
Apr 09, 2020 11:50



Apps will open: January 08 @ 7:00PM EST.

Apps will close: January 15 @ 8:00PM EST

app information:



✖ Email the app to In the subject please put:

✖ You can app two characters per app cycle.

✖ Be sure to read over the application faqs before submitting your app.

✖ Please be sure to proofread your application!! We realize English isn't everyone's native language, but please have a grasp on basic grammar and spelling!


✖ Your personality section must be in paragraph form. Apps with a bullet-point personality will be subject to rejection/revision without question.

✖ You will get an automatic revision if there is too much raw HTML in your app. It's difficult to read.

✖ You will also receive an automatic revision if you do not explain why you chose a non-canon sign and birthday!

app form:


Name & LJ:
Birthdate & Age:
Characters played in Zodion:

Info links:
Canon Point:
Birthdate/Sign: (please note if birthdate is canon or not! if not EXPLAIN why you chose what you did!)
Personality: (300 word min - paragraph form!)

"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry: (200 word min)

app explained:


Name & LJ:

Self-explanatory. Please just give the name you wish to go by and the journal you are apping under. Use the same journal you reserved under or else we won't know you are the reserver!!

Birthdate & Age:

You MUST be 18 years of age or older to join this game. Please do not fudge this. If you are found to be underage, you will be ejected from the game.

Characters played:

List any characters already played in Zodion.



Character's name in the Western naming style: [First name Last name]. Sasuke Uchiha is okay, but NOT Uchiha Sasuke.


The canon the character comes from.


Please provide a link to or image of the character so we know what they look like! Canon/Official art is preferred, if available, if not, to the PB you will be using. If using a PB, please provide the name of the person.

Info Links:

Provide a reference or wiki link of some sort to character/canon info! Any form of information on the character is great. Please try to steer clear of fansites.

Canon Point:

The point of the canon you are taking the character from.


Physical and mental gender. Only expand if there are gender issues. Otherwise a simple male/female response will do.


How old the character is at the specific canon point they are being pulled from or best approximation. If the character is going to be aged up please make a note of it here.


If your character HAS a canon birthday, please state it here!

If your character does NOT have any birth date assigned in canon you will have to choose one for them based off the character's IC personality. Please briefly explain in this section why you chose to give your character a particular zodiac sign. You can browse through the 12 Zodiac Signs information to find one that best suits your character.

Please Note: Revisions will be automatically requested if the sign chosen and personality described in the application doesn't appear to match.


The tattoo will be of the zodiac sign their birthdate falls under. ALL INFORMATION REGARDING TATTOOS IS LOCATED HERE. Read this over before submitting your application!! Size and placement are up to the players discretion, but please list it here.


This section is required for those characters who are under the age of 18 in their canon. Please provide a detailed explanation on why this character would be able to adapt and survive in this sort of setting (constant sexual encounters/situations and having to provide and fend for themselves.)

Note that this section is given very heavy weight for underage characters, so if applicable please take the time to really think about what would motivate your character to engage in such behavior to survive and if they are actually capable of living in this manner.

We would also like this section to be filled out if your character isn't fully human in their canon (i.e.: Transformers, My Little Pony, etc.)


Your character will have the option to retain one (1) canon power. It is up to the player to decide what that power is. Depending on what it is/does, there will very likely be a cap on said power upon the character entering the game.

Alternatively, if you don't want to bring in a canon power or your character doesn't have any powers in canon, please select one from this list of preapproved powers available upon game entry. If you choose to go this route, then the power chosen must be based on the element of the characters's zodiac sign.

If you ARE keeping a canon power, then please describe here, in as much detail as possible, the power you would like to keep for your character. Tell us what it's called, what it does, and how powerful it is, ideally providing one or more canon examples of the power in use and its effects/results. Tell us also if it has levels of strength or how it could possibly toned down or limited. The more information you provide us, the better! This will let us notify you far in advance if the power needs to be modified/toned down in any way to be allowed in the game.

Feel free to list a single backup power choice if you want, either canon or Zodion, with appropriate explanation as needed, if you are unsure whether your first choice would be appropriate for Zodion. We reserve the right to ask you to choose from the approved Zodion powers if it is felt the canon power specified would not be available in the game.

Personality: (300 Word Min)

Be as detailed as you can! Do not copy/paste from a wiki, but give us your interpretation on the character's personality in a minimum of 300 words. History isn't necessary in this section unless it aids in explainning their personality somehow. If there are other characters who helped shape the one you are apping, include this in your application. We realize personality quirks can be interpreted different ways by different people, so don't skimp on the details or references to canon supporting your take on the character. However, please stick strictly to canon when writing this section! No head canon allowed!


"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:

Provide a sample of a network post in the game setting. Theoretically, it could be anything, but if you would prefer, feel free to use the arrival setting as a prompt. Which means, if you feel you can showcase your character's voice better in a sample that has them in game for a certain period of time already, you may do so! This sample can be action, video, text or voice, accidental or on purpose. Use of action brackets is wholly acceptable and encouraged in this sample. DO NOT WRITE PROSE FOR THIS SAMPLE!

What we're primarily looking for in this sample is the IC and distinctive character voice, so keep that in mind when you're writing this. While it might be an IC reaction to a particular situation, an accidental post where the character is only shown crying or raging does not really convey the best example of a voice for application judging purposes.

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry: (200 Word Min)

Provide a sample of a prose post in the form of the character's arrival. The sample should be a minimum of 200 words. What your character will roughly see and experience on arriving in the Luminar is described HERE. The only strict requirement of what must be included in this third person sample regarding their arrival is the character's discovery and reaction to their new tattoo. That is the only thing we need to see in there.

In more technical terms, in this sample we are specifically looking for a two things. First, naturally, is strong IC character voice/thoughts. Secondly, we want to see introspection; that is the characters thoughts on this startling situation. Ideally, this will also include some reference to their canon point, though that isn't something that is required. We want to see how well you can portray the character's thoughts/feelings on arriving in a new place and how it both effects/affects where they came from, themselves and anything else you can think of!

! application

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