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Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee May 28 2010, 17:11:25 UTC
5) Clark/Jonathan (location: the Jail)

Clark: I didn't have a choice.
Jonathan: That's what he wanted you to think, but you always have a choice.
Clark: I was protecting you and Mom.
Jonathan: You can not protect your mother and I by lying to us. Come on!
Clark: Dad, there's more. Phelan came back after you were arrested. I got so angry that I grabbed him...and for a second, I wanted to--I wanted to kill him.
Jonathan: But you didn't, right?
Clark: Yeah, but I was close.
Jonathan: Believe me, son, I know all there is to know about losing your temper. But you can't afford to do it. This is Phelan's game, and he will play your fear and your anger. But you cannot let him get to you.
Clark: I don't care. I won't let anybody hurt you and Mom.
Jonathan: And he knows that. But once you've crossed that line, there's no going back

I really love that season1 emphasizes the importance of Jonathan and Martha’s presence in their son’s life. Most of the things that the Kents say can be defined as “the words of wisdom” or “teachings.” And Clark has always been given a democratic choice: he can either listen to his parents’ advice or dismiss it. Fortunately for Clark, most of the time he listens to his parents because he loves and respects them.
It’s understandable that Season1 Clark makes mistakes - he is a teenager. Making mistakes and learning from them - shows that Clark is growing up as an individual. However, it’s really important to note that Clark is not alone in his journey, he has his family to support him.
I see Jonathan and Martha as Clark’s compass (as weird as it might sound - lol!) - whenever Clark loses his track, his parents’ love shows him the right path to follow.

Oh, and one more quote:
Clark: Maybe I should stop using my gifts. That would solve our problems. Martha: No, it wouldn't, Clark. Your gifts are who you are. You can't live in fear. Jonathan: Although a little caution wouldn't hurt.

I LOVE the Kents soooo much! *_*


1) The “MOST SUPERMANLY SCENE” of the episode:
Clark Kent’s first rescue in Metropolis - by stopping the bus!
(it reminded me of the scene in the Pilot of Lois & Clark where Clark stops the bus in Metropolis :)

*Random thought: what a cutie dog! *_*

2) The “COOLEST SCENE” of the episode:
Clark using his super speed to dodge the bullet(I love the moment when he watches how the bullet passes him by!)

Lex Luthor who notices that Clark Kent looks like he is “carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.”

4) The “DRAMA QUEEN AWARD” of the episode:
Goes to a teary-eyed Chloe Sullivan who lashes out at Clark (for supporting Lana) and Lana (for trying to steal her life).
Damn! I completely forgot that the life of a teenager is soooo complicated and confusing. FREAKING HORMONES!!! ;)

5) The “TITLE OF THE BIGGEST S.O.B” in Rouge:
Goes to Sam Phelan for his outstanding performance and distinguished achievements as a VILLIAN.

Goes to Martha and her laugh when she learns that all the charges against Jonathan have been dropped and that he is a free man :)))

Goes to Natasha and her: //I think I'm going to keep a tally of Clark's smart deeds because I'm petty and like to tell people to STFU *sweet innocent smile*//
YEAH!!! ;)))))

P.S. - I’m not sure if I’m going to continue writing such long reviews. Maybe I’ll limit myself to posting a few short comments in the future.


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee May 28 2010, 18:28:18 UTC
I meant "Rogue" and not "Rouge" - damn spelling mistakes - LOL!


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) theclexfactor May 31 2010, 14:41:06 UTC
Aww, thanks for the award!!

I think there should be a category or "Best Non-Powered Dispatching of the Villain" Award. Clark may have used his strength in both of his plans to beat Phelan, but it was all his brain that really defeated the villain. He didn't need to throw him 30 feet and/or knock him out; he used his head and let the villain destroy himself.


Re: Episode 9: Rogue (part IV) itashee June 2 2010, 20:01:27 UTC
//I think there should be a category or "Best Non-Powered Dispatching of the Villain" Award//

Ha! That's a good idea :)


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