Debriefing at Lady Sally's [Gathering Post]

Mar 22, 2010 22:49

Kirk called everyone to order, and met everyone's eyes. Dayna, he couldn't help a smile seeing her again, even though it wasn't the Dayna he had known. Kara Thrace...hmmm, interesting. Burt, Spock, The Doctors, the android, very interesting ( Read more... )

[canon] trance gemini, [canon] max guevara, [canon] five, [canon] jim kirk, [canon] burt gummer, [canon] buffy summers, [canon] seven, [canon] dayna mellanby, [oc] tiberius avon-soong, [canon] rose tyler, [canon] ace mcshane

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Comments 232

[OTA] Tag Kirk mellanby March 23 2010, 08:16:25 UTC
Dayna approached Kirk with her arms crossed. Perhaps, if he knew her, he might take her seriously. Even if she hadn't the foggiest about him.

"The weapons he mentioned, fairly primitive aren't they? It seems like I could come up with something much more effective. And less likely to cause one of us to shoot off a foot." Which she genuinely worried about. A group of people that had grown to use steady beam weapons faced with a projectile weapon?

It didn't sound like something that would end well.


Re: [OTA] Tag Kirk acesarerare March 23 2010, 13:59:45 UTC
Ace glanced around the room and her eyes widened a bit when she spotted a familiar face. She did understand that just because Ace recognized her didn't mean that Dayna would return the favor. Besides, it had been years since that small village in Haurvatat for Ace.

She waited until she finished talking to Kirk and approached her. "Exciting isn't it? Seeing a new planet with so many adventure possibilities."


Re: [OTA] Tag Kirk mellanby March 23 2010, 21:56:42 UTC
She didn't recognize Ace, but fortunately Dayna was mostly a friendly person. Until someone made her angry, anyway.

"It'll be nice to get my feet on terra firma again. I can always tell the difference between real gravity and artificial. Maybe it's the weight of the atmosphere overhead, but you can feel it."


Re: [OTA] Tag Kirk acesarerare March 24 2010, 12:25:58 UTC
"There is a little difference. Took me a while to get used to being on other planets, too. They're not all like Earth." Ace held out her hand to Dayna, noticing the distinct lack of recognition in her face. "I'm Ace." There was also the probability that this woman just looked like Dayna.


[OTA] avonsoongdroid March 23 2010, 08:20:50 UTC
As cool and as calm as anything Tiberius listened to the explanation. He leaned back stretching an arm across the back of the chair he was sitting in as he listened with interest.

"I wonder what happens afterwards. It seems this would be a little like first contact for them. Not the carnivorous monsters, but the Silurians." One race that he definitely had no experience with, and no protocols concerning Silurian tact.


Re: [OTA] maxlittlefella March 23 2010, 14:16:35 UTC
Max was more concerned about the Silurians than she was about shooting or being Graboid food. So when the dark haired man asked the question she nodded. "Yeah. This has to be frightening for them. One minute your planet is there and the next it's transported somewhere else and a bunch of people invade it."


Re: [OTA] avonsoongdroid March 23 2010, 20:25:01 UTC
"I could probably at least download some cultural information," he pondered, swivelling to look at Max in his chair.

He doubted that whatever creatures were down there, they would be able to brave the Amazonian women that the station provided.


Re: [OTA] maxlittlefella March 24 2010, 12:34:03 UTC
"You have information on them?" Max asked curiously. "Good, maybe if we can figure out what they're like and let them know we don't want to hurt them they'll be okay." She also wondered about the Graboids, if they could deal with them instead of killing.


[OTA] comingwith March 23 2010, 14:14:02 UTC
Rose tried not to feel a pang at seeing someone else being called the Doctor. She knew they were the same man and that this one (as well as the other one) was from a time before hers. A time before the Time War that changed him in so many ways. She wasn’t about to be left behind when there was some exploring to be done. She didn’t ask any questions because she knew from experience that you couldn’t really be prepared for anything until you were there.


Re: [OTA] tag Rose uzi4u March 24 2010, 01:40:04 UTC
Burt noticed the quiet lady in the room and was not shure if she was prepared for this and anybody in a group that included Burt was going to be as prepared as he could help them become.
"Excuse me Ma'am. I am Burt, Burt Gummer. I noticed you are one of the few unarmed types here and would like to loan you my .44 Desert Eagle. It is the most powerful handgun I got and it has served me well before. I have 3 mags of ammo for it and if you are unfamiliar I could give you a quick block of instruction on how to use it."


Re: [OTA] tag Rose comingwith March 24 2010, 12:42:59 UTC
"Been awhile but I've been trained with a gun." Rose smiled at Burt and held out her hand. "I'm Rose, Rose Tyler. I'll shoot if I have to but I'd rather use my wits. Have you tried talking to the Graboids?" Like the Doctor, she'd rather resolve peacefully if she could before resorting to violence.


Re: [OTA] tag Rose uzi4u March 26 2010, 00:19:22 UTC
"As far as anybody can tell Graboids are animals. If they have a language I don't think we can ever learn it. They are smart though and they get smarter every time we face them. By the way, Ive got no problem with a person who prefers to use their wits. Just want everybody who goes down there to have options. Do you think The Doctor knows how to shoot? I could loan him my .45 Colt."


[OTA] scythe_matters March 23 2010, 14:18:40 UTC
Buffy raised her hand. “I don’t use a gun.” Not since being shot with one and Willow going Darth Vader on her. “Before you say anything I can take care of myself, that’s not a problem, but how else can we kill the Graboids? Beheading work?”


Re: [OTA] capt_j_t_kirk March 24 2010, 00:26:31 UTC
Kirk nodded,

"Other ways that Burt has mentioned are explosives, and luring it into running full speed into an immovable obstruction. The worm form doesn't have a head to remove, and there is no real neck on the walking form, though beheading might work on the flying form."


Re: [OTA] scythe_matters March 24 2010, 12:35:20 UTC
Buffy probably should have paid more attention in Science. She thought worms had heads. "Huh, okay. I can lure it into running that won't be a problem and if you guys set up an explosive I can have it run into it. I did that for the Mayor. Uh, not a human mayor, a big ol' snakified Mayor."


Re: [OTA] capt_j_t_kirk March 24 2010, 13:36:49 UTC
"I will keep that in mind, Miss Summers." Huh, interesting world she came from.

"Snakified?" He knew he shouldn't ask, but he couldn't help himself.


Open vedran_avatar March 23 2010, 14:49:01 UTC
This was what Trance loved. She loved first contact with a sentient being even the Graboids who seemed to be very hostile, “If you need a distraction for a heat source, I’d be happy to help.” She smiled at the gathering. Trance knew that there would be no better heat source than her.


Re: Open capt_j_t_kirk March 24 2010, 00:30:24 UTC
"And what would your plan be for not getting eaten once you have distracted them?" Kirk wasn't doubting, just curious.


Re: Open vedran_avatar March 24 2010, 12:29:47 UTC
"Oh, they can eat me if they want. I've died before." Trance said with nonchalance like it was a normal occurrence, which for her it was. "Besides that, I'm an avatar for the Tarn Vedran sun. Once they follow me, I can go super nova and devour them." Just as she had with the Magog World ship. Millions of Magog destroyed.


Re: Open capt_j_t_kirk March 24 2010, 13:32:38 UTC
That made Kirk blink.

"Please, don't go super nova on the planet." Kirk said. He was pretty sure he didn't need to explain why.

"Why...does a sun want an avatar?" Where he was from suns didn't have personalities, only masses and compositions.


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