The Pterocles Round Robin 3.7

Mar 16, 2011 19:04

The Pterocles Round Robin
Generation 3, Episode 7

Missed an Update? Pterocles Round Robin Main Post
fivesims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | Heir Poll and Downloads
upendoaushi : 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | Heir Poll and Downloads
bondchick_nett : 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6

The Spoon Experiment was a great success, and it proves people do actually read this bit. SO I WILL ATTEMPT TO ACTUALLY RECAP IN FUTURE!

Also now.

Last update featured nudity, sexual scenes and references, jokes featuring fecal matter, seriously adult themes, A LOT OF PEE and not just of the canine variety. It was pretty much in the gutter fun for only part of the whole family...

The arguably eldest non-heir, Cassowary, lost his v-card to the ever-sweet Freya Viking (simsforaranya ); Guillemot ( upendoaushi ) finished the weekly challenge completely zonally entranced by arts and crafts; ChiffChaff was UNDENIABLY cute, Sora (upendoaushi ) gave birth to all the eligible heirs all at once: Coquette, Capercaillie & Crane; Sora & Denim (sixamsims ) got married, ate cake and danced HARD; we discovered Sora & Cassowary ~APPARENTLY~ had an affair; and the heirs grew into toddler-shaped kids :D

So we open this episode with dear forgotten Cormorant and his twin brother, Chiffchaff, taking advantage of the newest remodelled room in the house - their half-Aunt's bedroom.

Cormorant is confused about his brother's choice of sleep space.

So am I.


I can't remember WHO started this, if it was Chiffchaff or his Mum, Icelia (xie_belle), but who cares, its fish-eye lens caught AWESOME.

Even if Mynah does not know what to make of this turn of events.

He watches, bemused, in his own doggie way...

...Till he gets jack of it and decides to maul off the Butler's leg instead.

Capercaillie gains arts enthusiasm from the table, the dancing, Mynah's artful leg-mauling as a reflection of the world's plight and carnivourous relationship with the servitudinal working man from reputably second and third world countries, and Honeyeater's musical score performed on rubber bone.

Yeah, that much wank exhausted me too, Denim.

Not satisfied with the taste of hired-help, Mynah goes in search of fresh bitch-meat.

Sora: *gasps* Is Mynah REALLY that chock full of misogyny?!!?

DUDES! She's a girl dog, THAT'S WHAT SHE IS! O_O;;;;;;

Sora: Bored now.

And about now I remembered that I'm really thirsty because the kettle started being a total drama-queen and was screaming its head off for me to go take it off the stove. Seriously, its so pretty and green, but we get SO much lip from that kettle, it even gives us sass while we're pouring the tea, like we're not doing it with enough flair or something. You pour and its all "PHuuuuUUUUUUUff!!?" I'm soooo sorry we bought you on special for $40 down from $200+ so you're life isn't all fresh tea leaves plucked by virgins and blended for royalty nor made from ground dinosaur bone! But we like orange pekoe? OKAY?!




Sora: You done?
Me: Hell yeah, I poured the heck out of that kettle :D


(Note: The previous triptych has been brought to you by Crane learning to poop :D)

Cassowary and Currawong are such AWESOME not!big brothers :D <33333

How into this dance is Coquette!? EeeEeEeeE little baby wiggle.

Meanwhile: Janice Parvati (charterzard) is smoking hot. Literally, figuratively, naturally, electroencephalographically, intellectualistically, demonstratively, consistently, greatly, heartily, kookily, barley...

Also artistically as I believe she works with the ~Visonary~ Icelia :D

Unfortunately she's not adverb-y enough apparently, as as soon as she walks in the door Icelia ditches Janice for her half-niece.

Got to inspire those developing minds..!

Inspire them to hide beneath their bed for the rest of their lives perhaps...

Uh, though, Icelia? I'm aware you're really REALLY in love with Guillemot, but piercing your finger with your wedding band as a test of your devotion? You know most people are content with just putting it ON their finger... Not IN their finger.

OKAY! SO! Favouritism is about to show... NOW..!


