Title: Suffocating Love Pairing: !oneside Minho/Taemin Rating: PG-15 Warning: Suicide, Drugs, Angst, mentioning of Hermaphrodites Summary: It’s a story about how Taemin desperately used all his means to hold back a certain someone.
Title: Two Times He Escaped From Reality, One Time He Face It Author: stupidbakau Rating: PG-15 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Wordcount: 2997 Prompt: We are frightened of what makes us different. -Anne Rice Summary: It’s a love between a human and a ghost Disclaimer: I don’t own the prompt or SHINee
Title: Shining Knight Pairing: Onew/Minho Rating: PG-15 Summary: Onew would forever be the shining knight for Minho A/n: Credit to a prompt in kpopfickink.
Title: Twincest Love Author: stupidbakau Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: NC-17 Genre: Angst/twincest Wordcount: 984 Prompt used: "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the plot
Title: Thoughts Pairing: !broken Minho/Taemin Rating: PG-15 Summary: What you think may not be what’s true. A/n: Happy Birthday Taemin! It's quite a rush work.... Enjoy!
Title: Return Author: blackprince-85 Pairing: Minho/Key Rating: NC-17 Wordcount: 1308 Prompt: Picture Prompt Warning: Incest, minor! mention of sex Disclaimer: If I own them I will be freaking rich by now.
Title: Because I love you Author: stupidbakau Rating: PG-15 Summary: To Taemin, these are only the evidence of how much he loved him. A/N: I wanted to join shawol_haven challenge 013 but the voting poll was out T.T THANKS for reading through my work happyyoyo
Title: Love is Selfish Author: blackprince_85 Pairing: Minho/Jonghyun, Jonghyun/Key Rating: PG-15 Wordcount: 1578 Summary:Jonghyun was Minho’s mistress. Prompt: Word Prompt Disclaimer: Well, I don’t own anything.
Title: Mine Pairing: Taemin/bottom! Jonghyun Genre: PWP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Taemin made Jonghyun understand that he belongs to him. A/n: Thanks a lot to doneitall for beta-ing!!! Requested by usakpopluvr .