Poem: "Camping on the Lost Road"

Dec 10, 2012 14:10

This poem came out of the July 2012 Muse Fusion.  It was inspired and sponsored by ellenmillion.  It belongs to the Torn World science fantasy shared world project.  The Lost Road is a famous landmark in Torn World.

Camping on the Lost Road

This is the old road, the Imperial folly,
the road that the jungle took back.
Tours still go to the visible bits,
and you can get a license to camp there,
if you dare to spend the night.

There are no sea monsters this far inland,
no time crystals to misalign and cause a hazard.
You can hear the jungle plotting, though,
its slow green fingers creeping to pull apart
all that men have ever made.

torn world, fantasy, reading, writing, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, science fiction, poem

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