I mean damn, she's about as cute as KITTENS IN BOWLS FOR NO APPARENT REASON!

Posted on by probeeden

Not gonna lie, both Capercallie and this video made me hyperventilate for a dangerously long period of time.

And now, like his brother Cassowary before him, it is truly time for Cormorant to "don some contacts" (because I am a noob and kept forgetting to put actual contacts on him for the duration of his teen years despite having the hacks and fixes for alien teens to keep their eyes).

Ehehehe! He's such a cool mix of his parents! :D

Speaking of birthdays which I was and not bad maxis coding, okay? >_>;;

IT'S GUILLEMOT'S BIG ELDER SEND OFF! Attended by his family and his favourite kind of juice.

Take a good look at all his duck-lippy adult awesome, you guys.

And the fact that he manages to NOT burn the house down despite his foresst fire of a birthday cake (what is that thing made out of? Asbestos?)

LoL. You're old.

Guillemot: AND HOW!

My god the birthdays are thick and fast, though IDK what's with Cormorant and Chiffchaff's preoccupation with getting old in the bathroom.

Denim: Hey kid, you're not a dog you know. Stop bouncing in those puddles.

Denim: Hey bigger kid, you're still not a dog. I want to play with a puppy!
Bathroom Floor: Hey lady, shup, trying to emulate art here.

YEAH CHIFFCHAFF! He's looking straight up at us, a sign of his ever devoted love to the people outside the viewing glass.


Also, I don't hope that Capercallie wins the heir poll, and the next person moves him and her into a house together and they fall in love.

No. I don't wish that at all.


Okay I do.

WHAT OF IT!? IT'D BE BEAUTIFUL *tear to eye*

See? I'm not at all disturbed, faux-betrothing a toddler to a teen whilst she cuddles a puppy and eats his fur.

Capercallie: But I don't want to learn to potty...

Lark & Honeyeater: What's potty training? Doesn't everyone just go on the floor?
Lark & Honeyeater: LIKE CHAMPIONS?!

Teen dance spam to scrub your brains of a whole household of peopel defecating communally!

From Left to Foreground: Batali (dorkasaur_sims), Currawong, Code Monkey (jens_sims), & Erika (leenyland).

At this point I'm just taking screenshots of Capercallie + Dogs because they're cute and I can't resist it. Just go with it, k?

This summer, Guillemot is... INFIRM AND LOVING IT..!

I just realised you basically haven't seen Crane all update. So here he is, ditching his Mum's attempts to teach him to walk when he CLEARLY already can and walks off in a squinch-faced huff.

Yeah, there's no kids there anymore, Sora.

Guillemot has started becoming senile and FAST. He went to go to bed with his sister, then realised where he was and got up to go sleep in one of his kids' beds, but passed out on the floor instead. Cause that's, you know, better.

Cassowary? This is disturbingly NOT hot. For all kinds of ways, though none of them overlapping with why your father's dementia is not hot.

And now Chiffchaff spam, because like I said, this update is really REALLY full of bias.

Here's Chiffchaff pianto concerto-ly imbued with inner emotion, singing with his eyes closed and killing them softly with his song.

And here he is attempting to look tough and just making me want to crawl into the screen and pinch his cheeks.

And here he is attempting to be an unnaffected teen.

And here he is tucking his future wife into to bed -- Uh, ... MY FAVOURITES TOGETHER OMG! *asplosion*

Dudes! Check it, I'm ending ANOTHER update with the heir's birthdays! Youthink I can keep this up through child and teenhood?

Yeah, I didn't think so either.

But a girl, and a Crane, can dream!

OoOH, you get a conveniently nice parental comparison pic for your birthday, Crane! :D

Also, growing into his looks already? Y/Y!?

Capercaillie's turn. My money's on that face having bred out the 'Pterocles' beak nose.

Oh my adorable! Such big eyes you have, child.

Capercaillie: All the better for you to fall in love with me with!

She even makes age-up bugging failure look good :D

Coquette: Oi! Its my birthday too, you know. *~DISPLEASURE~*

nett: pterocles, challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: mega list

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