
Apr 15, 2011 09:18

tattoo faq


What are the tattoos?
The tattoos are a big part of the game. When your character enters Zodion, somewhere on their person they will have a tattoo of their chosen zodiac sign. That means, the zodiac sign the character's birthdate (either canon or player chosen if the character doesn't have one) falls under will be on their body. Where it is on the body is completely up to the player. As is the size. We only ask that you keep it an inch in diameter or more. Color is depicted below.

The tattoos are also a way for the gods to see how the characters are worshiping. When they travel to Meridian, the tattoo will be read like a barcode. Only the gods can read it.

What are the tattoo colors?
When your character first enters the game, the tattoo will be the lightest color-nearly white, just barely tinted with the shade of their sign. The longer your character is in Zodion, the darker it will become until it's nearly black. That means, the more they worship and the more they use their powers, the darker the tattoo will become. Players will be notified when there can be a change in color and can have their character's tattoo darken a degree or two during that time period.

When your character uses their power, the outline around the tattoo will glow the actual color of the sign, sort of like an LED light (or EL wire). A progression of the colors is shown in the chart below.

Where are the tattoos and what size?
Players get to choose both. As stated above, please do not make it smaller than an inch in diameter!

What do they do?
At first they will do nothing. For about the first three weeks of a character's arrival, everything will be normal. They will be notified what "worship" actually means and urged to do so. Of course, not every character will want to participate in something like this, so as time progresses during their first month, they will be "gifted" dreams. ( MORE ON THIS IN THE FAQS!! ) In the event your character ignores these gentle nudges, an aphrodisiac will be released into their body via the tattoo. The longer they fight it, the more it will be released.

So, will it control my character?
Not really! Or, rather, not at all. The tattoo is just a tattoo! The only thing it will ever have influence over is the character's sex drive. Unless there is an event that dictates otherwise the tattoos will remain mostly a decoration.

If the Gods can "read" them, can another character?
Nope! All of their sexual escapades will remain between the gods and the characters. At least, via the tattoo. We can't help accidental things or gossip.

Will they hurt/burn/etc?
When your character arrives in Zodion, they will feel a stinging sort of pain in the vicinity of where the tattoo is on their body. After they are able to see the symbol, it will stop. Otherwise, it will remain mostly dormant. That's not to say the characters won't do something to invoke a slight bit of the gods' wrath. As stated in the rules, for the three months Zodion is open, there will be no character deaths and this will have an effect on your character's tattoo. Taken directly from the rules:
We realize characters are going to be unhappy with each other any any given time during these three months. Weapons used with a killing intent will burst into ash when used. This isn't to say that characters can't be hurt by things (weapons, powers, etc) in this three month period. But, anything done with a killing intent will be negated. If Character A wants to use their powers against Character B with the intent to do more than just harm, the power will be sealed. The tattoo will burn and stop the attack before it's launched, causing pain to Character A. Not a great deal of pain, but enough to take note of. This also means that Character A's power will not work again until the next worshiping period when the seal will be broken. Each time they attempt to use the power, the tattoo will burn and nothing will happen.

tattoo color chart














! tattoos

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