And by groove I probably mean “Sam’s soul.”
- Leave Sam/Dean or Sam’n’Dean focussed season 6 prompts.
- Fill other people’s prompts.
- Revel in the little twinkle of optimism you’re feeling for the boys’ relationship this season.
- All aired episodes are fair game, but please no spoilers for upcoming episodes.
- Share with your friends for fun and profit:> border="0">
- After finding out that standing there and letting your brother get turned into a vampire is not really the done thing, Sam takes a trial-and-error approach the next time(s) Dean gets attacked by monsters but hopefully gets it right eventually by wanttobeatree
- Sam actually does still have emotions, he's just lost the ability to process/recognise them. Cue mistaking how much he loves Dean for indigestion by lazy_daze
- After getting his soul back, Sam feels everything that little bit more. Anger, sadness, happiness, how much he loves his brother by metaallu
- The first time Sam sleeps after getting his soul back by metaallu
- Sam falls asleep as soon as he gets his soul back. It's kind of anticlimatic by bree_black
- Crowley tells them where to go to get Sam's soul back but Sam's isn't the only soul there. Sam and Dean spend some time trying out different souls until they find the one that fits by cherie_morte
- Crowley tells them where to go to get Sam's soul back but Sam's isn't the only soul there. Sam and Dean spend some time trying out different souls until they find the one that fits by maraceles
- When Sam gets his soul back, all of his "Sam-ness" doesn't automatically come back. First general empathy, sleep, assorted feelings, but he still can't figure out what he's supposed to be feeling for Dean by wanttobeatree
- Sam turns into a llama to get his soul back. Somehow, it works by atimi
- Crowley promised to give Sam's soul back, but he never specified who (or what) he'd give it back to... by bree_black
- Sam watches Dean sleep by metaallu
- Soulless!Sam doesn't see the harm in telling Dean that his old self had more-than-brotherly feelings for Dean. He somehow makes being in love with your brother sound like the most logical and matter-of-fact thing in the world by runedgirl
- Soulless!Sam doesn't see the harm in telling Dean that his old self had more-than-brotherly feelings for Dean. He somehow makes being in love with your brother sound like the most logical and matter-of-fact thing in the world by cherie_morte
- After he's back to normal, Sam suffers from nightmares about Hell. Dean, Bobby, and Castiel try their best to help him by bree_black
- After getting his soul back, Sam feels everything that little bit more. Anger, sadness, happiness, how much he loves his brother by laulan
- Dean (or Sam) has been watching Buffy and decides to try the 'moment of perfect happiness' approach to getting Sam's soul back by __tiana__
- Sam smiled a little bit when Dean hugged him, even though Dean couldn't see his face by twirlycurls
- The next time the boys see Bobby, he gives them a suspicious package he received addressed to Dean but with no sender listed. Inside it's the amulet--which Dean isn't exactly thrilled to see. But when it ends up near to Sam, freaky things start to happen by akintay
- Dean's having a moment and he's really missing Sam. He asks RoboSam to just pretend for a moment, but not so deep down, Dean can tell the difference by twirlycurls
- When Dean had Alastair on the rack, he implied that part of Dean was missing. So what if part of Dean's soul is still in hell and Sam's soul is in hell? by dear_tiger
PSA: it is way past my bed time. Please keep going and please keep having fun! I will code all the fills and add them to the list when it is less four in the morning. I think I have everything up to date so far, but do let me know if I've missed anything off the list!