2012 Holiday Poetry Sale

Dec 10, 2012 12:18

December 6, 2011 Poetry Fishbowl ( chocolate & other foods)
" The Curse of Titania's Table" -- 32 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 SOLD
The prompt about "chocolate food product" led to "The Curse of Titania's Table." Written in unrhymed quatrains, this poem explains the origins of junk food.

" The Fountainhead of the Wisdom of Food" -- 35 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 SOLD
The prompt about "chocolate fountains" combined with what Janet Miles said about the morality of food. "The Fountainhead of the Wisdom of Food" is a free-verse poem about eating, ethics, insight, and the cyclic nature of life.

" The Luckpot" -- 33 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 SOLD
I combined "potlucks" and "food as a gift" with prompts from several other folks to get "The Luckpot." Written in unrhymed tercets, this poem explores many ways in which food connects people.

"This Bittersweet Weed" -- 74 lines, was $37, sale $18.50
From various prompts about the captivating effects of chocolate, I got the free-verse poem "This Bittersweet Weed." Aliens arrive on Earth and fall in love with chocolate. Then they start noticing its intoxicating effects, and break into arguments over what to do about that. Earth's future winds up resting in, shall we say, some rather unexpected hands.

January 3, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( heras & villainesses)
"Bringing Down the Blaggards" -- 176 lines, was $88, sale $44
Built from many prompts in the thread about how heroes react to heras is the free-verse poem "Bringing Down the Blaggards." Three nuns, two swordladies, and a whore wind up in the dungeon of a castle controlled by evil wizards. Who's going to save the day?

January 17, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

February 7, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

March 6, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( commoner heroes & second fiddles)
"The Hansom Knight" -- 74 lines, was $37, sale $18.50
Based on a prompt with the same phrasing, "The Hansom Knight" is a free-verse poem about a cabbie who finds a dead knight in his cab when he arrives at the dragon-infested manor house. Bit not good.

March 20, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

April 3, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

May 1, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

June 5, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

June 19, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( Hart's Farm
"Shepherding the Flocks" -- 46 lines, was $20, sale $10
The prompt about sheep turned into "Shepherding the Flocks." This free-verse poem features both farming and parenting skills, and a couple of rare breeds of Swedish sheep.

"Snow-Driven" -- 148 lines, was $74, sale $37
There's a story within a story here, and it begins when something startling happens to Dýrfinna's daughter Drífa. Afterward, the matriarch Ola tells how her grandmother left home and fell in love, which may or may not connect with the current conundrum. "Snow-Driven" is free-verse.

" Who Stands Beside Me" -- 164 lines, was $82, sale $41 SOLD
Exploring neighbors and clergy led to the free-verse poem "Who Stands Beside Me." When Hrafn's mother passes away, the people at Hart's Farm pull together to provide support. In the village, the responses are mixed; and people work through that as best they can.

July 3, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

August 7, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( modern myths)
"Frum Anywhere" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10
The prompt about cargo cults led to the poem "Frum Anywhere," in which John Frum turns out to be an alien and now all the foreigners come back clamoring for his stuff.

"Hope for a Dime" -- 29 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
From the diamond prompts I got the free-verse poem "Hope for a Dime." The Merry Men scatter across the land, quietly bucking the system and making life a little brighter.

"Revival of an Island" -- 50 lines, was $20, sale $10
From the prompt about a modern Camelot came the free-verse poem "Revival of an Island." Sometimes when people are simultaneously calling for revival and reform, things get a bit mixed up ... and instead of Arthur, they get Ursula.

September 4, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

September 18, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl

October 2-3, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( horror: demons)
"The Demon in the Clockwork" -- 213 lines, was $106.50, sale $53.25 (P.I.E.)
This prompt became the title of a new P.I.E. poem "The Demon in the Clockwork." This is a free-verse poem about a demon rebelling against time and order. Brenda is called to figure out what's wrong with the clock tower. An immaterial fight breaks out and complicated solutions ensue.

"For Life's Sake" -- 33 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Schrodinger's Heroes)
Of course I couldn't resist pairing Maxwell's Demon with Schrodinger. "For Life's Sake" describes how they reduce entropy and prolong life by manipulating probability. You just never know when a cat sleeping in a sunbeam is secretly saving the world.

