
Apr 09, 2020 11:40



So, what is this place?
Zodion is a role-playing game based around the signs of the zodiac. But, there is more to it than that. Roughly speaking, this is a sex game and there will be adult themes. Though, it's not your usual SEX OR DIE type game. Yes, the sex is a "fuel" of some sort, but your character will not die if they don't have it... they just might start behaving a little oddly.

"Behaving oddly" in what way?
In the sense that toward the end of the third week of every month, if they have not already worshiped the tattoo will begin to release an aphrodisiac into the character's body.

What is the tattoo on my character?
The tattoo that will be on your character is of the zodiac sign their birthday falls under. There is a handy chart here that contains what the sign will look like as well as what color the tattoo will be. Those are the only two things that are set in stone. It is up to the player to decide where on the character's body it will be and how big or small it is. Though, to be fair, please do not make it smaller than dime-size. It gets put on them in the Luminar when they first cross the ring of water around the altar and at that time, they will feel a light sting, like that of a sunburn or a bee sting, in whatever place the player selected for their character's tattoo to be located.

At first, the tattoo will remain just that: a tattoo. Though, as the game progresses, it's "power" will be activated and it could become a means for the Gods to control the characters. Not necessarily a mind control type deal, but more along the lines of slowly releasing a aphrodisiac into the character's body to get them to "worship." There will also be some events related to the tattoos, but again, that will be down the line once the game is more established.

The tattoo also acts as a log of your character's activities. This can only be read by the Gods. Each month when the character travels to the temple (ICly explained as worship "deposit"; OOCly it's the activity check), once they pass the threshold their tattoo will be scanned, checking to make sure they are completing sexual acts with others. After making the "deposit" they are free to leave.

Worship? What the heck is that?
Worshiping in Zodion is, bare bones, having sex. The Gods see and accept this as a form of worship. This is also how the Gods regain their powers and strength. The more worshiping there is on Zodion, the more the land will flourish since receiving this will make the Gods happy and trust in their denizens.

At game open, the world will be small and almost dark. Not quite gloomy but bordering just so. That is where the worshiping comes into play. Immediately, upon the first coupling of two characters, things will start to brighten, new flora and fauna will appear and so on. After just a mere month of citizens worshiping, new areas of Zodion will begin to open, new prospects will be available and so on. The world is ever changing based on how the characters worship. So, do your part!

What counts as worship?
Any form of sexual act with another person. That means slappin the ol tallywacker or puttin bait in the box doesn't count. The only time it does, is if it's mutual masturbation. While the Gods would frown upon this method being used often, it is still acceptable. It will just take longer for the world to flourish.

My character won't want to have sex. Is there a way around it or are they forced into it?
Not really. This is a sex game, so your characters are going to have to participate in such nefarious deeds-either rped out or handwaved and so on. Your character is not forced into sex. However, they are very gently nudged in that direction. It is for the greater good after all. Below is a basic timeline of what will happen to your character over the span of a sign cycle (which is the month any given zodiac sign is in "charge"):

The first week: Everything will be fine. Normal. Nothing is wrong. Life as usual, etc.

The second week: Your character will start having dreams "gifted" from the gods. Urging them to help gain power. It will be a distant sort of thing and your character won't remember much about the dreams when they wake up, only have a feeling they've forgotten something.

The third week: The dreams will be more frequent-happening every night. They will be more clear and your character will remember and be haunted by the words of their god. Just asking for help, not being threatening in any way. The gods won't beg, but they will implore your character to do their part. To not only make themselves stronger, but the world the gods wish to protect as well. During this week your character will dream of the destruction of Zodion but they will not remember this part once they wake up! They will just remember hearing faint cries of help and their god asking them to worship.

The fourth week: If your character still refuses to worship, an aphrodisiac will begin to be released into their body via the tattoo. It won't hurt, won't sting and at first they probably won't know. The longer they fight the aphrodisiac, the more it is released and so by the end of the week they will have to find some form of sexual release.

Of course, this pattern will eventually make itself known and the characters can discuss this and figure it out ICly! Keep in mind that all of this is subject to change at any given time as the gods regain their powers. Players, of course, will be OOCly notified should anything change.

Do I have to rp out the sex or can I fade to black/handwave?
It is not a requirement to roleplay out the sex, but why else would you join a sex game? We realize rping out sex isn't for everyone, though, so you don't have to here. Just makes it more fun when you do! Fading to black is perfectly acceptable. As is handwaving.

What happens when my character arrives?
From one moment to the next, in the blink of an eye, a single step or on waking from sleep, your character is suddenly in Zodion. How exactly they arrived, they might never know, but when their eyes open once again they will be find themselves HERE, a circle outside of the main temple, magically shielded from all harm. This is the Luminar.

