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Comments 13

jlvsclrk May 22 2010, 21:18:20 UTC
Yes to keeping a track of Clark's smart deeds - I always hate it when I see folks ranting about Clark's so-called stupidity. Grrr. It would be interesting to see the smart deed count year in, year out. To be fair, most of the problems he faced in S1 were a lot more simple than taking on Brainiac in S5 or an increasingly evil Lex in S6-7, so I can see why he needs more help as the seasons go by.

It's interesting how likable Lana's character was in the beginning when she was allowed to make mistakes and apologize for them. So much potential story was lost by always going for the Clana angst instead of showing the two as friends more often. And as for Chloe.... Yeah, not a big fan of hers until the end of Truth in S3.


theclexfactor May 24 2010, 14:31:58 UTC
Everytime Clark does something smart or clever, I note it in the review. I don't mind Clark needing help, because he has help in the comics (Batman, STAR Labs, JLA), and I'm glad that SV is back on track to letting Clark have help while still thinking for himself.

I wished the PTB had stuck with the Lana Season 1 formula. I can understand her growing and evolving. I didn't even mind her being a little crazycakes, but it's when they act like it was ok or didn't let her be held accountable for them that made her character so hated by fandom.

I'll have to wait till I get to Truth to see if I agree about Chloe because as of right now I want to slap her every other episode. Even my mom, who is definitely NOT influenced by fandom wars, wanted to slap Chloe when we rewatched Rogue. (And I skipped ahead to Lineage because I just wanted to see it, and she wanted to slap Chloe again. That, along with Zero, are the episodes where I just knew that I couldn't like Chloe.)


Episode 9: Rogue (part I) itashee May 28 2010, 16:54:45 UTC
There were two major things that I remembered about this episode (before I watched it again ( ... )


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part I) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:27:49 UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying the reviews because I enjoy doing them :D

There are quite a few Season 1 eps that show that potential for Smallville to be really great, and Rogue is one of them.

That's really interesting what they said about Smallville/Metropolis/Gotham.


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part I) itashee June 2 2010, 19:57:53 UTC
//That's really interesting what they said about Smallville/Metropolis/Gotham ( ... )


Episode 9: Rogue (part II) itashee May 28 2010, 16:59:56 UTC
My favourite scenes (with quotes ( ... )


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part II) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:33:50 UTC
I rather enjoy most of the anvils. It's probably really mean that they started to grate when it was Chloe spouting them.

Yeah, Lex was totally foreshadowing that Clexana triangle with the "keep your enemies close" line. I was trying to block it out, lol.

Now, if Lex couldn’t be Clark’s friend, he could at least become his enemy, and hurt Clark as much as it was possible. Lex felt rejected by Clark and it totally wounded his pride and ego. What is more, he intended to show Clark how he felt. That’s why his first true target was Lana - Lex focused his attention on her (knowing Clark’s feelings very well), and treated her as a rather passive object of exchange between him and Clark.

And even though I do believe Lex loved her in his own weird way, I agree with Clark in Crimson when he said that Lex wanted her because she was Clark's. Lex even said in Vessel that he wanted everything Clark had, including his family and loyal friends (that included Lana).


Episode 9: Rogue (part III) itashee May 28 2010, 17:04:03 UTC
3) Jonathan/Phelan meeting (location: the Beanery ( ... )


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part III) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:36:35 UTC
I love that quote about Tom and the director pulling that performance from him. It's almost as if David Carson was the first one to realize Tom's potential. I'm wondering if they would've even thought to make RedK the catalyst for "dark Clark" if not for his performance in Rogue.


Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee May 28 2010, 17:11:25 UTC
5) Clark/Jonathan (location: the Jail ( ... )


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee May 28 2010, 18:28:18 UTC
I meant "Rogue" and not "Rouge" - damn spelling mistakes - LOL!


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:41:06 UTC
Aww, thanks for the award!!

I think there should be a category or "Best Non-Powered Dispatching of the Villain" Award. Clark may have used his strength in both of his plans to beat Phelan, but it was all his brain that really defeated the villain. He didn't need to throw him 30 feet and/or knock him out; he used his head and let the villain destroy himself.


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee June 2 2010, 20:01:27 UTC
//I think there should be a category or "Best Non-Powered Dispatching of the Villain" Award//

Ha! That's a good idea :)


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