" Not One Soul Be Lost" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10  SOLD
While researching for another poem, I came across a description of Lucifer's rebellion, which reminded me of Maggie Hogarth's rendition of Lucifer, which matched very closely with the one I've always had. Because what's the bigger sacrifice: putting up with humans being horrid for a small span of mortal life, or putting up with them forever so that they will, by Hell and not by Heaven, never be alone and have somewhere to go no matter what? The result is the free-verse poem "Not One Soul Be Lost."

November 6, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl ( influential women)
"The Saga of Eriksdottir" -- 60 lines, was $60, sale $30 (The Asgard Eddas)
From your prompt about Freydis Eriksdottir I got the poem "The Saga of Eriksdottir," belonging to The Asgard Eddas. When the men of her settlement falter under an alien attack, she takes up arms to defend it herself. This poem is written in unrhymed quatrains with the central caesura that essentially doubles each verse, so I'm pricing it at $1/line.

"The Voyage to Vaucouleurs" -- 84 lines, was $84, sale $42 (The Arc of Joan)
The prompt about Joan of Arc led to the free-verse poem "The Voyage to Vaucouleurs." It's the second in the series The Arc of Joan, set in nether-England like The Steamsmith but earlier in time. It even lays some background for Maryam's experiences. Anyhow, this poem tells how Jeanne d'Arc leaves home and deals with the hassle of people who just want to get in her way, before she can make progress.

* * *
January 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"A Bouquet of Fragrance" -- 23 lines, was $10, sale $5
The daughter of the house explores a scent garden.

February 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"The Unicorn Surprise" -- 20 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)
From your prompt about Glifai children I got the poem "The Unicorn Surprise." It's written in quatrains, and it tells how children imagine that Unicorn brings the changes of puberty (much like our story of the Stork bringing babies).

April 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"The Red Humour" -- 33 lines, was $33, sale $16.50 (The Steamsmith)
From your prompt about classical elements, I got "The Red Humour." It's a Steamsmith poem about the nature of sanguis (blood) which relates to the element of aer (Air).

"Onto Cave Walls or Canvas" -- 28 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
The prompt about turning blood into paint became "Onto Cave Walls or Canvas," a free-verse poem about red ochre and cave paintings.

May 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"Julbord" -- 83 lines, was $41.50, sale $20.75 (Hart's Farm)
From the prompt about communal cooking I got the free-verse poem "Julbord." It describes the preparation of a holiday feast at Hart's Farm.

"Packing for the Long Haul" -- 13 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)
The prompt about travelling food inspired the poem "Packing for the Long Haul." It's a Torn World piece about Amirel preparing for the summer gather.

"Spirits of Fire and Water" -- 15 lines, was $10, sale $5
The prompt about alcohol and food led to the poem "Spirits of Fire and Water." It's a litany of alcoholic foods written in unrhymed tercets.

" A Sweet Fang" -- 75 lines, was $37.50, sale $18.75  SOLD  
From the prompt about a vampire with a sweet tooth, I got the free-verse poem "A Sweet Fang." A hunt on a winter's night leads to a poet and his honeyed words. This particular strain of vampirism has appeared before in "The Vampire Funeral" and they're really quite charming. They also share the communal qualities of actual vampire bats.

June 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"Alien In-Laws" -- 127 lines, was $63.50, sale $31.75 (Starfather)
From the prompt about Second Contact, I got the free-verse poem "Alien In-Laws." Having adopted an orphaned alien in the previous poem "Starfather," Lieutenant Adjo Mubarak finally gets to meet other members of the species.

"The Cryptonauts" -- 27 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
The prompt about supernatural creatures in space led to "The Cryptonauts." Zombies, vampires, and werewolves all have unique strengths to contribute toward space exploration -- and the same reason for doing so.

"The Dreams of Her Mirror" -- 42 lines, was $20, sale $10
Your line about solar sails inspired the free-verse poem "The Dreams of Her Mirror." There are lines from John Myers Myers' "Silverlock" woven in. My poem breaks down the idea that a woman somehow 'needs' a man, and replaces him with inspiration.