In the very center of the Luminar, a stone altar juts proudly from the ground. Several feet away, a perfect circle no more than three inches wide of the most crystalline water ever seen rings the altar. And upon this stone, a small box rests, glowing softly, it's pull irresistibly beckoning your character closer.

The second your character steps over the shallow pool, a small pain, like that of a bee sting or a sunburn, will throb from somewhere on their person and the waters will rise up around them, a perfect 360° mirror of truth. In it, no matter where they look, their reflection will be nude and in that exact spot where they felt that tiny stab of pain, their reflection will glow with a mark, a perfect tattoo of their sign. The Twelve want the characters to know they are marked, not as a sign of ownership, but as a sign of allegiance, protection. Power.

Note: The tattoo's location and size is completely up to the player.

Once they have seen their mark, possibly stripped to verify it is in fact exactly as their magical reflection showed, the box on the altar will stop glowing and can be opened. Nestled inside they will a communication device and letter addressed to them:
Dearest ( NAME ),

It is our great pleasure and honor to welcome you to Zodion. For your ( FLATTERING ATTRIBUTE ), you have been chosen from among all the times and galaxies to aid us.

There is naught else we can share, for it is not yet the time for such things to be revealed. Know only that we are twelve of great power. You will find that if you think of us, our names will be known to you and so too will the task you have been entrusted with become clear.

Go forth, we implore you, and worship. The fate of the cosmos depends on it.

~The Twelve
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

And then what?
And then your character gets to start making a life for itself in Zodion. After reading their letter and leaving the Luminar, they will be sent a text with directions to their "god given" housing (OOCly determined by players) where they'll find an atm card allowing them to access a basic allowance to get them started (amount OOCly determined by players). Their first month of rent is paid up, but after that it's on them to pay rent. They're free to get jobs at either a PC run business or hand wave working for an NPC business for funds, whichever a player prefers, and get busy worshiping. More on information on these details can be found on the arrival page.

Can my character leave?
No, that defeats the purpose of the game. Right now, Zodion is just a landmass without a real definition. It could be a planet, it could be an island... no one really knows yet. Any attempts to leave will just throw the character directly back to their own doorstep. If any character tries to venture further than the four elemental temples, that's when the forced return will happen. Of course, when more world-building happens, this is subject to change.

Will characters have their powers?
Kind of. On entering Zodion, the gods essentially rendered every character human/humanoid and stripped them of all their powers save one. This power, will be reduced in its effectiveness (to basically keep those really strong characters from being able to destroy the world). This is subject to change once the plot of the game moves forward.

The one canon power your character gets to keep is completely up to you. However, it must be listed on your application with an explanation of what it does/can do and how much damage it could potentially cause so it can be tailored down.

Alternatively, if your character has no canon powers or you don't want them to keep any of their canon powers, they will be gifted a power on arriving in Zodion based on their sign and/or element affiliation. Here is all the information on powers you will ever need. You may pick any one of the powers that corresponds to your character's sign/element and list that on your application.

Should your character be from any of the Shin Megami Tensei series (or anything likened), your character can have their persona and one skill. However that skill will be drastically reduced for the time being, since technically, having the persona counts as a power. For example, if you were to app Mitsuru from Persona 3 (before the upgrade) she would have Penthesilea with her. The skill you could bring could be Bufala, but it would only work around 30-40%. When bringing in personas, please try to stick to attack based skills rather than healing/charm/etc. If you have any questions, email the mods (zodionmods(@)gmail.com).

Who are the Gods?
All information regarding the Gods can be found here. But, for quick intro purposes and names they are as follows: Kriós ARIES, Tauros TAURUS, Didymoe GEMINI, Karkinos CANCER, Léōn LEO, Parthénos VIRGO, Zygós LIBRA, Skorpiós SCORPIO, Toxótēs SAGITTARIUS, Aegókerōs CAPRICORN, Hydrokhóos AQUARIUS, Ikhthyes PISCES.

What sort of thing is used for communication?
Please go here for all tech related questions!

Can my character get pregnant?
No. At least not right now. Practicing safe sex is always the way to go, but there will be no birth scares as of yet. The tattoo acts as a natural birth control. (aka: guys are shooting blanks, okay.)

Are there STDs?
Nothing just yet! This is still just a baby world, so unless your character has an STD from their world, there will be none. Yet.

My character has some incurable disease, what happens here?
If it's fatal, the tattoo will act as a form of medicine to keep it under control. This, of course, leaves leg room for the player to decide a few things. While for the majority of their stay in Zodion, they will not have overwhelming symptoms of their disease. However sometimes (say, like, the weather change), there could be flare ups and the character just will not feel well. Please note, that just because we are leaving this open for the players to decide how sickly their characters can be, please do not be a drama monger and make them pitiable all the time. That gets old. So, do use your best judgment.

