Debriefing at Lady Sally's [Gathering Post]

Mar 22, 2010 22:49

Kirk called everyone to order, and met everyone's eyes. Dayna, he couldn't help a smile seeing her again, even though it wasn't the Dayna he had known. Kara Thrace...hmmm, interesting. Burt, Spock, The Doctors, the android, very interesting.

"I am Captain James T. Kirk, technically of the USS Enterprise, I have called this meeting to share what information we have as to what we might be facing down there, so we can make plans to meet various contingencies. The Doctors will tell us about our mission and destination, and Mr. Gummer, has had experience with a predatory life form that may be down there, and he will tell us of it's habits and abilities." He moved aside.


The Doctor nodded to Captain Kirk. Of course he wouldn't be going, but his younger self would be. Lamentable, really. He'd like to go, but he knew which one of them was more fit for what sounded to be a terribly dangerous mission.

"On many Earths, perhaps not the one you knew of, but many of them, long before the rise of man and when the seas were still teaming with experimental life came the Silurians. They were truly the first civilization, though like many they faced a disastrous cataclysm. They did this for every major disaster, and only this last time were they met with a sentient species.

"The particular breed of Silurian we will have to concern ourself with are the 'Sea Devils'. They bear a vague sort of resemblance to oversized turtles, but if we can make it to them and wake them then they should be able to reactivate the rest of their race. They've lost their home time and time again through the course of events, they should have the chance to continue their civilization without worry." He cleared his throat, and looked to Mr. Gummer. He supposed that it would be this enthusiastic man's turn to tell about the 'Graboids'.

"Okay everybody, we all know why we are here. We are going down to a Pre-Cambrian alternate Earth to discover if there are any kind of people down there and assist them if we can. But first I want everyone to know one word...Graboids!" Burt paced back and forth in front of the table, looking as if he desperately wanted a riding crop to smack into his palm as he spoke.

"The Graboid, is the enemy. He is a pack hunting animal that comes in three distinct forms. The first is a worm like creature about 12 to 20 feet long that tunnels under the surface only to pop up and eat people.The worm hunts by vibrations it detects in the ground. He can reach speeds of 30 to 40 miles an hour, that is 50 to 65 kilometers, and can hear you walking or running as well as the vibrations produced by machinery. He can push through cinderblock, but two feet of rock or concrete will stop him dead. The second is a 4 foot high thing that runs on two legs and hunts by heat detection. You, as mammals, put out heat. Most machines put out heat too. The final one is a flying menace that also detects heat".

Now I know what some of you are thinking...but don't worry. When you put your hand in a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend's will know what to do. We are going to fight the Graboid and we are going to WIN! We are going to grab him in the ass and kick him in the face! We are going to use Graboid guts to grease the wheels of our tanks! And chase the Graboid all the way back to Berlin!..."

Well...that is the place where Berlin is going to a few million another future...anyway..."

"The thing is walk softly, know where the nearest bedrock or masonry is, and show as little body heat as you can and carry a good gun with you at all times. I personally recommend a .50 caliber Beretta sniper rifle for the underground variety or an M-16 or AK-47 for the surface dwellers. And, as always, bring plenty of ammo.


The Doctor swiveled to look over at Kirk, reminded severely of a certain man who found himself devoured by a horde of catmen. But for now he clamped his mouth shut.

Kirk's eyebrow, was not as agile as Spock's, but was sufficient to convey his amusement to those who knew him. To those who didn't he was perfectly straight-faced.

"Thank you, Mr. Gummer, that was very motivational. Our mission is to find these Silurians, without getting eaten by graboids. Now, Doctor can you tell us anything about our intended landing site?"

[(Another gathering post. If you're interested in doing the away team mission weather you not you posted here or just want to talk to someone, feel free to jump in. Tag whoever for a question. Cut for length and jointly written.)]

[canon] trance gemini, [canon] max guevara, [canon] five, [canon] jim kirk, [canon] burt gummer, [canon] buffy summers, [canon] seven, [canon] dayna mellanby, [oc] tiberius avon-soong, [canon] rose tyler, [canon] ace mcshane

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