November 2012 Crowdfunding Creative Jam
"Crafting Ways" -- 54 lines, was $20, sale $10
From your craft prompt I got the poem "Crafting Ways," about people who can make portals out of anything, and how they deal with conflict from a neighboring tribe. It's written in six-line verses.

" Ascension to the Atheneum" -- 28 lines, was $15, sale $7.50  SOLD
The prompt about stairs led to the free-verse poem "Ascension to the Atheneum." An elderly librarian finds a pull-chain for a mysterious set of stairs ...

"Fluid Displacement" -- 38 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
I liked the idea of portals in unfortunate places. In "Fluid Displacement," Ditzwell the Wonderous creates a portal in his bathroom. Awkwardness ensues.

* * *
A note on Torn World poems: Many of these are already posted for Torn World subscribers only. Sponsorship unlocks them for everyone to see, and I'll post them on my blog too. Muse Fusion poems are typically half of my standard price, so the sale prices are even lower.

January 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
"Courtship Displays" -- 23 lines, was $5, sale $2.50
Karavai and Luulan are dancing.

" Getting the Goat" -- 22 lines, was $5, sale $2.50  SOLD
Young rangers hunt for elusive prey.

"Unlicensed Dreams" -- 30 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75
The discovery of dreamers' liquor causes problems in the Empire.

March 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
"The Smallest Invaders" -- 36 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75
From "livid" and a title by Deirdre M. Murphy I got the ballad "The Smallest Invaders" in which the Moon Mother worshipers must deal with invasive species from a neighboring shard.

June 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
" Birds of War" -- 32 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 SOLD
From the prompt about flightless birds, I got the poem "Birds of War." It's written in unrhymed quatrains and describes the cavalry of Roluma.

"Changes in the Wind" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50
From the prompt about hailstones, I got the poem "Changes in the Wind" which is written in unrhymed quatrains. It tells about a falling barrier and violent weather.

July 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
" Camping on the Lost Road" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25  SOLD
The prompt about camping led to the free-verse poem "Camping on the Lost Road." It's a quietly creepy musing about hazards near and far on Tooth Island.

"Five Red Beads" -- 33 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75
A prompt about hand-me-downs led to the poem "Five Red Beads," which is written in tercets. Fala's age-set passes a set of red beads to Kativa's age-set.

" Lullaby for a Nap at Noon" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 SOLD
The prompt about napping inspired my poem "Lullaby for a Nap at Noon." This is a spoken lullaby that uses repetition of structure for its poetic effect, with different colors and animals.

"Neighboring Attractions" -- 8 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25
I put a twist on the prompt about meeting new neighbors. "Neighboring Attractions" is about the fall of the time barrier between Roluma and the dry grasslands, focused on the animals.

"Starfall in Red and Blue Time" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25
The prompt about the falling star inspired "Starfall in Red and Blue Time." Written in unrhymed couplets, it tells of blinkbirds prying time crystals out of the sky.

"A Timely Gift" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25
From the prompt about time crystal misuse came "A Gift of Time." This poem is written in unrhymed couplets. A man uses a time crystal to solve a personal problem to nefarious ends.

"The Urge to Fly" -- 27 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75
I wrote the poem "The Urge to Fly" based on a prompt. It's done in tercets and explores the inexplicable hazards of flight in Torn World.

" The Widow-Keeper's Lullaby" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25  SOLD
The prompt about singing for death led to "The Widow-Keeper's Lullaby." This poem is written in rhymed couplets. It's a song that a widow-keeper sings to the pregnant wife of a lost warsailor.

August 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
"A Nap Under the Stars" -- 24 lines, was $5, sale $2.50
This is written in unrhymed quatrains and features Eqar taking some children out for starwatching.

"Smoke and Grass" -- 42 lines, was $10, sale $5
This is a free-verse poem about some of the Itadesh refugees in Itakith. Ireluun helps them find something to do that doesn't smell of smoke.

