If you remember last time, Simon Queue came to visit the family. He was so impressed with the smooth functioning afternoon in the Pterocles household, he wants to move in.
Spike: Hell no! We run a smooth ship here, we don't need any of your Queue crazy!
Simon: So, I asked your Dad if I could move in, and he was negative. But I think I can do something about that.
Albie: I feel sick.
Ibis: So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow with your suitcase then? Nice doing business with you, Simon. Don't forget rent is due on Monday at 3pm.
Albie: Why do I have sparkles shooting out of my feet?
Ibis: Duuuude. What happened to Albie?
Hot or not? Albie rolled Knowledge and his LTW is to become a Prestidigitator.
Namaqua arrived home from work missing half of her torso.
It appeared several minutes after she arrived.
The things that happen when you leave Sims on free will. It started off all so innocently with Spike preparing dinner since the rest of the house was too busy keeping themselves happy.
Da-yum. I'm glad he survived.
Whilst the less serious residents of the house faff about downstairs, young Ibis is busy building body skills. I believe she has almost maxed it out.
Pterocles: C'mon Albie!
Best Smustle move ever, Y/Y?
This does come a close second, though.
I'll be glad when I can control everyone again so I can at least stop them from eating bad food.
The legacy house was glitching left, right and center, so the Pterocles' moved into a new place.
The Welcome Wagon arrived soon after and with it came Thracius Chukwu by
thealicecat in teen form.
Although I did mean for Thracius to be making friends with Albie, not Ibis.
This was one of those challenges that I didn't really want to roll, but I'll go with it. At least I can attempt to landscape the back yard now.
You stay classy, Albie. That's going to win heir votes.
The first few days worth of purchases.
Oh holy hell.
Is this the same girl? It's amazing what a decent hair-cut and some make-up lessons can do to a lass these days.
Ibis rolled Knowledge (as well!) and her LTW is to become a Celebrity Chef.
Let's get those cooking points up!
When Ibis aged up, I also aged up Thracius with her, they were friends and I thought they might make a cute couple.
Cute couple alert! I guess all that datin' & relatin' gets some of Ibis's secondary Romance wants out of the way.
Hello Pyre Galen! (
I thought, with only one day left as an adult, that Namaqua could finally let her hair down and have a little make-over.
Namaqua may look the business, but she has no business repairing electrical goods in the house.
Another one of
thealicecat's sims! I have a lot of them in my 'hood - but this one in particular is Caladan.
Her intended suitor though, not having such a good day.
Ibis: So what do you think about my grand plan of you marrying my brother and having six kids and getting them all married and stuff?
I suppose that really answers the question.
Albie: Wh..Wh..Why doesn't she want to do that?
*sigh* Maybe romance isn't for my little Knowledge Sim?
Only the most awesome of Sims can age to elder in such magnificent clothing.
From magnificent to fantastic! Namaqua does make such a sweet looking elder.