My character is a vampire, what happens to them here?
We are handling this on a canon-by-canon basis. Generally speaking, once here, a vampire will not need to drink blood to survive. The tattoo will regulate that. They will also be able to go out during the daytime and etc. Powerwise, they will be allowed to retain any heightened senses they have in canon. This does not count as a power. Their strength, however, possibly could. If you have a question, please contact the mods!

How does time pass in Zodion?
Just like normal. One day in your life = one day in your character's life.

What's Zodion look like?
There are bits and pieces of slight ancient Greek touches throughout the game- especially in forms of landscape and architecture, and a liberal dose of astrological references. But, the commodities are quite modernized. Basically, anything you can find in today's modern world, you can find on Zodion. More details on specific locations and the looks of the world can be found over on the locations page.

Can I canon update?
Yes. But, not yet. We will not allow canon updating until the game has been up and running for at least three months. Upon that time, it will be fairly simple to canon update your character. All you need to do is email the mods (zodionmods(@)gmail.com) and let us know. All we ask is that you note if there are significant personality changes- if that is the case, please be detailed in just what will be changing. Characters who are canon updating must be removed from play for at least three (3) days but can be out for up to one (1) week.

Is this game locked or unlocked?
For the most part, the game is totally public. It is up to the player's discretion if they want to lock their posts or not. Meaning, of course, that at any given time a player may lock their post regardless if it contains not safe for work content or not. It is the player's choice. Some people prefer the illusion of privacy while others don't particularly care. However, entries and entries that contain threads with adult concepts MUST BE LOCKED. This is a rule of the game. So please be sure to follow it.

All posts in zodioninfo must be locked. It serves as a form of contact for the players as well as talk about kinks. So, to save the headache, please keep your posts locked!

What are all the communities and what are they for?
zodion - the main comm where all the first person (network) posting will go
zodionlogs - the log comm where all the logs will go!
zodionooc - the ooc comm where players can intro/outro/plot/etc. mod announcements will also go here
zodipyon - the spam comm where all the memes and things of that nature go!

NOTE: CR memes will be held monthly and posted by the mods!

How do I tag my posts?
Please tag all posts in zodion and zodionlogs with your character's name: first name last name. If your character shares a name (like all those millions of samurai series), please abbreviate their series in brackets after their name. (i.e.: The tag for Sanosuke Harada exists already from Hakuouki. The new tag for the one from Peacemaker Kurogane would be Sanosuke Harada [pmk].)

As for posts in zodioninfo, tag with the character's series.

What is the hiatus policy?
Hiatuses for longer than a month are not acceptable unless it is cleared with the mods beforehand. We understand things do pop up in real life and that is okay and can be worked with easy enough. Otherwise, please keep your hiatuses less than a month. It's only fair to the playerbase. Using a hiatus as a means for character squatting is not acceptable, so please don't do it. That's not cool. To be exempt from AC, your hiatus must be posted a week before it starts.

For longer hiatuses that you don't want to put your character(s) on auto, they will go to Synodic at the main temple. Your character will fall into a trance and travel to Meridian. Once there, they will follow the path known only to those who fall in this trance to the underground cavern known as Synodic. Once there, they will be in a deep slumber or heavy meditation and cannot be disturbed. When your hiatus is over, your character will wake up and feel completely refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to get back into action. ( More info is here. )

What is the policy on death?
Please direct your attention here for the new death policy.

My character has no canon art, what do I do?
If your character is being significantly changed from their canon appearance (transformer -> humanoid) or they have no canon images (i.e. characters from novels), please list in your application the pb you plan on using for them.

If your character has canon images however, we ask that you please use those to avoid confusion with other characters.

What happens when a character is dropped?
Pre-existing in-game canon/relationships do not transfer for the dropped character themselves; however, characters in-game who knew the character previously will remember those relationships and interactions. If the character is later reapped by another player, we do not expect the player to continue another player's CR or interpretation of the character.

What sort of media do you allow applications from?
Nearly everything! Please keep in mind that if there is no English translation of foreign media, your app will be rejected. Fan translations are accepted, just be sure to notate that on your app.

Starting in December 2011 we are temporarily allowing webcomics to be apped from. However! There are some stipulations at this point in time. First, we will not allow Homestuck to be apped from. After a lengthy discussion it has been decided that since there are too many characters not prepared to be in a sex game/underaged/no age provided/etc.-at this time-we cannot allow this into the game.

As for other webcomics, it will be treated on a case-by-case basis and judged a little bit harder than the regular application would normally be. There needs to be significant chapters available and show personality/character changes. The more information provided, the better.


! faqs

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