" A Light in the Darkness" -- 55 lines, was $10, sale $5 SOLD
This is a free-verse poem about Mikaar, who enjoys sex with women and men; and Dorlai, who doesn't enjoy any of it. But there's more to keeping company that just sex.

"Felting Together" -- 94 lines, was $23.50, sale $11.75
This is a free-verse poem. Treg recruits his daughter Rujith and her age-mates to help him with a craft project.

"Sparkles in the Sky" -- 66 lines, was $16.50, sale $8.25
This is a free-verse poem. Tekura gives a lesson about the Others to Aliyar, Ikari, and Trelura.

September 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
"The Sound of an Argument" -- 52 lines, was $10, sale $5
From a prompt about the past, I got the poem "The Sound of an Argument," about a scientist exploring erosion and coming up with mysteriously mixed data due to the time discrepancy across different shards. This poem is written in unrhymed quatrains.

"The Charity Wall" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50
The prompt about a secret trade led to the poem "The Charity Wall," where people leave something and take something. This poem is written in unrhymed quatrains.

"These Small Essential Pieces" -- 112 lines, was $28, sale $14
From the prompt about tiny bits, I got the free-verse poem "These Small Essential Pieces." Three rangers go scavenging near Itakith and find some useful things.

"Flying in the Wind" -- 27 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75
From the prompt about following the wind I got the free-verse poem "Flying in the Wind." It features Yothalde, a snowy-groomer, on Combing Day.

November 2012 Torn World Muse Fusion
" The Smell of Sunset" -- 51 lines, was $10, sale $5  SOLD
From the prompt about orange color, I got the poem "The Smell of Sunset." Nleimen tests a new tube of orange watercolor paint for Vloroshaal.

* * *
Bingo Cards
" Of Water and the Wheel" -- 42 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Kung Fu Robots) SOLD
Citron contemplates mobility issues and the acquisition of energy in Peach Blossom Spring Village. Prompted by Cottoncandy_bingo card.

" Smultronstället" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Hart's Farm) SOLD
Several folks enjoy a patch of wild strawberries in different ways. Prompted by Cottoncandy_bingo card.

" The Tapestry of Nocciolaia" -- 14 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Fiorenza the Wisewoman)  SOLD
A look at the community ties of Fiorenza's village; sonnet. Prompted by Cottoncandy_bingo card.

* * *
Extras Outside of Events
" Careful Trust" 30 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Path of the Paladins)  SOLD
An exploration of the evolving relationship between Johan and Althey.

"chadō" -- 5 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Lacquerware)
A tanka about edopunk tea service.

"The Invisible Things of Him" -- 100 lines, was $50, sale $25 (Fledgling Grace)
The priest and the risen devil discuss the reasoning behind the gift of wings.

"False Prophets" -- 54 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Fledgling Grace)
Some people try to fake aspects of Fledging.

"Needlework" -- 63 lines, was $31.50, sale $15.75 (Fledgling Grace)
Fashion requires an update after the Fledging, and some old skills become urgently relevant again.

"Picking and Pecking" -- 170 lines, was $85, sale $42.50 (Fledgling Grace)
As Israel and Palestine fight, some histories and issues of the Middle East come to light. This poem is very dark.

" Silkies" -- 39 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Fledgling Grace) SOLD
The Fledging affects adoptive families in different ways.

* * *

WAS $2.50, SALE PRICE $1.25
" Camping on the Lost Road" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25 (Torn World)  SOLD
"A Timely Gift" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25 (Torn World)
"Neighboring Attractions" -- 8 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25 (Torn World)
"Starfall in Red and Blue Time" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25
" The Widow-Keeper's Lullaby" -- 10 lines, was $2.50, sale $1.25 (Torn World)  SOLD

WAS $5, SALE PRICE $2.50
"chadō" -- 5 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Lacquerware)
"Changes in the Wind" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)
"The Charity Wall" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)
"Courtship Displays" -- 23 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)
" Getting the Goat" -- 22 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)  SOLD
" Lullaby for a Nap at Noon" -- 12 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)  SOLD
"A Nap Under the Stars" -- 24 lines, was $5, sale $2.50 (Torn World)

