The Pterocles Round Robin 3.4

Jan 16, 2011 16:27

The Pterocles Round Robin
Generation 3, Episode 4

Missed an Update? Pterocles Round Robin Main Post
fivesims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | Heir Poll and Downloads
upendoaushi : 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | Heir Poll and Downloads
bondchick_nett : 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4

When we left off, Sora (upendoaushi) wore a LOT of clothes; Icelia (xie_belle) continued her carnival of MASSIVE PREGNANCY FAIL but then gave birth to twin boys, Cassowary & Currawong; a witch gave Guillemot (upendoaushi) a job; Sora turned her attention back to girls; Icelia & Guillemot ninja re-impregnanted; the new challenge equalled five new canine housemates and The Yellow Sea; Icelia died; & Guillemot became Alan Cumming.

Yes, I did just bold the dog urine like it was a member of the family. Because at this point, it REALLY REALLY IS...

But enough recapping, MOVING FORWARD! Currawong experiences growing pains and likes it...

...Cassowary, on the other hand, is taken by surprise.


Cassowary: And not a stretch mark in sight! *air punch*

Sora misses this whole birthday achievement (as did I truth be told, hence no cakes... WHOOPS!) becaue she managed to work herself up into a distraught tizzy...

Oh Sora, honey. What's so distressing? Has your chin pimple become sentient and is communicating with the outside world?

Unless she means neighbours across the road, I'm guessing she's upset about squirrels. They HAVE no next door neighbours!

But I'd be distressed if I heard squirrels arguing. Especially in english. I can't fault her fret.


Yeah, I'm calling a plural. This is my game, if its not a plural I'll worry that my installation is broken or my hood is corrupt.

Woot! Game's running JUST fine.

YAY! I think this may mean Icelia & Guillemot have parented the complete default colour spectrum... Though Sky!Baby does seem a bit light on for S3...

This is the seriously serene Cormorant.

Not to be confused with a CormorANT.

And this happiest of ALL the happy infants in all the world, is Chiffchaff.

He is not my fiance's favourite. Nor mine. At all. Nor has he been since birth. Nope. Not a bit of it. *innocent*

With a DOZEN sims in the house, five of them being uncontrollable pee release apparatus: everything suddenly goes to hell.

And then Pterocles ups and dies, just to add a depressing insult to injury.

BUT! FINALLY! A saviour appears, in the form of Sora's birthday! Finally she can become an adult and REALISE HER BIRTHRIGHT..!

And to celebrate? She blows out the light at the end of our tunnel.

*blinks many MANY times* Uh... This transformation was unexpected.

Got to admit, I was expecting pretty...

... MUCH better! :D

Our heir softened with different hair, accessories, makeup and a wardrobe change, we're off to FIND A MATE!

First person she meets is simtopi's Lorelai, who immeadiately sets her up on a date. SCORE!

Aww, Lorelai! So coy about introducing Sora & boolpropbea's Aquaphobia.

*squeals at her cuteness*

I was a LITTLE bit sad that Lorelai wasn't interested herself, but I think my reputation for 'alienating' round robins needs a bit of a shake up! xD

Don't I know it! :D :D

Urk, okay, that was kind of a lacklustre start. They don't really have anything in common - at least not wants wise. I'm surprised we even managed to make GOOD on the metre.

SO! Let's see if we can't do better...

To the smallest room in the shop! Its also the ATTIC mind you. What on earth, guys!

Its a LOT of hot hot sims buffet however, from left to right: Eileen (kathsy), Sora - obviously xD, Athena DeMille (quellasims), the back of Eight August's head (boolpropbea), the object of Sora's lusty notice: Naia (katu_sims), and BEHIND Naia hides Cosima's (ourwaxensuns) sliver of a yellow forehead.

You'll be seeing HER a WHOLE lot more clearly in a moment...

Sounds good to me, any monied port in a storm. Plus I always find it useful to have the death phone on a lot. Even if its just for a talisman against doom.

Why is it that the TOWNIES can find love so easy, and yet poor Sora gets shot down time and time again..?

Although, I can't say that Lamington (katu_sims) and Eight don't make a ADORABLE couple.

Excited by the prospect of possible red-headed babies, I attempted to follow Sora's lead and get her into Naia's pants. Unfortunately Naia was more interested in french toast than french kissing and the TINIEST ROOM IN THE SHOP suddenly imploded in a cloud of Townie!Fight.

I have NO idea what caused this bought of girl on girl unexpected violence...

...But I LOVE the heavily mixed reactions it inspires. xD Especially how quietly pissed Kathsy is at this interruption of her day.

Oooh ooh! Cosima has the upper hand! ATHENA, LOOK BEHIND YOU!

Whoa! Surprise victory!

This fight, however, put the kibosh on any further lookings for love (EVERYONE left! O_O) so I sent Sora home for a battery recharge before next heading out on the next installment of Date-Me-Pretty Sora™

But just as she arrived back home, she was accosted by a well-timed walkby.


Very interesting, INDEED.

Well hello there, Denim (sixamsims). Sensed the home of your possible true love in your waters?

You're JUST as shocked as I am, Sora. But I love that she's just SO forward that she came, saw and attempts to conquer all in a few moments.


Could this be it!??!

Sora: *backhands Denim, post floating smooch*
Denim: *taken aback in a state of complete shock*
Sora: HA! I learned this in 'Nam. It keeps em keen..!

Reason why Sora is still single number #8329. *headdesk*

But she soon turns to more conventional and less controversial methods of woo-ing.

Meanwhile, downstairs: BABYPLOSIONS!

Presenting a crew-cut Cormorant.

And Chiffchaff the undisputed king of cuteness.

A portent of doom to come? Last time a child in a game of mind demanded couples counselling, things didn't go over so well for the family in question...

I don't know about you, but I for one welcome our new bear clad overlord!

Oh man, Currawong. Not you too!? O_O;; DOUBLE whammy?!

Or could it be that they need it for the dogs..?

Sage words, small bird-named man. Sage words.








Oh Shag, doggie treats in between for every meal for a week!

In the meantime, I set about organising a room for the next challenge... Just waiting for the 'lucky' random sim to get home from work and the 'muse' to take up his very soul.

*gives loads of very very overt clues as to what this next week's challenges may be*

While I was doing that, I lost track of Sora and when I went to tell her to call Denim over I discovered she was out the front, keeping her options open.

Very VERY open.

Though with a face like that, could you blame her?!

*squeals with delight at Julietta Oakes (stakeit_uk)*

Guillemot is home! LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!

Suffering for your Art: One sim becomes CONSUMED by painting/artistry and its all they can do or think about. Shut one sim up in a room (remove the door) of their house with easels (and the pottery wheel if you have one), a mirror, a bowl of fruit, a sink & the most expensive couch you can buy as an art studio. Direct them to paint/sculpt at all times, ignoring their needs but not x-ing anything from their queue. You may place plates of food in the room with the hand tool, but they cannot be removed.

Oh, and in case you're wondering: I kept the dogs. I couldn't part with them NOW! I mean look at this! It'd be a CRIME.

Also, initiate bunny watch! What we've got here is a failure to communicate BLOO BUNNY!

Just thought I'd provide some proof that its not ALL just about lady killing for Sora. :D

*pouts for Guillemot's plight* Though he does seem happy enough, I guess?

OH! Perhaps my theory that all the couples counselling research for the dogs was right!

The Artist with Art. A portrait featuring still life.

Oh Guillemot, what have we driven you to!? Snogging furries? WOE!

But at least I think we can safely say that THIS is encouragingly for keeps. *excited*

nett: pterocles, challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: mega list

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