Title: Suffocating Love Pairing: !oneside Minho/Taemin Rating: PG-15 Warning: Suicide, Drugs, Angst, mentioning of Hermaphrodites Summary: It’s a story about how Taemin desperately used all his means to hold back a certain someone.
Title: 내가 사랑했던 이름 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key, !oneside Onew/Key, !side Minho/Taemin Rating: PG-15 Genre: Fluff Chapter: 11/? Summary: Jonghyun waited for him to come back after five years...
Title:내가 사랑했던 이름 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key, !oneside Onew/Key, !side Minho/Taemin Rating: PG-15 Genre: Angst/Fluff Chapter: 10/? Summary: Jonghyun waited for him to come back after five years...
Title: 또 다시 사랑해 주겠니 (8/8) Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: PG-15 Genre: Romance Summary: Key didn't believe anyone and was always cold to people around him. One day, a man changed him and changed his life, his name was Kim Jonghyun.
Title: 또 다시 사랑해 주겠니 (7/8) Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance Summary: Key didn't believe anyone and was always cold to people around him. One day, a man changed him and changed his life, his name was Kim Jonghyun.
Title: 또 다시 사랑해 주겠니 (6/8) Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: PG-15 Genre: Romance Summary: Key didn't believe anyone and was always cold to people around him. One day, a man changed him and changed his life, his name was Kim Jonghyun.
Title: 또 다시 사랑해 주겠니 (5/8) Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: PG-15 Genre: Romance Summary: Key didn't believe anyone and was always cold to people around him. One day, a man changed him and changed his life, his name was Kim Jonghyun.