research [[ota]]

Mar 18, 2010 09:19

Laura was in Ops, and she was surrounded by coordinates, maps, pictures of Earth as she understood it looked during the time Sally was from, and the book of Pythia. All of the notes she had from viewing the map to Earth in the tomb of Athena were scatted around various surfaces as well as she leaned over a table. Her glasses were on, and she was busy writing something.

'Precambrian Earth'. She underlined it three times; it was something she'd heard over and over again, and she glanced at a text for the accurate definition.

This was not the Earth she would be leading the fleet to, but she doubted the location of the entire planet would change. She'd been busy matching up the markers she had on her map with the view she had, and so far they seemed to align. It was both exhilarating and validation: They were going the right way. Earth was real.

[canon] seven, [place] ops, [canon] laura roslin

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