
Apr 22, 2011 12:37

powers faq


Powers & your character
On entering Zodion, the gods essentially rendered every character human/humanoid and stripped them of all their powers save one. This power, will most likely be reduced in its effectiveness (to basically keep those really strong characters from being able to destroy the world). This is subject to change once the plot of the game moves forward.

The one canon power your character gets to keep is completely up to you. It must be listed on your application with an explanation of what it does/can do and how much damage it could potentially cause so it can be tailored down if necessary.

Alternatively, if your character has no canon powers or you don't want them to keep any of their canon powers, they will be gifted a power on arriving in Zodion. This new power will based on their sign and its elemental affiliation. If you choose to go this route, you may pick any one of the powers that corresponds to your character's sign/element and list that on your application.

Why powers?
ICly, because The Twelve don't want totally helpless victims inhabiting this baby world they just spent so much time and energy creating. Characters may not have asked to be pulled into Zodion, but they're there now and it's their world too, in a way. Should anything happen or the world come under attack, The Twelve want their people to be able to fight for their world and their lives to the best of their abilities. As the plot unfolds and is revealed to players, the why of the powers will become more clear.

OOCly, because it can make the game more interesting to players if characters are not completely rendered powerles as it opens different avenues of play for exploration.

So what's the deal with Zodion powers?
Just about everything in Zodion revolved in some way around the four elements of fire, earth, air and water and powers are no different.

Essentially, Zodion powers are all classified by their elemental association and all the elements have powers that will correspond to them. Which powers are available to your character will vary greatly from month to month depending on which sign is in charge and how long they have been in the game.

What powers are available?
For the time being, the only powers you can choose from are the ones listed below and labeled "Entry-Level Powers." As the game goes on and the plot progresses, more powers will become available for each of the elements.

My character is from the Shin Megami Tensei series, does the Persona count as a power?
Your character may have their persona and one skill. However that skill will be drastically reduced for the time being, since technically, having the persona counts as a power. For example, if you were to app Mitsuru from Persona 3 (before the upgrade) she would have Penthesilea with her. The skill you could bring could be Bufula, but it would only work around 30-40%. When bringing in personas, please try to stick to attack based skills rather than healing/charm/etc. If you have any questions, email the mods (zodionmods(@)gmail.com).

My character is from the Pokemon series, can I bring in a Pokemon?
Yes. But only one and no Legendaries. No matter what level the pokemon you bring in, it will have a low HP for the time being. It will only be allowed one attack-based move (same as the SMT above, no healing/charm/etc). If you have any questions, email the mods (zodionmods(@)gmail.com).

My character is from Katekyo Hitman Reobrn, what if I want to bring in the Vongola Gear?
Something like this would be allowed in game, but it will be extremely limited since it is pretty powerful in the series. In the beginning, it would be liable to malfunction often and cannot be used for long periods of time. It will drain their energy the more it's used. Over time it will regain a good deal of it's power back, but until then it will not function like it's supposed to.

My character has wings and/or can fly, is that considered a power?
Yes. And their flying will be extremely limited to start off with. The characters who come in with the ability to fly won't be able to go higher than a two story building.

Entry Level Powers
Choose ONE (1) power from any of the three listed below each element. The power must match the element of their zodic sign! ( FOR EXAMPLE: An Aries cannot have earth-based powers.) What you choose will be your character's power on entry to Zodion. Don't worry, in time they will have the option of growing more powerful and/or acquiring different powers. That is, if they worship sufficiently...

We encourage players to try and get together and cooperate in using their powers to maybe be more effective! This is particularly useful to the healers!

Healing: Draw the heat out. This healing technique allows a fire sign to call the heat/fire from a person. Most useful in treating extremely high fevers or burn victims. The downside is the healer would feel a milder, "sympathy" version of the pain for an hour. Side effects increase with use/abuse of this power.

Summoning: The ability to summon small amphibians/land reptiles - note, not anything poisonous. Yet. (In the future more grandiose animals will be able to be summoned.)

Manipulation: Calling Flame. This power allows its wielder to call flame to their hand. We're talking like the average flame size a lighter could make, at best, and lasting for about as long as it takes a match to burn when they first arrive to maybe a minute or so when they've figured it out a little better.

Healing: Mending. Earth healers are best for speeding up the healing on cuts, split skin or broken bones as they have the power to make things "grow," so to speak.

Summoning: The ability to summon rodents/felines/canines (i.e.: puppies, kittens and bunnies) (In the future more grandiose animals will be able to be summoned.)

Manipulation: Because earth has so many different sub elements (stone/dirt/clay/wood) a very small skill at manipulating only ONE of those for now could be available to your character. So the options would be:

Shaping. For the inanimate earth, like stone or dirt or clay. Maybe they put a lumps/depressions into stones/the dirt where they walk. Or suddenly learn they're pretty good with clay/pottery.

Growth. For the animate earth, like wood and plants. They can help plants grow a bit faster or maybe they accidentally made a small branch pop out on a tree where there wasn't one before. On entry, this would be fairly weak and probably just appear to be a really top notch green thumb, in time, probably more noticeable "speedy growth."

Healing: Potions/Medicines. Because air signs tend to be very intellectually bent, they would be good with chemistry and the making of potions almost intuitively. These guys are going to be your go to pharmacists. In time, this might expand to being able to summon their potions from thin air. They are the best support system for the other healers.

Summoning: The ability to summon butterflies, dragonflies, and other small flying insects. (In the future more grandiose animals will be able to be summoned.)

Manipulation: Channeling. Creating small air currents to move things like salt shakers a few inches to a few feet at best. Levitating an inch or so off the ground?

Healing: Cleansing. Water healers will be able to, once they figure out their skills, be able to largely "cleanse" others of poisons and diseases and probably help slow or stave blood flow from small wounds or nosebleeds. Like the other "hands on" healers, they will take on a residual amount of the pain they've healed. It's a safety mechanism so they don't overuse their powers. Since the majority of the body is composed of water, the water signs are going to be very strong healers.

Summoning: Fish, crabs, lobsters and other small crustaceans. (In the future more grandiose animals will be able to be summoned.)

Manipulation: Flowing. This skill would allow a character to direct the flow of liquids and make small shapes at first, like maybe small spheres or balls, so long as there was sufficient water around. Trying to throw them wouldn't work very well at entry level, since they'd burst, but in time might be able to go short distances. They can try different shapes too, like a lash, and with some practice use it offensively to whip someone with water.

Secondary Powers
For more information regarding secondary powers and the sign up form, please visit the post here.


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