whore, but still, a time whore xD) we witnessed Guillemot ( upendoaushi) & Icelia's (xie_belle ) nothing-to-do-with-continuing-the-round-robin WEDDING SPECTACULAR! Sora (upendoaushi) proved that she was nothing short of SERIOUSLY-AWESOME-TO-THE-MAX-TURNED-UP-TO-ELEVEN-SHE'S-OVER-NINE-THOUSAND and thus a very worthy heir. Icelia went into the greatest failboating pregnancy I've ever known, whilst her new husband had sex with the home entertainment unit. Oh, and Sora wore loads of outfits and experimented with boys..!

So let us begin with Sora and a NEW outfit, making FORESHADOWING visual statements by carrying around a large turkey, sans baster...

Speaking of acts that may or may not involve turkey basters, FINAL TRIMESTER FOR ICELIA! PLEASE RUN MORE SMOOTHLY THAN THE LAST TWO, PLEASE!



Honestly I'm beginning to wonder if this legacy has now become less about the Pterocles famly and more about Icelia's ability to pregnancy fail.

We now interrupt our regularly scheduled look into the spiralling pit of despair that has become Icelia's life to say: LOOKIT! Oh so pretty Allie-Anne (katu_sims's Female Foundah) is an oh so pretty Infallibly Good Witch!

When an infallibly good witch offers you an infallibly good job, you accept, n'est-ce pas?

Another new outfit, with yet another pair of matching glasses. Replete with a disturbingly matching chin-explosion... Just four more of these outfit of the days to go! :D

YES! Finally! Our misery is over! I am completely amazed she even managed to make it this far. Now as long as she doesn't die in childbirth, ALL is gravy!

Ahaa! I expected NOTHING less. Especially as neither of them are heir-eligible.

Who else wishes childbirth was this clean and happy?!

Not a pruney malformed head in sight, just open-eyed delight!

Meanwhle I'm glad the rest of the family and the hood's interloper's really care...

Guillemot seems actually annoyed that his wife is in the middle of giving birth right while they're watching his favourite film noir.

You know, you can pause dvds right, G?

This image makes me want to break into song, but I'm repressing my inner Stevie Wonder and Paul McCarteney with Sora's very large chin pimple.

Two boys! Cassowary...

And Currawong..! :D

Meanwhile, Sora's stopped messing about with Boys that she doesn't actually care about, and has started focussing on actual possible future baby-fying conquests (simsforaranya's Freya Viking)!

Yes, yes! Good Sora!

UGH! Not likely, BAD, BAD, BAD Guillemot!

Yes! Academic accomplishment, GOOD SORA!

Auuuugh! Ignoring my attempts to get her to sleep in her actual bed, BAD SORA.

Icelia's survival of her pregnancy put me in a mood to basically cater to her every whim. She wanted a birdcage, and then said bird to go IN the cage. So I thought, why not!

Ugh, Icelia? Parrot!Pterocles isn't to be looked at as fresh meat...

Yeah, maybe THAT was why not... *scared for Parrot!Pterocles' safety*


New day, new outfit and poultry-free diet delight :D

OOOH OOH OOH! Do I smell the slightly acrid odour of cheap candles and the end of double infancy?

Ahaha! Oh Cassowary, could you BE more cute!?

Formal Currawong!Splosion! Heavily influenced by the features of his father.

Tailed-Cassowary!Splosion. He draws HIS influence squarely from his mother.

Awww, its sights like these that gladden the heart. *snuggles them*

New day, another outfit, but I think this one needs brown and not grey boots... Thoughts..?

Super cuteness with Lavatory. A study.

After creating fabulous bathroom inspired installation performance art pieces, Sora kicks back with getting fit and having a stroke.

Then passes out...

Guillemot: She can't sleep here, on the cold floor of my marital bedroom. Where shall my wife and I get pregnant again now?

There's always a couch or a closet? OH LAWDS, why am I giving him ideas? O_O;;

Challenge week over! I make one more wardrobe change for Teen!Sora's Week of Fashion Conciousness. And she promptly shows her disgust for the shoddy workmanship on her knitted fingerless mitts.

I DON'T CARE, SORA! They look awesome MOST of the time...

Anyway, this means NEW WEEK AND NEW CHALLENGE!

It's a Dog's Life: Your family can't decide which dog they like best, and just purchase ALL of the ones available in the shop. Make as many dogs as there is space left in your house in CAS and move them in. The animals must stay there for the week, and must be cared for, but at the end you may sell them/give them up for adoption. (requires Pets)

TO CAS! And there's enough room left for FIVE. DOGS. Oh my lawds. Five dogs it is then.. Maybe we'll go with five LITTLE dogs, yeah?

Uh... What? News to me O_O;;

So, some careful wrangling with moving the five dogs into another house, inviting Sora over and then gifting all the dogs to her, its time to meet the five new fuzzy additions to the Pterocles home for furry deviants.





...And Grouse.

Yeah, you are, apparently, Icelia. LAWDS knows when you managed to do this since I COMPLETELY missed it o_o;; But the hood DOESN'T LIE.

Meanwhile: The REAL challenge begins.

Oh. HOW it begins.

And begins...

...And just KEEPS on beginning.

At this point, I'd like to iterate to the two of you (anyone seen Cassowary? *worry*) to STAY IN THIS ROOM. In blissful, canine pee free ignorance.

Oooh! Second trimester ahoy. So far, so VERY good! Not an ill-timed pass out nor toilet emergency in sight.

Ooop! Spoke too soon.

Painful, shamefaced death: entwined in the chairs below the family table.

Guillemot: OH PLEAAAAASE SPARE HER LIFE! Our family is SO colour coordinated, with her gone we won't so much matchy-match!

Guillemot: *wibble*

Shag, this isn't a game, no matter how cute or fun you think howling is. *pets* This is life and death here!

Man, anyone else find this game of chance just too TOO cruel?


image Click to view

No, not THAT Alan Cumming,

image Click to view

THIS Alan Cumming!


Icelia: WOOT! I'm shiny and new!

Guilllemot: My wife and I cheated DEATH! And he threw in a free tighter buttgrade..!

Maybe because it sounds like 'meal' but this line of bottles makes me think of Denise Scott singing the Mule Train song on the 2010 Very Specky Christmas show.. xD


And the puddle of pee just persists on prospering...

Shag & Honeyeater: What?

At this point, I think this is a little bit of gate-horse-bolting, Icelia. Washing Lark ain't gonna get that fresh dog pee smell out of the house...

So, the rug didn't smell enough like wet dog already, Lark..?

And neither did Icelia's, apparently?

No, there's not too much going on in here at all? Never...

WRY Sims and bathrooms? WRRRRY?!

Sora: Icelia! OMG! Did you notice we had the EXACTLY the same size hands?
Icelia: *delight* WE DO! How did we never notice this before!?

Icelia & Sora: WHOA! What reeks?

Oh, I dunno, COULD IT BE THIS!?

nett: pterocles, challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: mega list

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