WAS $7.50, SALE PRICE $3.75
" Birds of War" -- 32 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World) SOLD
"Five Red Beads" -- 33 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World)
"Flying in the Wind" -- 27 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World)
"The Smallest Invaders" -- 36 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World)
"Unlicensed Dreams" -- 30 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World)
"The Urge to Fly" -- 27 lines, was $7.50, sale $3.75 (Torn World)

" A Light in the Darkness" -- 55 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World) SOLD
"Packing for the Long Haul" -- 13 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)
" The Smell of Sunset" -- 51 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)  SOLD
"Smoke and Grass" -- 42 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)
"The Sound of an Argument" -- 52 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)
"Spirits of Fire and Water" -- 15 lines, was $10, sale $5
" The Tapestry of Nocciolaia" -- 14 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Fiorenza the Wisewoman)  SOLD
"The Unicorn Surprise" -- 20 lines, was $10, sale $5 (Torn World)

WAS $15, SALE PRICE $7.50
" Ascension to the Atheneum" -- 28 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 SOLD
" Careful Trust" 30 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Path of the Paladins)  SOLD
"The Cryptonauts" -- 27 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
" The Curse of Titania's Table" -- 32 lines, was $15, sale $7.50  SOLD
"Fluid Displacement" -- 38 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
"For Life's Sake" -- 33 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Schrodinger's Heroes)
" The Fountainhead of the Wisdom of Food" -- 35 lines, was $15, sale $7.50  SOLD
"Hope for a Dime" -- 29 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
" The Luckpot" -- 33 lines, was $15, sale $7.50  SOLD
"Onto Cave Walls or Canvas" -- 28 lines, was $15, sale $7.50
" Silkies" 39 lines, was $15, sale $7.50 (Fledgling Grace) SOLD

"Crafting Ways" -- 54 lines, was $20, sale $10
"The Dreams of Her Mirror" -- 42 lines, was $20, sale $10
"False Prophets" -- 54 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Fledgling Grace)
"Frum Anywhere" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10
" Not One Soul Be Lost" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10 SOLD
" Of Water and the Wheel" -- 42 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Kung Fu Robots) SOLD
"Revival of an Island" -- 50 lines, was $20, sale $10
"Shepherding the Flocks" -- 46 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Hart's Farm)
" Smultronstället" -- 52 lines, was $20, sale $10 (Hart's Farm) SOLD

Epics (priced by line count)
"Sparkles in the Sky" -- 66 lines, was $16.50, sale $8.25 (Torn World)
"Felting Together" -- 94 lines, was $23.50, sale $11.75 (Torn World)
"These Small Essential Pieces" -- 112 lines, was $28, sale $14 (Torn World)
"Needlework" -- 63 lines, was $31.50, sale $15.75 (Fledgling Grace)
"The Red Humour" -- 33 lines, was $33, sale $16.50 (The Steamsmith)
"This Bittersweet Weed" -- 74 lines, was $37, sale $18.50
"The Hansom Knight" -- 74 lines, was $37, sale $18.50
" A Sweet Fang" -- 75 lines, was $37.50, sale $18.75 SOLD
"Julbord" -- 83 lines, was $41.50, sale $20.75 (Hart's Farm)
"The Invisible Things of Him" -- 100 lines, was $50, sale $25 (Fledgling Grace)
"The Saga of Eriksdottir" -- 60 lines, was $60, sale $30 (The Asgard Eddas)
"Alien In-Laws" -- 127 lines, was $63.50, sale $31.75 (Starfather)
"Snow-Driven" -- 148 lines, was $74, sale $37 (Hart's Farm)
" Who Stands Beside Me" -- 164 lines, was $82, sale $41 (Hart's Farm) SOLD
"The Voyage to Vaucouleurs" -- 84 lines, was $84, sale $42 (The Arc of Joan)
"Picking and Pecking" -- 170 lines, was $85, sale $42.50 (Fledgling Grace)
"Bringing Down the Blaggards" -- 176 lines, was $88, sale $44
"The Demon in the Clockwork" -- 213 lines, was $106.50, sale $53.25 (P.I.E.)

reading, holiday, writing, shopping, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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